• letztes Jahr
Das Historiendrama Vermiglio versetzt sein Publikum zurück ins Italien in der Zeit des Zweiten Weltkriegs. Schauplatz ist ein kleines Bergdorf, in dem drei Schwestern ihr ganzes Leben verbracht haben. Doch als ein Soldat im Dorf ankommt, beginnt für die drei eine Zeit des Wachstums und der Weiterentwicklung.

Mehr dazu: https://www.moviepilot.de/movies/vermiglio


00:00The Lord Jesus, as well as our family, has fallen into war.
00:17You never know when the Germans will come.
00:19The Germans will never come.
00:21Of course not, the war has been going on for thousands of years.
00:24Yes, if they were all thousands, there would be no war.
00:31He's still drawing.
00:33He's going to learn from his father.
00:36His father is romantic himself.
00:41Does the light get married?
00:43It tries.
00:44Hurray for the bride!
00:46One, two, three!
00:49I don't know.
00:56Do you know all the secrets?
00:58What secrets?
01:05Why are you crying?
01:06Because you're kissing me.
01:11I don't like to listen to what you say.
01:14I can't be a man.
01:15I'm going to be a woman.
01:18A woman is not a woman.
01:21She's not as delicate as a fly.
01:23She's not as beautiful as a woman.
01:29Do you want me to sleep at the hotel?
01:31What secrets?
01:36If you're sad, I'll make you sad eyes.