अतुल सुभाष की शादी को लेकर कई खुलासे हो रहे हैं। अतुल और उनकी पत्नी निकिता सिंघानिया मैट्रिमोनियल वेबसाइट पर मिले थे। फिर कई मुलाकातों और बातचीत के बाद परिवार के लोगों ने दोनों की शादी साल 2019 में करा दी थी। निकिता उत्तर प्रदेश के जौनपुर की रहने वाली हैं।अतुल के चचेरे भाई ने बताया निकिता के पिता की तबीयत खराब थी, इस वजह से उसके घरवाले जल्दी शादी कराना चाहते थे।
Many revelations are being made regarding Atul Subhash's marriage. Atul and his wife Nikita Singhania met on a matrimonial website. Then after several meetings and conversations, the family members got both of them married in the year 2019.Nikita is a resident of Jaunpur, Uttar Pradesh. Atul's cousin told that Nikita's father was unwell, due to which her family wanted her to get married soon.
#Atulsubhash #Atulsubhashstory #Atulsubhashwifenikitasinghania #Atulsubhashcaseupdate #Atulconflictswithnikitareason
Many revelations are being made regarding Atul Subhash's marriage. Atul and his wife Nikita Singhania met on a matrimonial website. Then after several meetings and conversations, the family members got both of them married in the year 2019.Nikita is a resident of Jaunpur, Uttar Pradesh. Atul's cousin told that Nikita's father was unwell, due to which her family wanted her to get married soon.
#Atulsubhash #Atulsubhashstory #Atulsubhashwifenikitasinghania #Atulsubhashcaseupdate #Atulconflictswithnikitareason