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Di tengah tren global dan komitmen pemerintah Indonesia dalam mendorong pengembangan energi hijau, diyakini akan menjadi sentimen positif bagi perusahaan EBT yang akan go public. Adapun terkait EBT, sejumlah emiten berbasis EBT diketahui telah tercatat di Bursa Efek Indonesia, dan mampu membukukan kinerja positif.


00:00Game Plus Arcade is available only on NCTE Plus Super App. Play it now!
00:05Bomirisa is still in IDX Season Closing and next we go to the topic of Bomirisa's choice.
00:10Where the global trend and the Indonesian government's commitment in promoting the development of green energy
00:15is believed to be a positive sentiment for the EBT company that will go public.
00:20There are also related to EBT, a number of EBT-based emissions are known to have been recorded in the Indonesian stock exchange
00:26and are able to produce positive performance.
00:29Among them are PT Pertamina Geothermal Energi TBK, PT Arcora Hydro TBK, and PT Barito Renewables Energi TBK.
00:41The company's investment in new and renewable energy in the capital market can grow more and more.
00:47This is driven by the use of green energy projected in the uptrend, both in Indonesia and globally.
00:55In addition, the new government, led by President Prabowo Subianto, has repeatedly expressed a commitment
01:01to reduce emissions and promote the development of EBT-based electric generators.
01:06Capital market practitioner Hans Kui sees the global trend and the Indonesian government's commitment
01:11in promoting the development of green energy will be a positive sentiment for the EBT company that will go public.
01:18This can at the same time be a drawback for investors in the public offer of EBT stock funds.
01:24On the other hand, Vice President of Marketing Strategy and Planning of Kiwom Sekuritas Indonesia, Octavianus Audi,
01:31assesses the potential of the EBT company's IPO to be favored by investors.
01:36Because various sentiments point to a positive outlook, especially with the support of various stakeholders such as the government.
01:44He sees the potential of EBT-based companies will be popular in the Indonesian stock market.
01:49Hans also suggests that market players respect the EBT pipeline and profile, including those with the potential to do the IPO.
01:57Because each type of EBT has different characteristics and challenges.
02:02There are also related to EBT, a number of EBT-based emitters have been recorded in the Indonesian stock market,
02:09including PT Barito Renewables Energy TBK, Anti-Test Group BUMN PT Pertamina Geothermal Energy TBK,
02:16PT Kencana Energi Lestari TBK, and PT Arkora Hydro TBK.
02:21These EBT-based emitters have also been known to have released their earnings by Q3 2024.
02:28Barito Renewables Energy, or the brand, is recorded to have a net income of US$86.5 million,
02:34from a total of US$445.27 million.
02:40Then Pertamina Geothermal Energy, or PGEO, has an income of US$306.02 million,
02:47with a net income of US$133.99 million.
02:52Next, Arkora Hydro, or ARKO, has an income of US$153.51 million,
02:58with a net income of US$40.55 million.
03:03Meanwhile, to accelerate the development of EBT,
03:07capital market observers estimate that the government also needs to push for incentives,
03:11such as fiscal incentives and policy or regulation incentives that attract investors.
03:16Thus, the development or utilization of EBT potential is expected to be more optimal.
03:21For more information, please visit IDEC channel.
