• last year
00:00So, as the House will know, we proposed a bold change, increasing the total annual national
00:05target from 300,000 to 370,000, ending the reliance on decade-old population projections
00:12and removing the arbitrary 35% urban uplift that resulted in a skewed national distribution,
00:18disproportionately focused on London to the detriment of the rest of the country.
00:23But we know that there are simply not enough sites on brownfield land registers to deliver
00:28the volume of homes that the country needs each year, let alone enough that are viable
00:33and in the right location.
00:35So in the summer, we propose that local authorities should take a sequential approach to releasing
00:39land to meet their housing need – brownfield first, followed by low-quality land in the
00:44Greenbelt and only then higher-performing land.
