• last year
मुंबई: शिवसेना की नेता मनीषा कायंदे ने महाराष्ट्र में महायुति सरकार के कैबिनेट विस्तार को लेकर कहा कि पूरी आशा है कि कल नागपुर में ये विस्तार होगा और मंत्रियों के नामों की घोषणा भी हो जाएगी। देरी की ऐसी कोई खास वजह नहीं है क्योंकि नागपुर में अधिवेशन है। संजय राउत के मंत्रिमंडल विस्तार को लेकर सवाल उठाने पर मनीषा कायंदे ने कहा कि संजय राउत किसके प्रवक्ता हैं पहले वो निश्चित करना चाहिए क्योंकि उनके बोलने में कोई सिर पैर नहीं रहता है। इसके अलावा वन नेशन, वन इलेक्शन पर विपक्ष द्वारा सवाल उठाने और आशीष सेलार द्वारा एक सड़क परियोजना में पूर्ववर्ती शिंदे सरकार द्वारा सड़क निर्माण में कथित रूप से घोटाला होने के मुद्दे पर भी जवाब दिया।

#shivsena #manishakayande #maharashtraelection #mahayuti #cabinetexpansion #nagpur #sanjayraut


00:00The government of Mahayati has come with a very thumping majority.
00:05And the Chief Minister and the two Deputy Chief Ministers have been sworn in.
00:10We saw that in Mumbai.
00:12Now there is complete hope that this expansion will take place in Nagpur tomorrow.
00:18And the declaration in the name of the ministers will be sworn in tomorrow.
00:23Look, there is no special reason for this, because there is adhesion in Nagpur.
00:27The Nagpur Winter Session is a big region of Maharashtra.
00:37There has never been a swearing-in ceremony there.
00:39So there is a thought that we will do it there.
00:42Because all the MLAs, MLCs have also reached there.
00:46So it will be there tomorrow. It is co-operative.
00:48Look, who is Sanjay Raut the spokesman for?
00:50Is he the spokesman for Uddhav Thackeray's party?
00:53Or for Sharath Pawar?
00:54Or for Congress?
00:56That should be decided.
00:57Because there is no head or legs in what he says.
01:00And without thinking, commenting or accusing,
01:06there is no need to debunk everything that Sanjay Raut has said.
01:11Look, Uddhav Thackeray had given a slogan a few years ago.
01:14First the temple, then the government.
01:16Then later he also said that the temple will be built there.
01:21The date will not be told.
01:22Now the Ram Mandir has been built in Ayodhya.
01:25The government has also been built.
01:26Modi ji has become the Prime Minister of this country for the third time.
01:31And Uddhav ji's changing roles.
01:35Because after the Lok Sabha election, he had a lot of self-confidence.
01:40That all Muslims will be with us.
01:42That did not happen in the Vidhan Sabha election.
01:45Then on the path of Hindutva, he has changed his path again.
01:49And there is no need for anyone to teach Modi ji about Hindutva and the temple.
01:55Still, I will say that I myself go to that temple because I live in Dadar.
02:00It is a very old temple and the temple will not break.
02:03Look, the opposition has every right.
02:05And its discussion should be in the parliament.
02:08Any citizen of the country, whether he is a popular candidate or a common man,
02:14if he wants to raise that question, then he has every right.
02:18It will be discussed in the parliament.
02:20And in the interest of the country, whatever the decision is, one nation, one election.
02:25If the country's money is saved, time is saved, then it is certain that it should be taken forward.
02:30It should be applicable.
02:31The less time and money we have spent in the election process, it is good.
02:37I do not know what to ask for this inspection.
02:42I have not read that letter.
02:44However, the Commissioner of Mumbai, the BMC Commissioner, will answer it.
02:49Now, why has Ashish Shelar written this letter?
02:53And does he have any problem there?
02:56So he can talk about it himself.
