• last year


00:00InnoVation GKR
00:08My name is Muhammad Hafiz bin Syafiq.
00:10I am a senior lecturer from the Department of Public Works, Bak Kandatuk.
00:14The purpose of this InnoVation Forming is to improve the roads
00:20where we often face problems at the department level.
00:24For customers at the GKR level, we will have two situations.
00:30If we receive a complaint from a public complaint,
00:33we have to submit it within 24 hours.
00:37In this form, we see that in terms of the problems we have faced before,
00:42at the same time, we have a material that is called a milling waste.
00:49Usually, it is not reused after it has been repaired by the contractor.
00:55Forming consists of two main compositions.
00:59The first one uses milling waste again.
01:02The second one is polymer, which is usually called epoxy,
01:07which we use for the repair of road fibres.
01:10These two compositions are usually mixed manually
01:15and it is made into a paste.
01:17For this Forming product, it is suitable for users.
01:20It only requires two workers
01:22because we don't need a lot of tools.
01:26The implementation is also more concise and faster.
01:29The implementation of Forming only requires about five minutes
01:34compared to the Commissioner's method which requires more than ten minutes.
01:38Among the difficult challenges that we face
01:41and we work together to develop this Forming product,
01:45firstly, we need to determine the polymer hardening time.
01:50If the polymer is too fast for hardening,
01:55it is not suitable to be used in the field.
01:58Therefore, we develop several series of prototypes,
02:01developing five samples with a certain composition rate
02:06until we get a more ideal hardening rate.
02:11The second challenge is to determine the texture of the Forming surface
02:16after we apply the paste
02:19so that the paste cannot be an obstacle to road users.
02:25I hope that with the success of this Forming product,
02:30it can be commercialised.
02:32Not only are we at the Raya Office responsible for the country's infrastructure,
02:39but we hope that the use of Forming can be developed in other areas.
02:46And we hope that one day, this Forming product will be a starting point
02:52especially for the Raya Office,
02:55which can solve the problem of road holes
02:59and then realize the promise I made to the Raya Office,
03:05which is the Zero Pothole promise.
03:09For more information, visit raya.com
