• last year
आयुष्मान कार्ड भारत सरकार की एक महत्वपूर्ण योजना है, जिसके तहत पांच लाख रुपये तक का इलाज मुफ्त में कराया जा सकता है। इस योजना के तहत महाराष्ट्र, मुंबई में एक नई पहल शुरू की गई है। 70 वर्ष या उससे अधिक उम्र के वरिष्ठ नागरिकों के आयुष्मान कार्ड बनाने का काम तेजी से चल रहा है। कार्ड बनने के बाद ये बुजुर्ग भी पांच लाख रुपये तक के मुफ्त इलाज के लिए पात्र होंगे। जिला अस्पतालों, बड़े सरकारी अस्पतालों, शहरी और ग्रामीण प्राथमिक स्वास्थ्य केंद्रों, साथ ही सामुदायिक स्वास्थ्य केंद्रों पर भी आयुष्मान कार्ड बनाए जा रहे हैं। मुंबई के रोशन नगर, बोरीवली पूर्व में बीजेपी की विधायिका मनीषा चौधरी के कार्यालय में आयुष्मान कार्ड बनाए जाते हुए देखा गया। IANS से बातचीत में वरिष्ठ नागरिकों ने प्रधानमंत्री नरेंद्र मोदी की इस योजना की सराहना करते हुए कहा, यह सीनियर सिटीजन्स के लिए एक बेहतरीन पहल है। सरकार की सारी सुविधाएं हमें मिल रही हैं।

#AyushmanBharat #FreeHealthcare #SeniorCitizenWelfare #HealthForAll #PMJAY


00:00I have written my name on the card and I have written that I am going to get my form.
00:13Here it is.
00:18Shruti Shruti, I have written my name on the card and I am going to get my form.
00:30I have written my name on the card and I have written that I am going to get my form.
00:41Actually, this is a 5 lakh medical card.
00:43Modi ji has given very good facilities to people above 70 years of age.
00:48Ayushya Mankar is a 5 lakh medical card.
00:50For example, I am 5 lakhs and I am sick.
00:53I have to do an operation of 2.5 lakhs.
00:56The facility is given there.
00:58It is almost available in the government.
01:00But the private hospital is such that Ayushya Mankar is also available there.
01:03I have made Ayushya Mankar for the uncle sitting in front of me.
01:07Now I will make Ayushya Mankar for his wife too.
01:09Let's see how it is made.
01:11Aadhar card is required.
01:13The mobile number given to the person in front of him is required.
01:17And the person in front of him is required.
01:19If the person in front of him is sick, then we can do it through his photo.
01:26If Ayushya Mankar is your orange card,
01:28then the Aadhar card is required for people above 70 years of age.
01:33If you take ration or therm, then your name comes in the list for Ayushya Mankar.
01:38I have got my Ayushya Mankar today.
01:42And it is good that this Ayushya Mankar is used well.
01:47If someone is sick, then the government will bear the expenses of the hospital.
01:54And this is a great advice of Mr. Modi.
01:56It is a very good thing for super senior citizens.
02:00I have got this card.
02:02How will it be in the future?
02:03But all the strategies of Mr. Modi are good.
02:05We will be profitable.
02:07I have got the Ayushya Mankar card.
02:09It is very beneficial.
02:11Mr. Modi has come up with a very good scheme.
02:13It is good for everyone.
02:14Thank you to Mr. Modi.
02:16I have given half of the card.
02:18I have come up with the card at the office of Manisha Ben Tai.
02:22There is no need to say anything to Mr. Modi.
02:25I have gone to Gujarat.
02:27I have gone to a village near Bhadnagar.
02:30I am very happy that one card has been issued under the leadership of Mr. Modi.
02:35And Manisha Tai Chaudhary has also done a lot for this.
02:39And our complex system agency.
02:41They came here and told me that take out one card.
02:45It will be beneficial for you.
02:47And what Mr. Modi has to say is different.
02:51How old are you?
02:53I am 76 years old.
02:55It will be beneficial for me.
02:57I can go to any hospital.
02:59All this is happening because of our Bhajans.
03:02We have not received any benefit till date.
03:05And all the benefits that we are getting from here today.
03:08Manisha Tai Chaudhary has done a lot for us.
03:11We are very strong.
03:13And he has done everything for us.
03:16He has never said no.
03:19Narendra Modi has done everything.
03:21We do not need anything.
03:23We are well to do.
03:25That is why we do not do much.
03:27Whatever we get.
03:28We have Aishman.
03:29We have cards.
03:30We get everything from here.
03:32They came to our complex.
03:34Aishman card is very good.
03:36Everyone should make it.
03:38Narendra Modi has done a very good job.
03:41So everyone should make it.
03:43He will only use the card when he is sick.
03:46I took this card.
03:48I took this card.
03:50I made it.
03:52I am feeling very good today.
03:56Narendra Modi is the best Bhajan.
03:59And he is doing a lot of work for the country.
04:02He is doing a very good job.
04:04He is doing a very good job.
04:06He has done a very good job.
04:08When he is sick, he has the hope of getting money.
04:12I wish him a lot of happiness.
04:15I am feeling very good.
04:16It is a very good thing.
04:17He is doing a good job.
04:18He is doing a good job.
04:19He is doing a very good job.
