Pelemahan nilai tukar rupiah semakin dalam bahkan secara intraday menembus di atas level Rp16.100-an per USD yang merupakan level terendah sejak 6 Agustus 2024. Dikutip dari data RTI hingga perdagangan, Rabu (18/12), rupiah melemah di 0,31% di level Rp16.109 per USD.
00:00Indicators show that the exchange rate of Rupiah is getting deeper and deeper.
00:05According to other traders' indicators, the weakening of the exchange rate of Rupiah is getting deeper and deeper.
00:10In fact, the exchange rate of Rupiah is going above the level of Rp. 16,100 per USD.
00:16This is the lowest level since August 6, 2024.
00:21According to the RTI data, Rupiah weakened to 0.31% at the level of Rp. 16,109 per USD.
00:30Intraday, Rupiah weakened to Rp. 16,119 per USD.
00:36The previous day, Rupiah was weakened to 0.16% at the level of Rp. 16,085 per USD.
00:46Meanwhile, the US dollar index decreased to 0.02% at the level of Rp. 106,94.
00:53The movement of Rupiah is expected to be delayed by global market players.
00:58The decision of the Fed will announce the results of the FOMC on Thursday.