Thick smog has engulfed India's capital New Delhi, sending pollution levels spiking to "severe" and "hazardous" levels on the local air quality index. Restrictions on polluting vehicles and activities have been imposed until the air quality improves.
00:00India's capital New Delhi is choking under a blanket of thick smog as the city's air
00:05quality plummets to dangerous levels.
00:08The country's air quality index shows New Delhi's unhealthy air at severe or hazardous
00:14The government has imposed restrictions on polluting vehicles and activities until some
00:18of the smog dissipates.
00:20The thick haze has been hovering over the city since late Monday night, with some people
00:24reporting breathing problems.
00:26India's air quality drops every winter, with low temperatures hampering air circulation
00:43and farmers burning their leftover crops.