• last year
👉 Un avión privado perteneciente a la familia Brito que previamente había dejado a a seis personas, incluyendo a la madre de Jorge Brito, presidente de River, en Punta del Este, impactó contra una casa tras su aterrizaje en el aeropuerto. Según informes preliminares, el avión había estado operando dentro de los parámetros normales y no se habían reportado problemas previos. Las autoridades aeroportuarias están investigando el incidente y revisando los registros de vuelo del avión. El impacto causó alarma entre los residentes locales, quienes fueron instados a abandonar sus hogares por precaución.

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00:00The Laguna del Sauce is a private plane parking lot, not only in Argentina, but all over the world.
00:07What does Gustavo, Diego, Nahuel, Carlos and Luciano do?
00:10Well, it's very sad, very sad and shocked.
00:14The plane arrived in the morning at the Laguna airport carrying six people.
00:19I want to tell you that up to what we have, according to what has emerged,
00:25not by official information, because surely this is within the Secretariat of Customs,
00:30there is a protocol that the airport authority does
00:33of all the last trips that this plane has made between Uruguay and the times that it has entered our country.
00:40I want to tell you that up to what we have so far,
00:44the behavior of the plane has been within the normal parameters.
00:50No inconvenience, no problem of the plane has been reported so far,
00:57with which everything suggests that the inconvenience, the problem,
01:03could have been at the time of arrival in Argentina,
01:07at the time that this aircraft landed there,
01:12with this tragic, tragic end with the death of two people.
01:17Up to here they are all very touched at the airport,
01:20because they personally knew a family.
01:23We are a very small family,
01:25we all know each other, those of us who are in the flight business,
01:29and we are really very touched, dear Diego.
01:32Yes, yes, we were just talking to Carlos Lupiáñez,
01:34another pilot who usually flies at the San Fernando airport,
01:39with other private, private aircraft,
01:43and he knew both the pilot and the co-pilot, it must be said,
01:46but the identities of neither of them have yet been transferred.
01:50And not only that, those are the two confirmed deaths.
01:54It remains to be seen if there was any vehicle
01:57that occasionally passed through that street that we are seeing in images.
02:03A priori, there is an image, the one on the top left,
02:06that there is a charred vehicle in the middle of the street,
02:09and also to know if there were people inside the homes.
02:13This is the priority of the rescue teams and firefighters.
02:17We repeat, equipment from different points of the urban cone,
02:20even from the city of Buenos Aires,
02:21which are being transferred to control the flames.
02:24It is a short route, the fuel tank reaches Lleino,
02:29and in any case, we know that the planes load a lot of fuel,
02:35and that is what happens, right?
02:36After the impact, these fires are caused,
02:40because fuel is spilled and it becomes very difficult to control the flames.
02:45Priority to control the flames,
02:47and then logically see if there were more victims.
02:51Did you have any kind of contact, Gustavo, with the Brito family,
02:55that we know, well, goes every summer, right?
02:59To the area of ​​La Barra, to his historic house there.
03:04Yes, but I prefer not to make any comment.
03:07They are deeply touched by this, by a,
03:12that is, someone has come here to the family in Punta del Este.
03:16They asked me not to give any details,
03:18they are touched because they knew the pilots perfectly,
03:22I repeat, they are considered as families,
03:26there are very few private pilots who travel to this type of places,
03:31they are families who usually travel many times a year,
03:34and that one deposits in them the social life of the little ones, of the adults.
03:41Just tell me that one of the people linked to the family,
03:47told me that they were very, very touched,
03:49because a while ago they had brought six people here to Punta del Este.
03:56This is a practically new plane,
03:59according to what they told me, it is a modern plane,
04:02a plane that is below the best standards in terms of quality and expertise,
04:11but that now, at this moment, surely all the activity that this aircraft has had here at the Laguna airport,
04:19surely it has been requested,
04:22surely it has been requested and extorted through the communications,
04:27the requests that are made by the airport authorities,
04:29and above all, by the authority that is in charge there at the airport.
04:33Very touched, they told me that they were in the family,
04:36and that they deeply regretted everything that had happened.
04:39You were just saying, four passengers registered,
04:44because the information we have so far, the officer,
04:46is the mother of Jorge Brito, the president of River.
04:52Yes, there are four passengers, I mean, four passengers plus the two,
04:56the plane had arrived with six people at the Laguna airport at one o'clock in the morning,
05:01a roll call before returning to Buenos Aires.
05:05Tell you that many times these planes that belong to someone in particular,
05:11even if it is mine, are made available through what are called air taxis,
05:16where many people travel.
05:18You and I have traveled on some occasion,
05:20for some invitation or for some work that we have done,
05:24and they also belong to the businessmen,
05:27and during the time that he did not use it,
05:29sometimes he makes it available so that it can be used as a taxi vehicle.
05:35In this case, we are talking about a tragedy that affects the whole family,
05:42let's say, from here at the airport.
05:44We are seeing very, very sad faces.
05:47They don't want to give me too much information.
05:49I think I'll wait a while, and surely some of the people who are in charge
05:53will give you the primary information.
05:55We already have the confirmation of everything that has happened,
05:58and they deeply regret what has happened,
06:03because they are planes that are very dangerous.
06:06Yes, yes, yes.
06:07I want to confirm, it is Marcela Caraballo,
06:09the mother of Jorge Ebrito, the president of ARRIBA, the president of the Macro Bank,
06:15and that fateful, impossible not to remember,
06:18that fateful accident in a helicopter, in Salta,
06:22when one of the most powerful men in Argentina,
06:26then president of the Macro Bank, Jorge Ebrito, loses his life.
06:30Well, in this case, the tragedy hits the family again,
06:33because two of his most trusted men,
06:36this pilot and co-pilot of his private plane,
06:38lose their lives in this accident.
06:40There is a lot of uncertainty about whether there were more victims.
06:44Look at the image on the bottom right.
06:46I can't tell if it's a taxi,
06:50the one you see in the images,
06:52the vehicle is absolutely burnt in the middle of the street.
06:56And this controversy, which does not open,
06:59because it has been open for a long time,
07:03regarding the fact that there are houses so close to an airport,
07:07Carlos Lupiáñez, if we can reconnect it, it would be interesting.
07:11The pilot has also been the pilot of the San Fernando airport,
07:16remembering several accidents,
07:18one traced to this one,
07:20a plane that gets lost in the headland number 5,
07:25and ends up generating a very similar accident to the one we are seeing.
07:30What we have to expect, Diego,
07:32is that images will start to appear,
07:34probably from the neighbors,
07:36let's be aware of that.
07:38And what must be discarded quickly,
07:41which is where the production is moving at this moment,
07:46is to see people from the houses,
07:50if there are injured.
07:52I understand that two A24 mobile phones have already left the place
07:57to cover this event.
07:59Yes, at any time we will have information
08:02in the place of the events, as always.
08:05But the story, don't you have the video,
08:07to put it again, with the ambient sound,
08:11this image, the despair,
08:14the desperation of the neighbors.
08:17Alert, and we'll see it.
08:28These are the images, a minute after the impact, listen.
08:33Come on, Sari, of course.
08:34Get out of the houses, screams Lamper.
08:38At the beginning of the video.
08:45Of course.
08:46Get out of the houses.
08:47We can see it, we can take out the graph,
08:49a second to see the full image.
08:54There it is, perfect.
08:57I want to see the car, because people...
09:04It's a...
09:05It looks like a Fiat 100.
09:07Let's see.
09:09It looks like a Fiat 100.
09:10A Fiat 100.
09:11I don't know.
09:13No, that's not a Fiat 100.
09:17That has a lot of...
09:19Yes, a Civic, it could be.
09:20I don't know if it's so old, Vani, eh?
09:23No, I don't know if it's so old.
09:25Well, what we see...
09:28They're going to tell us, of course, that's for sure.
09:30If that vehicle was parked,
09:32and as a result of the impact,
09:34ends in the middle of the street,
09:36or if it was circulating,
09:38well, an absolute disaster,
09:40where the plane is hit,
09:42with the tank full of fuel,
09:44and after the impact,
09:48And the desperation of the neighbors,
09:49when they leave the houses.
09:50Is there something in these moments of desperation,
09:52of not wanting to leave
09:54your belongings,
09:56houses that they have probably built,
09:58their homes?
09:59I mean, it's a complex situation,
10:01but well, at least,
10:02there the neighbors tried to evacuate,
10:04to self-evacuate, actually,
10:06in the midst of the screams and the desperation, right?
10:08Yes, besides, let's not forget
10:10that that fuel
10:12is spreading,
10:14and you'll see how far
10:16the fire can go.
10:18Is the fire under control, Carlos?
10:20Supposedly, it's under control.
10:22They were explaining to me that,
10:24beyond the firefighters who are working,
10:26this is extinguished with a chemical foam,
10:28because it's the one that makes,
10:32it's a fuel.
10:34I'm talking with information
10:36that they are writing to us, right?
10:38It's a fuel
10:40that ignites very quickly,
10:42which is very difficult to extinguish.
10:44You know that naphtha,
10:46or any type of liquid
10:48that belongs to hydrocarbons,
10:50is not extinguished with water.
10:52Well, in this case...
10:54It's called Jet A, or something like that.
10:56It has another name, the fuel.
10:58Yes, of course.
11:00Well, look, it impacts me a lot.
11:02That image is shocking.
11:04The braking system didn't work.
11:08The conjectures are endless.
11:10Yes, of course.
11:12Thousands of conjectures.
11:14The most important thing,
11:16or what the rescuers are doing now,
11:18is to inquire
11:20who were the people
11:22who were on the plane,
11:24if there were people in the houses,
11:26if there was someone
11:28in that car.
11:30As far as they tell me,
11:32I don't know.
11:34But, well, we're talking
11:36about a magnitude accident.
11:38Also, let's say,
11:40the neighbors next door, so close.
11:42Well, I understand.
11:44I was running.
11:46Look, a friend is talking to me,
11:48Dario, who is in the place
11:50and tells me it's a Vento.
11:52The car we see there is a Vento.
11:54Yes, I send you a big hug, Dario.
11:56There it is, a Volkswagen Vento.
11:58It's there.
12:00Right down.
12:02It's the one you see crossing
12:04on the street.
12:06You have to see if it was moving at the time.
12:08A priori, the information that is confirmed
12:10is, first, that on the plane
12:12they only traveled...
