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Krysten Ritter Was Worried She Would ‘Cry’ Working With Jim Carrey on ‘Sonic 3’: He’s a ‘Mad Genius’


00:00Working with the incomparable Jim Carrey, what was that like? He's a comedic genius.
00:05Did you pick up anything from him in terms of comedy acting?
00:08It was really, it was really interesting to watch his process, of course,
00:12how he is a mad scientist. He really is. He's a comedic scientist. And I think
00:20just watching how he would make subtle changes, big changes. He would do the scripted version
00:26and then he would have pages and pages of alts to try, stuff that he had written the night before
00:31or an idea that came to him. And he would just make these subtle little changes and
00:36the comedy would land differently. And he's just, it was so cool to watch.
00:42The first day that we worked together, I think I told people this, but I was worried that I would
00:50cry. You know, when you meet somebody who you've watched your whole life and I just,
00:57I loved him so much. I did impressions of him very earlier in my career to get my acting manager
01:03and to work with him. I was very worried that I was going to cry. So I was telling everybody just
01:08to like let the charge out a little bit. And thank God I didn't in front of him. I didn't
01:14cry to his face, but I kept it together. I was very cool, but it was, it was, I did a lot of acting.
01:20Truman Show for me. I love Truman Show. I love when he does that kind of smaller contained work
01:26because he's so alive and there's so much going on in his eyes. I also really loved Eternal
01:31Sunshine, but for me it was like In Living Color, Liar Liar, Ace Ventura, Dumb and Dumber. I think
01:39Dumb and Dumber I've probably seen the most out of all of them. I think Liar Liar is underrated.
01:44Liar Liar is one of my faves. It's so good. Liar Liar is so good. So good. He's so funny.
01:49So good. He just, you know, he's like created a language, like the same way, like Tim Burton,
01:54you can look at one image like, oh, that's so Tim Burton. You can like look at the music of
01:58Jim Carrey's comedy and be like, oh, it's so Jim Carrey. He's just doing his own thing. He's,
02:02he's like just one in a billion. You recently discussed taking your son to go see Wicked.
02:07Yeah. To kind of prepare him to kind of see this, to see you on the screen.
02:13Yeah. What was that experience like? Has he seen you before?
02:16He's, so the movie I was just talking about, he was with me. He was about 15 months old and I
02:21would, I played a big, scary, mean witch and I would practice some of my lines on him, but he
02:26would laugh and he would be on set and see me in these big costumes. And now the kid's obsessed
02:31with Halloween. And we, I don't know why, like we wonder why, because he was exposed to all of that,
02:37like fun over the top, scary stuff. So that's the only thing that he has seen. He's seen, you know,
02:44I have some Jessica Jones, little action figures. So he knows about Jessica Jones, but he cannot
02:49see any of that ever. So this will be the first thing that he's able to see of my work, which is
02:55really exciting. This is a deep cut, but I am such a huge fan of Don't Trust the Bee. That was one of
03:01my favorite comedies and I wish it ran for seasons and seasons and seasons. Oh my God, it was so fun.
03:05Do you have any favorite memories of working with James? Oh, I love James. The Dancing with the
03:10Stars stuff still makes me laugh. We got along so well. We had such a great time together.
03:15The People Magazine. People Magazine was my absolute favorite thing in comedy that I've
03:20ever done. The Smack Witch, do you remember that? Oh my gosh. You've got to watch that episode.
03:26That's a good re-watch. I re-watched that episode maybe like a year ago and I was like, this is
03:31gold. The show was so ahead of its time. It was so well written. It was so fun. I loved playing
03:37that character so much.
