• last year
THE SECOND FALL: The offbeat return of Yeshua which may offend a few, and then a few more. https://www.amazon.com/SECOND-FALL-Charles-Hurst/dp/B08RR9SJFM

Strobel claims that he was an atheist. I am stating that I don't think Lee Strobel was an atheist at all when he conducted his interviews for his popular book, THE CASE FOR CHRIST. Lee uses an analogy from an old wrongful charge on a career criminal to show how one must be willing to be objective. However, as you will see, he fails to follow his own pointed methods that he advises in this introductory chapter. Because that is what Evangelists and other Christian fundamentalists do. They don't study the facts, they attempt to twist them to fit their own worldview.

STEVE CHIVES: "An Atheist Reads The Case For Christ: Conclusion."

If you would like to read a novel about what I think the Apocalypse would be like if Christ ever returned (a tale the fundamentalist will despise) click the link below. And may God bless you---just not the God that floods an entire world.

THE SECOND FALL. By Charles Hurst

The Case for Christ. By Lee Strobel 2nd Edition


