• last year
THE SECOND FALL: The offbeat Armageddon of Yeshua's return. https://www.amazon.com/SECOND-FALL-Charles-Hurst/dp/B08RR9SJFM

Wow, did I just say that? That the Christian fundamentalist should not be allowed to home school their children? What about First Amendment rights? Well stay tuned and I'll tell you why it isn't their constitutional right to home school based on the fact that the Christian fundamentalist cult member is not engaging in standard teaching that would be in the public school system.

If you would like to read a novel about what I think the Apocalypse would be like if Christ ever returned (a tale the fundamentalist will despise) click the link below. And may God bless you---just not the God that floods an entire world.

THE SECOND FALL. By Charles Hurst

HOW NOW SHALL WE LIVE. By Charles Colson


