• last year
(Adnkronos) - “Oggi è una giornata molto bella per noi, ma anche per la Santa Sede e per tutte le persone che verranno qui in questa piazza magica, piazza San Pietro. Abbiamo aderito a questa iniziativa sin da subito, con grande motivazione e grande orgoglio. Tra l'altro eravamo presenti anche quando fu realizzato il vecchio stabilemobile, credo nel 2003, però questo sito oggi è di una bellezza assoluta, creato con la massima tecnologia d'impatto per un luogo così magico. Siamo molto contenti perché questo nostro percorso di sostegno alle cose belle continua ed è importante nel contesto di un evento importantissimo come il Giubileo e quindi ci presentiamo subito, siamo i primi ad aver realizzato un'opera così bella e siamo fieri di questa iniziativa”. Lo ha detto il direttore generale di Poste Italiane, Giuseppe Lasco all’inaugurazione del nuovo ufficio postale mobile Vaticano in piazza San Pietro. I lavori sono stati commissionati da Poste Italiane, che ha donato il nuovo ufficio postale al Governatorato.


00:00Today is a very special night for us, for Posta Triane, but also for Santa Sede and for all the people who will come here to this magical square, Piazza San Pietro.
00:18We have joined this initiative with great motivation and pride, among other things we were also present when the old stable was built in 2003
00:36but obviously this site today is of absolute beauty, created with the highest impact technology for such a magical place.
00:54We are very happy, we are very happy because it continues our path of support for beautiful things, and certainly this is an important thing in the context of a very important event such as the Jubilee,
01:11so we immediately introduce ourselves as the first to have made such a beautiful work, so Posta Italiane is proud of this initiative.
01:20We chose the maximum that could be done in a context of the arrival of the Jubilee.
01:33We were asked to make an effort on the economic aspect, choosing sustainable materials at the forefront, so much so that the whole structure, which today is about 130 square meters,
01:48compared to 60 square meters at once, is also realized in a concept that matches our path in the context of the POLIS project, which is segmented spaces dedicated to various services,
02:03with a high level of sustainability, because with this office we have also reduced the architectural barriers, because the old building had steps that made it difficult for people to access the office,
02:27so today we have also reduced that element, so an absolutely advanced technological structure in a magical context like this one. We are very happy.
02:40We have a fixed restaurant infrastructure, among other things, the other beautiful thing is that even under the commercial aspect there will be a continuous and constant link between Italian and Vatican places,
02:53so having a brand on a square like this is a further reason of great motivation and pride for us. The building was created to be removed in a few hours, this was done for reasons of safety and sustainability,
03:16but the building will remain here until it is replaced, we think, many years from now.