• last year
(Adnkronos) - “Il nuovo ufficio postale mobile è “un segno di attenzione per i numerosi turisti che verranno in occasione del Giubileo. Dopo 25 anni di lavoro del vecchio ufficio mobile, donato sempre da Poste Italiane, finalmente ora diamo loro la possibilità di avere un ufficio postale accogliente, bello, capace di poter accogliere numerosi pellegrini e di poter dare loro tutti i comfort possibili. L'ufficio postale precedente non era attrezzato per poter accogliere persone con diverse abilità e non aveva tutte le caratteristiche necessarie per la sicurezza. Ora invece abbiamo tutto ciò che serve”. Così, Don Felice Intersimone, director of Telecommunications and Information Systems del Vaticano, in occasione dell'inaugurazione del nuovo ufficio postale mobile Vaticano in piazza San Pietro. I lavori sono stati commissionati da Poste Italiane, che ha donato il nuovo ufficio postale al Governatorato.


00:00It is certainly a sign of attention for the many tourists who will come on the occasion of the Jubilee.
00:10After 25 years of work of the old mobile office donated by Poste Italiane,
00:19finally now we give them the opportunity to have a welcoming post office,
00:26beautiful, able to accommodate many pilgrims and to give them all the comfort possible.
00:34Before, the previous post office was not equipped to accommodate people with disabilities,
00:42it did not have all the necessary characteristics for safety.
00:47Now, however, we have everything we need both for safety,
00:52we have also thought about energy sustainability, in fact almost everything is made of wood,
00:59so it is a nice visit ticket for all the pilgrims who will come
01:06and this thanks to the very important contribution of Poste Italiane, to whom our gratitude goes.
01:12The use of postcards may seem obsolete,
01:15as today with smartphones images or messages are sent instantly,
01:21instead it is not, because the postcard is a sign of particular attention,
01:29special to the person who arrives and therefore there are still many, very numerous.
01:36Last year we sold over 30,000 postcards,
01:41so foreigners still love to send a postcard to express their closeness
01:50and the joy of visiting Piazza San Pietro and Rome.