• letztes Jahr
Shakespeare in GTA? Das geht, dachten sich Sam Crane und sein Freund Mark Oosterveen während sie im COVID-19 Lockdown 2021 versuchten, die Zeit rumuzukriegen. Und so inszenierten sie Grand Theft Hamlet, eine Adaption des Kulttheaterstücks Hamlet im Action Videospiel Grand Theft Auto.

Mehr dazu: https://www.moviepilot.de/movies/grand-theft-hamlet


00:00Go, go, let's go now.
00:02Okay, okay.
00:03We are putting on a production of Hamlet in GTA Online for the first time ever.
00:08We are looking for actors.
00:10So, come and audition.
00:11Please try to stop us.
00:12You can't stop us, motherf***er.
00:15Oh, f***.
00:17They got me.
00:20Oh my God, they're really coming down now, look.
00:26To be or not to be, that is the question.
00:29You're welcome to audition, if you want.
00:31You crazy, no?
00:32Okay, don't shoot us, please.
00:35Oh my God.
00:45No one's gonna come.
00:46No one cares.
00:47It's not a real thing.
00:48It's real to me.
00:51Oh, hang on. Someone's here.
00:55That's quite an entrance.
00:56You can call me Shah.
00:57I'm Jen.
00:58I'm Tilly.
00:59I'm Biffo.
01:00My name's Gareth.
01:01While you're doing your dance move, try saying, to be or not to be, that is the question.
01:06Look, my lord, it comes.
01:08It's like Shakespeare on a billion dollar budget.
01:13Cops are here.
01:15Maybe he's a purist.
01:17We just keep coming across these people who want to help us.
01:22That gives me hope that what we're trying to do is possible.
01:28Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, to Grand Theft Hamlet.
