• last year
(Adnkronos) - “Il private equity svolge un ruolo cruciale nel panorama economico nazionale. Secondo le stime di EY, nel 2024 il numero di operazioni in Italia è cresciuto di circa il 20% rispetto al 2023. Tuttavia, le transazioni hanno avuto una dimensione media inferiore, circa 50 milioni di euro rispetto ai circa 80 dello scorso anno, il che ha portato a un volume totale investito inferiore del 25% rispetto all'anno precedente”. Così Umberto Nobile, private equity leader EY Italia, a margine della cerimonia di premiazione della XXI edizione del Premio Claudio Dematté Private Equity of the Year, tenutasi al Museo della Scienza e della Tecnologia Leonardo Da Vinci di Milano. L’edizione 2024 del riconoscimento è stata organizzata dall'Aifi - Associazione italiana del private equity, con il supporto di EY.


00:00In 2024, if we look at the results until November, it shows that there has been a recovery from a numerical point of view of the operations carried out by the equity private sector, which have recorded a plus 20%.
00:16Although then, if you look at it in terms of value, it has been reduced for a moment because the average value of the operation has gone from 80 to 50 million euros.
00:25As for the sectors mainly involved, we are talking about industrial, which is the typical sector of which the Italian economy is characterized, which has represented about a quarter, then we have the retail sector and the technology sector with 17 and 16% respectively.
00:41These data, I must say, not only these data make us think of a more positive 2025, many researches are being seen at the moment, including one by Y, which highlights that the outlook for 2025 is positive.
00:56We expect a return to transactive activity at higher volumes, but the interesting thing is that if you look at it from an economic outlook point of view, it would seem that even the companies that run around the equity private sector should enjoy a more favorable context.
01:11These are the hopes of all of us, it is not just the will to say it, we have also found many other statistics and this is our most felt hope.
