Junior Taskmaster Episode 7
00:02Right, let's go.
00:11Can you tape this to my head?
00:15Cool plus cool.
00:20That was quite pathetic, don't you think?
00:34Hello and welcome to Junior Taskmaster.
00:36My name is Rose Matafeo and I'm the Junior Taskmaster.
00:39That means I'm officially young, and I will stay young forever.
00:42I can legally never age. It's in my contract.
00:44Got it? Yeah? Great.
00:46Now, over the series, we've seen 25 children
00:48manoeuvre their way through an enormous amount of tasks.
00:51There have been some highs, there have been some lows,
00:53but now there's only one thing on their minds,
00:55and that is being able to take home this resplendent wonder,
00:59the Junior Taskmaster trophy.
01:01And you know what? I'll even throw in a Tesco bag
01:03so you can carry it home on the bus.
01:05As always, tonight's winner will take home the prize tasks
01:08and they'll win a place in the grand final.
01:11But that is not all.
01:12The person who comes second tonight also goes through
01:15and there is one last final spot available
01:18for the third-place contestant
01:20who wins the most points across both semis.
01:23Got it? Good.
01:24Right, then, let's meet our semi-finalists.
01:26Please welcome Gwynne!
01:35And Zach!
01:39And finally, my assistant.
01:42He's a man who bought a novelty moustache from Poundland,
01:44super-glued it on, and can't figure out how to take it off.
01:47It's Mike Osborne.
01:51Thank you, Rose.
01:54Ultimately, really, this is a show about the dangers
01:56of industrial espionage.
01:59Are you carrying the GPS coordinates for the precise
02:02location of the gap in the market?
02:04Then check no-one's peeping over your shoulder
02:06trying to get a naughty peek.
02:08Remember, don't get your biz-swizzed
02:10by the wrong sort of squiz.
02:15I wish there was a GPS that could tell me
02:17what your brain is doing as well.
02:19This is a beautiful night.
02:20Right, why don't you be a good assistant to me, Mike,
02:22and reveal to me what tonight's prize task is?
02:25You betcha. Prize task time.
02:26And for semi-final number two, the category is
02:28The Most Magnificent Metallic Item.
02:31What exactly constitutes the most magnificent metallic item
02:35is subjective, of course.
02:36I have a tinfoil hat secreted under my wig
02:38that repels mind weapons.
02:41I find that magnificent.
02:42Rose collects used spears.
02:44Mm, yeah.
02:46A lot of people get confused when I say you can stay
02:48in the spear room in my house.
02:51Rose will give five points to The Most Magnificent Metallic Item.
02:54And at the end of the episode, the overall winner will have
02:56five magnificent metallic items to take home with them.
02:58OK, Gwyn, it is so lovely to see you back here.
03:02What is your most magnificent metallic thing you've brought in?
03:04So, the most magnificent metallic thing ever is a gong.
03:08Oh! A gong. OK, please tell me more.
03:12So, at first I was thinking, like, cymbals,
03:14but then I realised that a gong is way bigger, way louder,
03:19which means it's way more magnificent.
03:22So, it'd be good for stress, wouldn't it, hitting that gong?
03:25Yeah. Fantastic. Double duty.
03:27It's better than a therapist. You can't hit a therapist.
03:31Children today!
03:34Now, Jamie, what have you brought tonight
03:36which is the most magnificent metallic item?
03:38A spork.
03:39A spork!
03:43OK. What is a spork?
03:45So, a spork... Yeah.
03:47..spoon, fork.
03:51And that's how they make them at the factory?
03:53Just smash them together?
03:54Might be. Might be.
03:56Tell us why it's so magnificent, the spork.
03:59You can use it for all three meals of the day.
04:01OK. You've got breakfast.
04:03So, say you're having cereal, yeah?
04:05You can scoop up the milk and get the cereal.
04:09Oh, amazing, yeah. It's what I've always wanted, a leaky spoon.
04:12But then again, I might want a different breakfast food stuff,
04:15right, so I'd need the fork element, right?
04:17So, if you say you want waffles or pancakes with ice cream...
04:21Yes. ..two in one.
04:23There is nothing more magnificent than something that can do
04:26the job of two things slightly less good.
04:30Kyra. Hey-ya. Hi.
04:33What's up? How you doing? Good.
04:35I want to know what you've brought in for your prize task.
04:38The Kelpies.
04:39Whatever it is.
04:40The Kelpies.
04:41Whatever is the Kel... Oh! OK.
04:45The Kelpies are a Scottish tourist attraction.
04:48It's that big and magnificent that I couldn't bring it with me.
04:51Don't they have special powers, Kelpies?
04:53Well, they're water creatures, but they can appear on land as a horse
04:57and they have up to ten times more strength than a horse does.
05:01OK, I'm going to throw a spork in the works.
05:05Is this a magnificent metallic thing,
05:07or is it to the representation of a magnificent metallic thing?
05:11I mean, I guess that frame, is that metal as well?
05:13Yeah. OK.
05:14There we go.
05:15That is a girl clutching for points.
05:17Yeah, yeah, it's metallic as well.
05:20I'm actually Scottish, you know. I'm quite a Scottish.
05:22Scotch is the best place in the world.
05:24Yeah, it kind of is, isn't it?
05:25It is.
05:29It is. It is.
05:30Most assertive tourism board advert of all time.
05:35Shania, what is your most magnificent metallic item
05:38you've brought for us today?
05:40Well, I have brought money.
05:44What makes this pile of money magnificent?
05:46So, this money is magnificent cos you can buy anything with it.
05:52You can buy a yacht...
05:53Sorry, I can buy a yacht with that pile of money?
05:58Well, you can buy anything with money except abstract nouns.
06:02So, you can't, like, buy, like, melancholy or something?
06:05No. You can't buy happiness.
06:07You can't buy happiness, you can't buy ennui,
06:10you can buy a small yacht.
06:13It's in the eye of the beholder
06:15whether or not money is as magnificent as a spork.
06:19So, I'll think about that, but thank you very much for that, Shania.
06:23And last but not least, Zach, hello!
06:26What's up, dude?
06:27You have brought in something for us today, yes?
06:29What have you brought?
06:30Well, I've been making some modern art recently.
06:32Ah! OK.
06:36Tell me more about this.
06:38OK, so, my mum's always taken me into these crazy art galleries,
06:42there's all these weird paintings of, like,
06:44some guy who hasn't combed his hair in a week
06:46or someone with stinky armpits, for example.
06:48Right, yeah, yeah, yeah.
06:50So, I made some modern art of my own.
06:52And as you can clearly see, there's lots of babies on it, right?
06:55And if you have younger siblings and they're babies,
06:57you know, they're always fighting with each other
06:59over toys, right?
07:00Uh-huh, yeah.
07:01So, they're harmonising to one main goal,
07:03that is to climb to the top.
07:05That's why I think it's magnificent.
07:07And if you use your eyes, you can see that it's metallic.
07:12I just got metal-splained... Yeah, yeah. ..by a child.
07:17It's shocking, it's provocative, it's modern.
07:20It's beautiful.
07:23So, I am going to give...
07:25Oh, look, honestly, money don't mean everything to me.
07:29So, Shania, it's going to be one point for you.
07:32I've already got a yacht.
07:35Two points to Kyra.
07:37Zac, I mean, it was creative.
07:39I'm slightly freaked out by it, but I think it deserves three points.
07:42I think I'm giving four points to a spork.
07:46Well done, but five points goes to Gwen for her gondola.
07:51Well done.
07:55Mike, my little chickadee, what have you got for me?
07:58Sleuthing is the name of the game for this task,
08:01but who will be Miss Marple, and who will simply be a miss?
08:20Hello, Gwen. Hello.
08:22Hello. Hello, Shania.
08:29Hello. Hello, Zac.
08:32Who's these? Shh!
08:34What's up, Kyra?
08:36I'm concerned.
08:38Why is there a sleeping man sitting on a chair with a bag next to him?
08:43Good question.
08:51Work out the following information about the sleeping person
08:55without waking them up.
08:57One, their name.
08:59Two, age.
09:01Three, their job.
09:02Four, nationality.
09:04Five, most recent meal.
09:06You have five minutes. Your time starts now.
09:11Ooh, OK.
09:16Some very, very different entries into that room.
09:19Zac just coming straight in, who's this?
09:22I imagine... Sort of resuscitation move.
09:25I think Kyra did what I would probably do,
09:27which is immediately go, I'm concerned.
09:31What exactly concerned you about the whole situation, Kyra?
09:35He brought a sleeping man.
09:38Did you just find him on the streets or something?
09:40Yeah, I don't... I don't reveal my sources.
09:44What did you think when you first walked into that room?
09:47What was going through your minds?
09:48I was concerned as well. Yeah.
09:51He was snoring unhealthily loud.
09:55Do you snore, Mike?
09:57I have received criticism in the past.
10:01Er, who's next, please?
10:03Up next, it's Kyra, Shania and Gwen.
10:10Where did you get this man from?
10:15And his nationality?
10:17He's from Wales.
10:19Look, he's got Wales on his socks.
10:21And a little Welsh tattoo.
10:23They're Welsh.
10:25Most recent meal was a sausage roll.
10:30Some sort of bake.
10:33Like some kind of...pasty.
10:39That smells...not very nice.
10:41His job was a chef.
10:42What are you basing that on?
10:47There's a football.
10:48Right. There's...
10:53I think this is what referees wear.
10:55Right. So he could be a referee.
10:57Right. Yeah.
10:59He's got grey hair.
11:02Right. Does that help?
11:03Yeah. So he's old.
11:07You pickpocketing, Gwen?
11:09You've done that before?
11:10My mum's. Yeah?
11:13What did you filter out of your mum's pocket?
11:15Just a £5 note, but I gave it back.
11:17Did you? Why? Yeah.
11:19Because I felt guilty.
11:21I don't feel guilty this time.
11:25So his name is Ian.
11:26And he was born on the 8th of December, 1958.
11:30Ian Jenkins. Is it?
11:33So he's 65 years old. Is he?
11:37His name is either William or John.
11:40And what are you basing that on?
11:43I don't know.
11:57He's 61.
11:58He's 61? Yes.
12:01And how did you work out that he was 61?
12:03I know people in the world.
12:07Don't wake him up with your whistle.
12:16Have you done any detective work before, Gwen?
12:17This was my first time. OK.
12:20It feels...
12:24You are still in possession of this man's wallet.
12:31Please don't get paid very well.
12:33Oh, right, OK.
12:36Thanks, Gwen. Thank you.
12:37Bye. Bye-bye.
12:45You have the wallet!
12:47Oh, thank you!
12:50Please don't get paid very well.
12:52You crooked cop, you.
12:54Gwen, I can't believe it.
12:56What did you do with that money?
12:57I still have that 25 quid.
12:59I'll give it to you.
13:01Five points. You're miked, Gwen.
13:03Everyone can hear you.
13:05No, seriously, yeah, OK, fine.
13:06In terms of the sting, you've wired yourself.
13:11Now, what's helpful, getting that wallet,
13:13cos there was some information in there.
13:14There was some information sort of lying out in the open there,
13:17the pasty in the hand there, Jenea.
13:19I just guessed.
13:20Wait, you looked at it and you were like, that was a pasty?
13:22Yeah. Have you ever had a pasty before?
13:24I don't like them. Oh.
13:25You don't like them? I'm not a fan.
13:27No, I don't really like pastry.
13:28Kairi, I think you might be genuinely nearly telepathic,
13:31because you were just, like, guessing some stuff
13:33and, like, getting so, so close.
13:36You were like, that guy's 61.
13:37Very good guessing there. I did terrible.
13:39No, you didn't! No, you didn't, Kairi.
13:42You literally looked at that guy and you were like,
13:44his name's not William or John.
13:46That's what I think about every man I look at, right?
13:50See what I thought?
13:51I thought he just came home from his job,
13:53sat down, had a sausage roll and he fell asleep.
13:57God, story of my life.
14:02Look, I'm very excited to see how all of you got on there,
14:04but it is time for a break.
14:06And you know what that means?
14:07It means it's time for a break! See you soon!
14:21Hello, welcome back. What did you get up to in the break?
14:23Me and Mike actually held the kids by their ankles
14:25and shook them upside down until coins fell out.
14:27I have no regrets.
14:30So, I'd love to see our next set of Sherlock's.
14:33My dear Woz-on. That was quite good, actually.
14:37Time now, in that case, for Jamie and Zak.
14:50It's, um, birthday party invitation.
14:53Uh, please come to my wife's surprise 60th fancy dress birthday party.
14:58Dress as something beginning with C.
15:00Love, Ian.
15:02I have a feeling he's giving these out.
15:04I think his name is Lanx.
15:07It's Lanx? Yes, it's a Marvel name.
15:09It's... Lanx.
15:11Oh, that's so cool.
15:12Um, hold on.
15:14Ooh, this might help.
15:21Oh, wait, he's a referee, I think.
15:24Is there a ref?
15:26I think he's a referee.
15:28OK, his nationality is Welsh, cos of his, like, tattoo.
15:32I see.
15:34They're Scottish.
15:35Pardon? They're Scottish.
15:37There's a Scotland flag in here.
15:40No, it's Wales.
15:45His most recent meal...
15:47That looks like a Greg's meat pie.
15:50Last meal...
15:52It smells like a sausage bagel or something.
15:56I'm going to guess, just an estimate.
15:59He is 64 years old.
16:01What are you basing that on?
16:02I was like, it's around the same age as my nan.
16:04Same amount of wrinkles, same hair colour.
16:09Wallet. Oh.
16:11Have you just picked his pocket?
16:14Ian, 1958.
16:17Quick maths.
16:1856, 70...
16:20He's 72.
16:24Can I keep his money?
16:26Why would you keep his money?
16:28Cos I want it.
16:41Poor, poor, poor Ian.
16:43He was going to use that money to buy Carol
16:46a 60th birthday present, wasn't he?
16:49Jamie, you thought you deserved it.
16:51Yeah, I thought I deserved it.
16:52Jamie, you thought you deserved it.
16:54Yeah, I deserved it more than him.
16:56Your reasoning was bulletproof.
16:57You were like, can I take this?
16:58Why? Because I want it.
17:01He's a quick decision-maker, and you got to the age of 72
17:04using quick maths, so I mean, I think...
17:07I think that means we give a shout-out to slow maths.
17:11Wow. Zach, let's talk about Lanx.
17:15I've got to say, I've met a few Lanxes in my raving days.
17:20I mean, you're a truly original thinker.
17:22Who puts an X at the end of their name?
17:24An affectionate person, Zach.
17:26Is it you?
17:28No, honestly, I loved watching that task.
17:30It was very, very fun.
17:31I would love to know who got the closest to solving
17:34the mystery of the sleeping man, Mike.
17:36OK, you'd like some answers? Yes.
17:37Well, his name was Ian Jenkins.
17:39Quite a few of you got that. His age was 65 years old, as we know.
17:42His job was a referee.
17:43The fancy dress invitation dresses something beginning with C,
17:46cos it's Carol's birthday, so he was dressed as a chef for the party.
17:50His nationality was Welsh, as you spotted,
17:52and his most recent meal was a Cornish pasty.
17:54So, out of that, Shania got four correct answers.
17:57Jamie and Gwen got three correct answers.
17:59Zach got two and Kyra got one.
18:01OK, so I think Kyra, one point.
18:04Admirable effort. Zach, going to give two points there.
18:06Gwen and Jamie, joint second with four points,
18:09but full five points has to go to Shania.
18:11Well done.
18:14Hi, guys. Hi.
18:17Shall we see how that all affects the scoreboard?
18:19OK, OK, here we go. It's still all very much to play for.
18:22We've got Kyra with three, and at the top end,
18:24very close indeed to each other, Jamie with eight and Gwen with nine.
18:27OK. Oh!
18:30A whole lot of time forward. Very, very close.
18:33All right, Mike, my sweet cherub, what is up next?
18:37The stallion. The elephant. The sea lion.
18:39All animals, which at one time or another
18:41have been brought to heel and wrangled by mankind,
18:44but how will our contestants fare with the mighty caterpillar?
19:01Hello. Hello, Zach.
19:03Hello. Hi, Gwen.
19:04Hello, Kyra. Hello.
19:06Shania. Jamie.
19:12Fancy doing a task? Oh, hell, yeah.
19:16Move the caterpillar safely from the living room table
19:19to the leaf on the caravan table.
19:21You may only use two items to capture and move the caterpillar.
19:25And you must not touch the caterpillar with your hands.
19:28You have until the toaster has popped to choose your two items.
19:31Only then may you capture the caterpillar.
19:33And the caterpillar must be safely moved before the microwave pings.
19:37The person who successfully moves the caterpillar
19:40and looks after it the best wins.
19:42Your time starts now.
19:47Oh, what do I get, what do I get, what do I get?
19:49OK, right, so, let's get a pot.
19:56Oh, wait, Danny, get it then out.
19:58You need to get it before that pops up.
20:00Oh, dear.
20:07Has anyone moved a caterpillar before, or any kind of insect?
20:10Oh, yeah, yeah. Jamie, have you moved an insect before?
20:12Well, it's not a proper insect because I'm too scared to touch them.
20:16I moved a toy spider.
20:18Oh, OK.
20:20Put it in my cupboard.
20:21Fantastic. Kyra, what's your favourite insect?
20:25Words, because I can put them in my sister's pillows.
20:28Yes. Are you...?
20:32I've got two of the most annoying little sisters in the world.
20:36Oh, come on, Kyra, let me be watching this.
20:39I don't care.
20:43I do want to see who is up first.
20:45OK, well, first up, it's Kyra, Sinead and Zak.
20:48OK. All right.
20:51I've got my two items.
20:52Are you completely happy, are you?
20:54Yep, I've got a pot and some leaves.
20:57Have you got your two items? Yes, a brush and shovel.
21:00I put the leaves in the pot. Yeah.
21:02And the caterpillar comes into the pot.
21:03I can put that there, and then just go like that,
21:06the caterpillar's on there, and then I can bring it and put it on that.
21:09I'm thinking some sort of container.
21:11What kind of container? Box.
21:13I'll take this lid. A lid.
21:15A lid and a box.
21:18Ooh, the toast. That's good.
21:21Can I go in the living room now? Oh, one moment, please.
21:24All right.
21:26Come on, then.
21:33Oh, I thought it was going to be a real one.
21:37Is that a real one?
21:40I don't expect that.
21:41Oh, hello, Mr Caterpillar.
21:45What's the strategy?
21:46I don't have one any more.
21:48What was it going to be?
21:49Just get it and shovel it on.
21:51But that's jelly, and it'll break.
21:56I think I was cutting it off, but...
21:58I'm sorry, caterpillar.
22:04What's happening?
22:05You're sort of smushing it sort of straight in the face, is it?
22:08Oh, I think I killed it.
22:14Oh, no, it's split in half.
22:17Oh, I've got it in.
22:19So, you're giving it a shake, are you, for good measure?
22:21Yeah. Right.
22:23Moustache man first.
22:24Oh, thank you.
22:26Maybe this old kind of caterpillar mould,
22:29we can put it in and it can regrow.
22:31Are you prone to wishful thinking?
22:34I don't like this, cos I can't use my hands.
22:38Just tip it.
22:40Yeah, maybe it'll just plop.
22:44And maybe I could just use the leaves
22:47and, like, rearrange the caterpillar, maybe?
22:52Erm... I don't know.
22:56How do you think your caterpillar's doing?
22:57Dead. Dead? Yes.
22:59Oh, still got some guts.
23:02Good grief.
23:08Who's a good caterpillar?
23:10Well, I think someone.
23:16I just ruined the test, didn't I?
23:20Why did you poke it? Cos I...
23:22I poked it up.
23:27That was a good one.
23:28Ooh, OK.
23:30May I say, I've already popped it, first of all.
23:33And then she touched the nose and put it back on it.
23:36Yeah, but that's... Yeah, but that's not...
23:37We all saw that, Kyra, yeah.
23:40Shania, you were very gentle with yours.
23:42Like, hello, come here, little...
23:44Come on, we're going to get you onto this one.
23:47Bartek, honestly, it was more like you were trying
23:49to trap that caterpillar, weren't you?
23:51Well, it's what I'm good at.
23:55You just had fun just jiggling it up at one point.
23:59Now, I am gagging to find out if any of these caterpillars
24:03got delivered safely, so who's next, Mike?
24:05Next up, it's Gwen and Jamie.
24:08Basically, get the caterpillar, like, scrape it along into this
24:13and then carry it along over here.
24:15Something has changed about you.
24:18Do you like my gloves? They're Gucci.
24:20I'm not actually touching it, the gloves are touching it.
24:23I once found a butterfly in my garden
24:25and I got too attached to it.
24:27Emotionally? Yeah.
24:29What was the name of this butterfly?
24:31Bobby the butterfly.
24:32I was in the pool, landed on my arm. Yeah.
24:36And then I just didn't want it to leave and it died.
24:40It's a desperately sad story.
24:42Shall we do this for Bobby, then?
24:43Yeah. OK.
24:48Caterpillar, I'm coming!
24:58Oh, no.
25:00Is that good or bad? Bad.
25:02It's a slippery little sucker.
25:06OK. It didn't say it had to be in one piece.
25:11Oh, well.
25:13Oh, my God, this isn't going good.
25:16OK, let's go.
25:20You've rather lost the spring in your step on the way back.
25:23It's not a death march or anything like that, is it?
25:30Um, that was just its hair.
25:32Yeah, that was its hair as well. Its hair.
25:37Dinner's served.
25:39Is that it? I guess.
25:43OK, get on to it, you little one.
25:51It's a caterpillar.
25:53I'd say that's just in the nick of time, wouldn't you?
25:56Caterpillar, would you like some toast?
26:01Ooh, one piping hot bag of ratatouille.
26:05I'll let you eat on your own.
26:06Do you want to share?
26:09See ya.
26:18You, uh, you enjoy that ratatouille there, Mike?
26:21Delicious. Yeah, quite sweet.
26:23Don't go to his house for dinner.
26:25Everything's in bags. It's disgusting.
26:27You're a crazy spaceman.
26:28Bag of lasagne tonight, if you fancy popping over?
26:30No, no. No, thank you.
26:32I want to roll back to the beautiful story of Jamie
26:34getting attached to a... Bobby.
26:36Bobby the butterfly.
26:37That was beautiful. It brought a tear to my eye.
26:39Yeah, how do you think Bobby would have felt about that?
26:42He made me fussed.
26:46Gwen, what would you have done different?
26:47I would have transported it to a wheelbarrow.
26:50A wheelbarrow? Yeah.
26:53How would you have got the wheelbarrow in the caravan?
26:59Well, I wouldn't have got a dustpan and brush.
27:01You would have got a different tool.
27:02That's what you would have done differently?
27:04Yeah, probably. Right.
27:05A plate and a spork.
27:08The spork comes out for play.
27:11That was fantastic. Nice, nice, nice.
27:14All right, well, look, I think it's going to hurt my eyes to see it,
27:17but I think I need to see all of the caterpillars one more time, OK?
27:20OK, but gird your loins.
27:24Here we are.
27:27Gwen, I'm sorry, that is not a caterpillar anymore.
27:30I think, Shania, you kind of Frankensteined your together a bit,
27:34so it looks rather impressive, actually, from a bird's-eye view.
27:36Oh, she touched the nose.
27:38No, no, no, no, no, no.
27:39There she goes.
27:41So, I think my markings have to be,
27:43Zac, you touched that caterpillar and you were like,
27:45yeah, I kind of lost that task.
27:47So I'm going to have to give you zero points for the disqualification.
27:50Yay! But, yes, you take it like a champ.
27:52All right, Gwen, I mean, that is a hot mess.
27:55That's going to give you two points.
27:56Jamie, three points there.
27:58But between Kyra and Shania, to your point, touching the nose,
28:02I think she didn't touch the jelly, so I'm going to be lenient here.
28:05But I am going to give the full five points to Kyra
28:09because I thought that was brilliant.
28:11Well done, well done.
28:14Well, this feels like the right time to have a commercial break,
28:16so let's do it.
28:28Hello, welcome back.
28:30Hey, waiter, I think I'll have another task.
28:33Are you sure? I think you've had enough.
28:35Yeah, I always tell you when I've had enough.
28:37You don't know me.
28:40Another task, please. What is next?
28:43Tummy is the most valuable commodity we have,
28:46apart from gold, potash and miscellaneous.
28:48But, given time, will our contestants waste it
28:52or make it worth their while?
29:08Hi. Hello.
29:09How are you, Shania? I'm good, thanks.
29:11Hello, Kyra. Hello, Mike.
29:12We meet again. We meet again.
29:15Hello. Hello, Jamie.
29:17Hello, Gwen. Hello, Mike.
29:19Hi. Hi, Zak.
29:22What are your plans after this?
29:24Might have a snack. Yeah.
29:25What are you doing? Thai shopping?
29:28Well, probably Thai repair, that kind of thing.
29:32Gwen. Mm-hm?
29:34What would be the perfect weekend?
29:36Probably a trip to America or something
29:38where I can go to a big theme park with a lot of roller coasters.
29:42I like the way they kind of flip me upside down
29:44and I've got no control whatsoever in what's happening,
29:46but I still feel safe.
29:49May I open the task? Certainly.
29:52Pass the time in the most productive way.
29:55The person who passes the time in the most productive way wins.
29:59You have one minute to plan and five minutes to be productive.
30:03The time starts now.
30:08What does that mean?
30:10It means doing a lot or achieving a lot.
30:14Achieving stuff?
30:22Oh, gosh.
30:23Jamie, you just assumed that Mike's past time is Thai shopping.
30:26Is that true?
30:27These are handmade for me by someone who loves me.
30:30Well, la dee freakum da, Mike.
30:33We don't have all loved ones who make knitted ties for them.
30:37Kyra, you seemed pretty confused when it came to being like,
30:40what is being productive? Yeah, right.
30:42So, so, so, if I don't do something,
30:47so, so, so, if I don't do something right,
30:50don't blame me, blame the person sitting next to you,
30:53because I have no clue what it meant.
30:55Wow. He told me it was achieving a lot.
30:58Oh, my gosh, these children are so defensive, man.
31:01What have we done to them?
31:04Look, I would love to be productive right now
31:07and see how they all got on, Mike.
31:09OK, well, it's time for Gwen and Kyra.
31:13Wait, do we have bread, butter and cheese?
31:20I mean, I could get a piece of paper,
31:22write an award for something,
31:24and you give it to me, because I'm fabulous.
31:27What would the award be for?
31:29Your favourite junior taskmaster competitent.
31:33I think there's a clock in here somewhere.
31:35What are you thinking?
31:37I want to pass the time to someone, like, pass the clock,
31:40which has the time on it.
31:43And be productive.
31:50Do you mind standing there, please, Mike?
31:52Yeah, sure.
31:53Can you hold this for me? Yeah.
31:55And then can you pass it back to me, please? Yeah.
31:58Certificate C.
32:01Hermione, help me with spelling.
32:05Now, can you hold this for me, please?
32:07Just where it's, like, the crests.
32:09Yeah, absolutely. Keeps you regular, doesn't it?
32:15Thank you. Thank you.
32:18Here you go.
32:23Er... Ooh! Sorry.
32:25It's a bit buttery, that clock.
32:31Oh, yes.
32:34Thank you. 39 seconds.
32:3639 seconds? Yeah.
32:37And is it the crisps going in the sandwich?
32:39No, outside the sandwich. So it's presentation.
32:41Yeah, but also...
32:43crisps are a delicacy.
32:48Thanks, Gwen.
32:50Thank you. Bye-bye. Bye.
32:52I'll just come up to you and shake your hand, OK?
32:55Hello, Mike, you're my favourite.
32:57Hello, Kara, you're my favourite.
33:03This presentation was not conducted under duress
33:06or threat of violence.
33:12Wow, wow, wow.
33:13I've never heard of someone giving themselves a certificate before.
33:16I've got to say, that was giving me big Trump vibes,
33:19that whole thing.
33:21It might not be true that I said he's my favourite, necessarily.
33:25Right. But, you see, I'm his favourite.
33:28I feel betrayed.
33:30Yeah, Mike, I thought we were friends!
33:32Come on, Mike!
33:33Well, look, everyone's clearly got different interpretations
33:36of what is productive.
33:38Gwen, you're very literal with this,
33:40with the passing of time, right?
33:42I was the only one who really passed time.
33:44I actually passed time.
33:46OK, the others were experiencing time...
33:48Yes. ..at a usual rate.
33:50I mean, I loved it. But I will say, Mike,
33:52you do well to not talk about the regularity
33:54of my bowels on television.
33:56OK? Thank you very much. Keep that private.
33:59I also love the quote, crisps are a delicacy.
34:02They are!
34:03That is valid. Crisps are a delicacy.
34:07I enjoyed watching those tasks. I think they both did pretty well.
34:10I'm ready for another, though, Mike. OK.
34:12Well, here's Shania and Zach. Mm-hm.
34:17I have my productive items.
34:24What to play?
34:40You're being productive, so I'm going to clean all this for you.
34:43OK, thank you. You're very welcome.
34:45This looks a bit dusty.
35:00OK, wait. That is done.
35:03You've got...? Just a bit more.
35:05A minute and a half left to be productive.
35:07A minute? OK, right.
35:09One minute and four seconds left.
35:14You've cleaned the room. Is there anything else you'd like to do?
35:16Tax returns. A bigger one.
35:18Do you do your taxes on the phone?
35:20You're going to do your tax return? No, I'm doing your tax return.
35:23My tax return? Yeah.
35:25I don't know how these things work, but OK.
35:30£79.63, £128,159 and 53 pence.
35:35Thank you. Bye.
35:48Thank you, Zach. OK.
35:50It's all done. It's all done? I did it all for you.
35:52So I don't even need to pay any tax or anything? No. Great.
35:57Thank you, Shania.
36:05Look... So, so funny.
36:07I love you both.
36:09I think you're both very deeply talented,
36:12but I have never seen a more stark representation
36:15of prison, of gendered social norms...
36:18..in which we live than that VT.
36:21So, I'm going to start with Shania.
36:23I mean, Shania, you're out here doing a tax return, girl.
36:28What made you even think of doing a tax return?
36:31Oh, well, so, a few days ago, I was at the park
36:34and I heard some two old ladies going,
36:36oh, Shania, I need to do my tax return.
36:40So, then I kept it in my head for a few days
36:43and, um, I thought...
36:45Look, Shania, I know you saw me in the park, all right,
36:48and I think it's actually a rather private conversation
36:51you were overhearing with me and my friends today.
36:53Look, Zach, I'm going to give you a chance.
36:55How would you say that was productive?
36:57Well, I was playing scary games
36:59and I bet you could not do that.
37:01I bet you could not face your fears
37:03of scary, haunted animatronics.
37:05I mean, that is true,
37:07but I fail to see that that is productive.
37:09Thing is, I'm a gamer, so progress is very important to me,
37:13so any chance I get to just, like, get that safe percentage
37:17up a tiny bit, I will easily take.
37:19Gosh, oh, gosh, I had two older brothers,
37:22I've heard this speech a million times.
37:26All right, here it comes.
37:28Break time.
37:41Welcome back to Junior Taskmaster,
37:43where everybody knows your name.
37:45What's next, Martin?
37:47Well, before the break,
37:49we saw some very different interpretations of productivity.
37:52Finally, here is Jamie.
37:56All right.
37:57Tell me what you're thinking.
38:01Do you know how to play football?
38:03Yeah, sort of.
38:05You're going to get destroyed at this.
38:07I play football all the time.
38:09I feel I should warn you, the last time I played football,
38:12I was probably your age.
38:13I did accidentally break a boy's leg.
38:15Don't worry, I've done that before.
38:17OK, fine.
38:18Rock, paper, scissors, shoot.
38:20OK, rock, paper, scissors, shoot.
38:22I get kick-off.
38:23Two and a half minutes each way?
38:34Too easy.
38:41Ooh, ooh!
38:43Your dummy's right.
38:47I thought you were better than this.
38:51Too easy.
38:53Swap hands.
39:14Better luck next time.
39:15Something like that?
39:18I think I did quite well.
39:23Well, I'm going to leave you to breathe in.
39:26Thanks. Breathe out.
39:28Probably going to get an ice bath or something.
39:30The sort of thing I normally do after a game of, uh...
39:36Oh, God.
39:38What a grief.
39:46Honestly, I have never watched a more thrilling game of football.
39:50You suck at football.
39:52You eviscerated him.
39:53What did you...? I mean, what?
39:55I think he was probably offside for...
40:01What is productive about that football game?
40:04Well, it was active.
40:06I mean, for Mike.
40:10Fair enough.
40:11I guess that's what productivity is about.
40:13What was your goal in that game?
40:16Probably just to embarrass him.
40:18Ah, right.
40:19I think, well, then you may have been very successful.
40:23You did all pass the time,
40:24but it is down to who was the most productive.
40:26So it is time for me to give out some points.
40:28Yeah? OK.
40:29Uh, yeah, Zach, it's one point for you.
40:31Um, Kyra, I'm going to give you two
40:33because I didn't see the thing you were achieving.
40:36Uh, Gwen, I'm going to give you three points.
40:38Shania, I mean, doing a tax return,
40:40that totally deserves four points.
40:42But honestly, I just loved that football game so much.
40:45So it goes five points to Jamie.
40:47Five points to Jamie.
40:48Five points to Jamie. Four points.
40:50Hello, everybody.
40:51So good.
40:52All right, what have they done to the scores, Mike?
40:55Well, it has done this.
40:56It is still very tight.
40:57We've got Shania and Gwen tied on 14
40:59and just ahead of them is Jamie on 16 points.
41:04OK, my pedigree chums,
41:06make your way over to the stage for the final task of the show.
41:19Mike, who is reading out tonight's final task?
41:21It will be Shania, please.
41:25Throw a ball of wet loo roll at Mike's moustache.
41:29The person whose wet loo roll lands the furthest away
41:32from Mike's moustache in each round will be eliminated.
41:35There is a bonus point for the most direct hit.
41:38Does that make sense? OK.
41:39OK, we are going to begin with Jamie,
41:43as he has the largest number of points.
41:45I shall assume the position.
41:49Here we go, first one up.
42:04That is impressive!
42:13Come on, Jack!
42:18I'm good at throwing things.
42:19Outstanding levels of disintegration.
42:21Gwen, you're up.
42:25I'm a lemonade!
42:27The furthest away from Mike's moustache was Kyra.
42:31Make your way to the elimination bench, please, Kyra.
42:37All right, Jamie.
42:45That was incredible!
42:51OK, high drama.
43:02Gwen, no, Gwen!
43:05Okey-dokey, Jamie.
43:13That was OK!
43:15You know he's not as capable of accuracy.
43:21There he goes.
43:22Back to the elimination bench.
43:25Two left in the game.
43:27All right, it's down to Jamie and Shania.
43:31Olympic levels of silence.
43:34I don't need this anymore, do I?
43:37Mate, I think you might have missed.
43:47Last try.
43:53Straight to business.
43:56Right, it's not on for a second.
43:57It's Janaye's.
43:59There we go!
44:01Please, all of you, give it up for Janaye.
44:05Please, all of you, come back down here
44:07and we'll see how they've depicted the final scores!
44:09Well done.
44:19I mean, Mike, please remind me about all of the aspects
44:22of their task and what they could have got points for.
44:24Well, the first thing I can reveal is that the bonus point
44:27that was available for the closest to bullseying my moustache
44:30does go to Jamie.
44:33Bonus point to Jamie.
44:37And then in terms of elimination bench,
44:39time, Cara came off first, so she got one point,
44:41Gwen got two, Zak three points,
44:43Jamie got four, plus his bonus point, five,
44:46and the person who won that particular game gets five points.
44:49It's Janaye.
44:50Well done, Janaye.
44:53All right.
44:54OK, Mike, look, I want to call you John, Mike and Rose
44:57because it's time to serve up some final points.
45:00Rose, let me tell you,
45:01you don't get more mind-blowingly exhilarating than this
45:04because both the runner-up and the winner
45:06will be going straight through to next week's final.
45:09There is also one place available for whoever comes third
45:12with the most points across both semis,
45:14but we won't find out who made the cut until the finale next week.
45:18So, take a deep breath, fasten your seatbelts
45:21and syringe your ears because here are the results.
45:23In fifth place, with nine points,
45:25we have Zak, ladies and gentlemen.
45:30In fourth place, with 11 points, it's Kyra.
45:36Third place, with 16 points, is Gwen.
45:40With 19 points in second place,
45:42and therefore through to the final, it is Shanaya.
45:47But that can only mean that tonight's winner
45:49is the outstanding Jamie!
45:53Get up there and collect your most magnificent metallic items!
45:59Wow, that is it for this week.
46:01Next week will be the Junior Taskmaster Grand Finale.
46:04Champions will clash, heroes will be forged,
46:07tasks will be mastered,
46:08and Mike and I will probably go for a curry afterwards!
46:11See you then, but let's hear it one more time
46:13for all of our contestants this week,
46:15and of course, tonight's winner, Jamie!