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Haroon Rafiq Nay Batadiya Kis Tarhan Bharni Hen Insani Rishtun Mein Dararen


00:00Hoshi yaar yaar, hoshi yaar yaar
00:03Welcome back, viewers.
00:05Today, we were talking about our monologue.
00:08Many times, a person who has been good to you all his life,
00:13sometimes says something that breaks your heart.
00:19Something happens that makes you cry for the rest of your life.
00:24And most of the time, we do this with our parents.
00:26They might have done a lot in their life, but mistakes are human.
00:30They can make mistakes.
00:31But if we hold on to that mistake,
00:33and if we talk about their whole life,
00:35especially, let me tell you one thing,
00:37in a spouse, this is a very bad thing to say.
00:39When a wife says this to her husband,
00:41after 10 years, 15 years, 5 years, 20 years,
00:44that I have never been happy here.
00:48Although, there are a lot of kids here.
00:50He's lost it.
00:52So, it's happiness, right?
00:53To have kids, it's happiness.
00:54No, even if you have two kids, it's still happiness.
00:58But if after 10 kids, you hear that you didn't get happiness,
01:02then you should understand that the count has increased.
01:06This thing hurts your spouse a lot.
01:09Or, if a husband says to his wife,
01:11that whatever you did, you always do it like this.
01:14You say it very easily.
01:15You always do it like this.
01:17Although, no one ever does anything bad.
01:19Even the worst of men don't do anything bad.
01:22So, this thing is very bad.
01:23Let me tell you one more thing.
01:25These small problems,
01:27if these problems get over,
01:30then the relationship becomes stronger.
01:32It becomes welding.
01:34Because these small effects,
01:36they make a larger picture.
01:38Have you ever seen,
01:39there's a very big TV somewhere,
01:41if you go near it and see,
01:42then the face that was visible,
01:44then small spots are visible.
01:46Blue, red, green, yellow,
01:48those spots are visible.
01:49If they go away, the picture is visible.
01:51So, those small spots,
01:53those are everyday problems.
01:54Life is full of pictures.
01:56So, the small spots,
01:58they don't actually define
02:00how the larger picture will be.
02:01You can still improve your larger picture.
02:04But Mr. Harood, if the mirror breaks,
02:07and you fix it,
02:08then the mirror will break,
02:09but the crack will always be there.
02:11Oh, wait.
02:12Wait a minute. Let her laugh.
02:16Look, Parvati.
02:19If you hadn't told me this today,
02:21I swear, I would have never found out.
02:24I second what she said.
02:27You hold a plate.
02:28If I throw this cup down,
02:29it will break into pieces.
02:31You will have to pay for it.
02:34If I fix it with glue again,
02:37then the cracks will be there, Mr. Harood.
02:39First, I will break it into pieces.
02:42And then, make me a moth with glue.
02:47The pieces will stick together.
02:49And then, make me a moth with glue.
02:53Oh, glue.
02:56Sir, you are saying that
02:57the picture will be perfect.
02:59But I don't have a television.
03:03People don't want to see you in any form.
03:10Okay, the moth thing you said,
03:12your answer was in your question.
03:13You said, you will fix it with glue.
03:16You don't have to fix it with glue.
03:17You have two options.
03:19The first option is,
03:21the clay you have made,
03:23you can re-knead it.
03:25You can make a more beautiful moth than this.
03:29The second option is,
03:30if you fill the cracks with gold,
03:34it will be more expensive.
03:39Hey, I didn't bring gold.
03:42I am telling you,
03:43if you re-knead it,
03:45it won't be as hard as flour.
03:48Sir, when the heart breaks,
03:49there is a crack in it.
03:51How can we fix it?
03:52The heart doesn't break.
03:53Your expectations break.
03:56The hole you have made in your mind,
03:59that breaks.
04:00The heart doesn't break.
04:01Okay, I think these analogies are very good.
04:04When it breaks, it can't be fixed.
04:05We ruined the paper,
04:07it can't be fixed.
04:09But I think,
04:10human relations are not in need of these analogies.
04:13If we keep thinking that when it breaks,
04:16it will never be fixed.
04:18These are human relations.
04:19We should try to mend them.
04:22Mr. Dhanerjee, if you want to befriend someone,
04:23you can do it.
04:24But don't involve us.
04:27Maybe you remember,
04:28I had told you that a man passed away.
04:31When he passed away,
04:31the bathers came.
04:32When they gave him a bath,
04:34the one who gave him a bath,
04:36later said to his followers,
04:38that he had never taken a bath before.
04:44So, the one who came to bathe,
04:46he asked his followers,
04:48what was his age?
04:49They said, 80 years.
04:51He said, he was very sad about his life.
04:53They said, why?
04:54He said, there was no scar on his face.
04:57There were no signs of wounds.
04:59That's why,
05:00I was very sad about his life.
05:02So, the followers asked,
05:03this is not something to be sad about.
05:06He said, there was nothing in his life,
05:10that he would fight for.
05:12Oh, wow.
05:14So, there was no scar.
05:16That's why, he was sad about his life.
05:19So, thank God,
05:20there are some pimple scars.
05:21Just like that.
05:23Just like that.
05:24He should have fought for his life,
05:25and given him a bath.
05:27He has learnt this from the beginning.
05:30Let's give him a round of applause.
05:32Very nice.
05:34Okay, now look at this.
05:36We usually say that,
05:38there is a permanent scar on the face.
05:39Like a scar or an accident.
05:42So, we say, it doesn't look good.
05:43But, in Africa,
05:45there are people,
05:46who have a lot of scars on their faces.
05:48I mean, on one face,
05:49they have 50, 60 scars.
05:52Oh, God.
05:53That's beauty.
05:54So, it's true.
05:56In their area,
05:56in their society,
05:58according to them,
05:59that's beauty.
06:00So, we have made standards of beauty.
06:03That's true.
06:04And especially,
06:05with apologies,
06:07this is just the opinion of a few people,
06:10which is not right.
06:11That white is beautiful,
06:13black is not beautiful.
06:14Or anything.
06:15Our religion itself,
06:16forbids us from this.
06:18That no one has any authority over anyone.
06:21in the whole world,
06:23there are such people,
06:25who consider themselves superior.
06:26That's true.
06:27Usually, people don't know this.
06:28They say that,
06:29we are all cooked up people.
06:31The whiter one is,
06:32the more raw he is.
06:33And in our society,
06:34we say that,
06:34he is white.
06:36fat and thin.
06:37So, it's not like that.
06:37We have made our standards.
06:40The beauty of a person,
06:41is in his character.
06:42No doubt.
06:43All the debate is about,
06:44white and black.
06:45So, what do we,
06:46the people of the color of wheat, do?
06:47By the way,
06:47we, the people of the color of wheat,
06:48also belong to the Caucasians.
06:50Do you know that,
06:51this Caucasian color,
06:53is the same color,
06:54which comes towards the equator,
06:56and gets a little dark.
06:58So, we also consider ourselves superior,
07:00in many places.
07:01That, look at the skin of the whites.
07:02They say that,
07:03their skin is not good,
07:04our skin is good.
07:05That's not true.
07:06It's not like that.
07:06This is,
07:07if the same color,
07:08same type,
07:09same type of flowers,
07:11are present in every garden,
07:13then you won't enjoy,
07:14going to the garden.
07:15The fun is,
07:16if there is a pearl,
07:17if there is a rose,
07:18if there is a lotus like my Goga,
07:20if there is something.
07:21Do you know where the lotus is?
07:23Where is it?
07:24It's everywhere.
07:25Why would there be a lotus?
07:27That means, you..
07:28No, actually,
07:28your car is also there.
07:31No matter what the face is,
07:32no matter what the color is,
07:33but there should be,
07:35a certain personality.
07:36I have seen many people,
07:38who if you look at them,
07:40the standards that society has set for them,
07:42they are not beautiful.
07:43But when they talk,
07:45their way of speaking,
07:46their thinking,
07:47their character,
07:48their words,
07:49they are such attractive people,
07:51that you get very impressed with them.
07:53I remembered a beautiful research.
07:55Ohio State University,
07:56and Indiana University,
07:59their psychologists,
08:00did a research.
08:01I was reading it yesterday.
08:03And that is a very,
08:04eye-opening research.
08:06That research is,
08:07that whatever you say,
08:09about someone,
08:10to someone else,
08:12understand this,
08:13you are talking to someone,
08:15person A,
08:16about person B,
08:18and you are saying bad things about him.
08:21He is listening,
08:22that he is a bad person,
08:24he does this,
08:25he does that,
08:26he lies,
08:27he does fraud,
08:28he steals,
08:30You said it,
08:31he heard it,
08:32in his eyes,
08:32B is bad.
08:34Is it done?
08:35The study says,
08:36that with the passage of time,
08:38the bad things you are doing about someone else,
08:41which we call fraud,
08:42The bad things,
08:43the person A who is listening,
08:46just after some time,
08:47all those bad things,
08:49start taking birth about you.
08:52Same thing.
08:53And they have collected data of 100,000 people,
08:56100,000 people,
08:58and did research on it,
08:59and found out,
09:00that all the frauds you do,
09:02the bad things,
09:03okay, bad things,
09:04after some time,
09:05all those bad things,
09:06you start seeing the person A in you,
09:09and you don't know,
09:11why he is attracted to me.
09:14He is apologizing after so long,
09:15he doesn't want to do bad things about me.
09:18I wanted to ask you,
09:20that the memory of a mobile,
09:22250 GB,
09:24256 GB.
09:25Oh, anchor,
09:26you are not sitting at a mobile shop.
09:27No, no.
09:29they have a limit,
09:30mobile memory.
09:31How much memory does a person have in their mind?
09:35Okay, I don't know how much it is in terabytes or megabytes,
09:39but a person's memory,
09:42if you work hard on it,
09:44like a muscle,
09:45like you do a muscle exercise every day,
09:47it becomes very strong.
09:49So the memory,
09:50is better than two things.
09:52One is memorizing things,
09:54and the other is sleeping.
09:56Sleep as much as possible,
09:58that increases your memory a lot.
09:59No, so if she sleeps a lot,
10:01then how will she come to work?
10:03So I want her to sleep.
10:06memory will increase or it will decrease?
10:07It will decrease.
10:09Do you know,
10:10Manat Bhai has done a concert worth Rs. 5,00,000.
10:13Rs. 5,00,000?
10:13Why more than Rs. 5,00,000?
10:15Rs. 5,00,000 for singing,
10:16and Rs. 5,00,000 for being quiet.
10:23We will take a short break now.
10:24It will be fun.
10:25First of all,
10:28when I saw you,
10:31my heart...
10:33Why don't you look at me?
10:36I did a note,
10:37and he was looking at me.
10:38Yes, he was looking at you.
10:39He always looks at me and sings.
10:41You should sing a revolving song.
