• last year
As the year draws to a close, Bollywood stars have already set in the festive mood with their vacations abroad. On Sunday, Bollywood star Kareena Kapoor Khan shared pictures from her vacation on her social media. The actress took to the Stories section of her Instagram, and shared several pictures from her vacations as she prepares to ring in Christmas. The pictures feature her husband, actor Saif Ali Khan, and her elder son Taimur. One of the pictures shows Taimur standing in front of a huge Christmas tree. Earlier, the actress, who belongs to the first film dynasty of Bollywood, and has seen what works and what doesn’t at the box-office, shared her insights on what makes a movie truly successful in today’s cinematic landscape.

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00:00As the year draws to a close, Bollywood stars have already set in the festive mood with their vacations abroad.
00:07On Sunday, Bollywood star Kareena Kapoor Khan shared pictures from her vacation on her social media.
00:14The actress took to the story section of her Instagram and shared several pictures from her vacations as she prepares to ring in Christmas.
00:22The pictures feature her husband, actor Saif Ali Khan, and her elder son, Taimur.
00:29One of the pictures shows Taimur standing in front of a huge Christmas tree.
00:33Earlier, the actress, who belongs to the first film dynasty of Bollywood and has seen what works and what doesn't at the box office,
00:40shared her insights on what makes a movie truly successful in today's cinematic landscape.
00:46The actress said that the only successful formula for a film to work is that it has to create magic.
00:52As she said, the formula for a movie to work is simple – create magic.
00:57Whether it's through powerful emotions, gripping action, or unforgettable music,
01:02if it leaves you inspired and moved in those two 2.5 hours, it's a success.
01:07She emphasized that the essence of a memorable film lies in its ability to create magic during the two 2.5 hours it occupies the audience's attention.
01:18In a movie, there has to be magic.
01:20In those two 2.5 hours, something needs to touch you, whether it's the action, the music, or the story.
01:27That's what makes it all unforgettable, she added.
01:30Kareena's words capture the heart of Bollywood's storytelling tradition,
01:34where films are not just entertainment, but transformative experiences that resonate long after the credits roll.
01:41The actress also took to her Instagram and dropped several pictures from her visit to the Red Sea Film Festival.
01:50For more stories, visit nyseagrant.org
