PT Ultrajaya Milk Industry & Trading Company Tbk (ULTJ) berhasil mempertahankan pertumbuhan kinerja selama periode Januari- September 2024. Pencapaian ini didorong oleh berbagai strategi yang dijalankan perseroan di sepanjang tahun.
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00:05Emiten Producent Susu UHT, PT Ultrajaya Milk Industry and Trading Company, TBK,
00:10managed to maintain the growth of Kinerja during the January period until September 2024.
00:15This achievement is driven by various strategies that have been carried out throughout the year.
00:23PT Ultrajaya Milk Industry and Trading Company, TBK,
00:27managed to maintain the growth of Kinerja during the January period until September 2024.
00:32Until Q3 2024, ULTJ recorded a sales of 6.58 trillion rupiah,
00:38finally higher by 7.6% annually or year-on-year,
00:42compared to 6.11 trillion in the same period last year.
00:46The largest contribution of ULTJ's sales is still contributed from the milk product segment of 5.04 trillion rupiah,
00:52or 77% of the total sales.
00:55Then, in the tea and health drinks segment, 1.15 trillion or 18% and others,
01:01393 billion rupiah or 6%.
01:05For the milk product segment in this third quarter, increased by 10.5% annually,
01:10but for tea and health drinks decreased by 4.2% and others, there is an increase of 10%.
01:16The consumption of milk per capita per year in Indonesia is still lower than other countries in Asia,
01:21but there is an increase trend from year to year.
01:23Moreover, with the government's program like eating free meals with liquid milk as one of its components,
01:28it will continue to increase the consumption of milk nationally.
01:32ULTJ is also optimistic that the demand for milk products will continue to rise in the future,
01:36as well as the speed of the ultra-rich business that is still the leader of the UHT milk market in Indonesia.
01:43Nationally, the consumption of milk also increased from year to year by almost two digits.
01:48For more information, stay tuned on IDX Channel.