• last year
👉 En dos incidentes separados, la policía rescató a perros que habían sido dejados dentro de vehículos cerrados en los barrios de Flores y Floresta. Los animales, visiblemente asustados, fueron liberados después de que las ventanas del vehículo fueran rotas. Ambos casos están siendo tratados como maltrato animal, un delito tipificado en el Código Penal. Este incidente recuerda la importancia de no dejar a los animales encerrados en vehículos, especialmente durante el invierno cuando las temperaturas dentro del coche pueden aumentar rápidamente.

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00:00and a situation that unfortunately repeats
00:11puppies left in a vehicle with what this means with the heat that is generated inside that
00:17chamber in which a vehicle is transformed, especially in that winter time, in this way they
00:22broke the glass to be able to rescue in this case two dogs, this is a case we have two videos
00:31to see this is the one from Argericha of 700, the two are in flores, you are going to see the face of the dog, the fear of this
00:37dog, the other is a caniche in another case but look at this image because here when they are going to
00:41rescue him now the police are going to open the door in both cases it is classified as animal abuse
00:47I hope justice advances in that because the animal abuse is in the criminal code
00:52a contravention not when they open the door that the puppy was lying on the back
00:58with a trembling fear, the truth is that I say in all situations that I broke the glass of the
01:06car I ask now I'm going to see the dog I'm going to see the puppy here I don't know I really ask I say it
01:12is a furnace where the dog cooks obviously raises the body temperature
01:28I ask this is not criticism I speak of the operation we must break the video and immediately
01:35to see a puppy put the image now you will see the image of the puppy behind it is very tender
01:41obviously when you see the puppy you are going to say how you are not going to break the glass of
01:45Salmado I ask who pays the car is parked
01:49the video is insured, the video is inside the insurance, Carlos, but it is not the lesser evil,
01:58glass breakage, whatever the reason, this went viral, I ask if it is not the lesser evil,
02:05you say a pick, better a pick, he says that you do not have to open a vehicle when there is a dog inside
02:13because it may be that the owner has gone down, of course, look at the image, the image is very tender,
02:18obviously, look, the puppy is in a kind of pillow, I don't see the puppy badly, I see it scared,
02:29but they did not leave a window or minimally open for air to enter, it is the lesser evil,
02:34the dog dies or we rescue it and the owner replaces the glass, the person went down 10 minutes ago,
02:38how do we know that the person went down 10 minutes ago or went down 3 hours ago,
02:44I ask the finite, I ask the finite, I link the two things, not the airport that just with the
02:48number of dogs that were going and this case, we have to at some point put ourselves to speak in a
02:53city ​​that has three times more dogs than children, what is our link with pets,
02:57I love dogs, but there is a time when they are exposed to stressful situations, the dog does not
03:02travel happily on a plane, it is a stressful situation and more when it goes down, the dog's bells
03:07do not resist either, they tend to humanize the same, the most resonant case, now we have another video more
03:13guys if you want to put in your case, it is the one of Rosario, you have to leave a creature or a pet
03:17inside a car, not 10 minutes, nothing, this is the one of Floresta, also very close there of flowers,
03:25now the owner is going to come, look, he started to break the windows of the cars,
03:38I would like that sometimes with the same speed he grabs the jets, but beyond that,
03:45the police, how many police officers in the city come there for that, look, the woman says, I went to buy and I came,
03:52we are going to do something, we are going to the place, this Flor Ducatelli, in the place where it happened,
03:58you told me that it was in Floresta, there are two Flores and another in Floresta, Flores and Floresta,
04:02well, Flor, are you in Flores or in Floresta?
04:06Floresta on Avellaneda, the rescue of the caniche, notice that this was on Friday and there are still
04:16glasses because the police broke with a shovel to be able to rescue the caniche, there are sellers who
04:21witnessed the event and if the woman wanted to excuse herself when she saw that they had broken her
04:26destroyed her car to rescue the dog saying that it had only been five minutes but that
04:32if it was really five if it were really five minutes if it had been a long time
04:38more maybe the dog today would not be alive I would have had the same end as Coco the dog
04:43in Rosario that unfortunately died due to the high temperatures so thank goodness it was in
04:49double rows because the neighbors if it was in double rows how much can you leave it in double rows
04:55you can say two hours in double rows and it depends in Palermo you can leave it for hours
04:59here they tell me that the program lasts
05:03today I found a place almost biting a parking lot
05:09you don't know the damage that double-row cars do to, for example, cyclists or people who
05:17move on a scooter and others, double-row cars complicate a little and impatient people like me
05:23too, of course, I think that if we prohibit double-row cars, we improve a great situation in the
05:31city, but not with this, I insist that the most difficult case to touch or to tell was that of
05:39Rosario that the dog died suffocated inside the vehicle, the owner, when he arrived, he
05:44grabbed a panic attack because she said that she had forgotten the dog, she had seven
05:51hours abandoned, a neighbor told her, well, of course, seven hours with a maximum of 31 degrees,
05:56but here I saw the dog live, forgive me, I love the dogs too, but I saw the two dogs live,
06:04let's see Flor, what happens is that if indeed the woman left for only five minutes, that is why
06:11the dog still does not start to decompose, the neighbors still said that they did ask for help,
06:15that they noticed it as with desperation, wanting to leave, asking for help, but hey, if it was
06:22five minutes, that's why it didn't decompose, you're right Flor, in something I'm going to be, you have to
06:29remember that dogs don't sweat, I'm going to agree with Carlos in something, dogs don't sweat, they need to
06:35hydrate permanently, dogs don't have sweat like the person, I'm going to agree with Carlos in
06:41that, but that the police are so fast when there are children in danger, in breaking
06:45glasses, in opening doors, because truly and from love towards pets,
06:50it seems to me that there is an inflation regarding this romanticization and it seems to me that if one has a
06:57puppy, take it with you and if not, leave it at home. Can I say something? Advice for the police of the
07:02country who want to break glasses, the car has behind everything, behind what would be the
07:10glasses, the side has a very small glass, break that glass that is of lower cost, put your hand
07:16and open it, I say do not break, because if they are going to break all the glasses, I say for the cost issue, for the man of the insurances,
07:21Carlos is the representative of the insurances, you see, look, there is a small glass next to the insurance company,
07:31or if not, call a specialist in opening cars, we are going to talk with René, a specialist in the
07:37issue of how to treat animals, who is the one who is going to tell us about all these barbarities that
07:41we are saying, he is going to tell us and say, René Cormillot, if what happened to this police officer is correct,
07:49opening the vehicle, because here they say, no, only five minutes had passed, but hey, what can
07:54that mean in the animal? Hello René, good morning, how are you? Hello, how are you? How are you?
07:59The issue is like this, the animal, as they said, does not sweat, that is, it does not perspire, it regulates the temperature of the
08:07body by yawning, if you yawn in an environment that does not give you fresh air, the animal suffocates,
08:14the issue of the temperature, what I had was that it went up 20 degrees in 45 minutes, the
08:26information that I had, well, it depends on the websites, it must change a lot, once I did the
08:32experiment, I got into a car with a thermometer and closed all the doors and left it
08:39so tiny open and the truth is that it is terrible how the temperature rises and how you cannot
08:46breathe, it is exaggerated to break a window, no, it is not exaggerated to break a window, a life is a
08:52life, animal, human or whatever, a life is a life and we cannot be leaving, we cannot normalize
09:02this of leaving a dog inside a car with a small window or a large window in the second
09:09row, even worse, there may be an accident, in addition to bothering the cyclists, motorcycles, everything as they were
09:15commenting, there may be an accident, they can crash it because I don't know, I didn't turn on the beacons or
09:21because someone came distracted and the animal is inside and generally the animals go loose
09:27then it is another risk more apart from being locked up rené a question there is no
09:33permanent over-adaptation of company animals a human life when the human being who is
09:39responsible is cognitively supposedly superior should understand what needs a
09:44dog has not to take it on the plane unless one goes to exile or emigrate to another country this I say
09:50there is like an over-adaptation all the time as if they were an object and not a subject
09:57that topic I listened to it and it seems fabulous to me that they have touched it
10:02I need an adaptation the dog to be able to get on a plane if you see that the dog is not
10:08bad it is not having a good time as well you say if you are going to live in another country you take it
10:15but like this for 15 days they have to be dogs that are very adapted, very sociable,
10:21that they are used to being in their little box, for example, here in the refuge I have 62 dogs,
10:28almost none of them, some of them get in the car because they have to go to the veterinary, but they are
10:35dogs that live free, which is this, for example, they would not be used to getting on a plane less
10:41than many times the people who live with dogs believe that the other way around than leaving it
10:48in the city when they are going on vacation is not to have it in consideration to the dog but there are
10:54options not to stop at the moment there are pensioners there are pensioners of all kinds there are pensioners of
11:01all prices there are family members also one out there can ask to take care of the dog for a
11:08few days but for example the dog that everyone knows the jasmine de susana was a dog that was
11:1524 7 in a ufa that was used to going everywhere if you get that dog on a plane he has a great time
11:21and realizes the difference of a plane and being at home my cousin who lived in the United States
11:29at one time by a hurricane they gave him tickets for I don't know where he had a golden retriever
11:37he got on the plane that dog was very anti-socialized and he had a good time I tell you I don't sign for
11:43any of the 62 dogs in my home that can get on a plane because they are going to have a horrible
11:48particular situation of each animal and how each family socialized with the animal
11:57rené we want to thank rené who had this
