• 2 months ago
👉 Un intento de robo a un camión repartidor de pollos en Villa Luzuriaga resultó en un tiroteo que dejó dos delincuentes muertos y uno gravemente herido. El incidente, que ocurrió el 2 de enero alrededor de las 11:30 am, fue capturado en video y ha conmocionado a la comunidad local. La Policía Federal está actualmente realizando pericias e investigaciones sobre el hecho, ya que un policía bonaerense estuvo involucrado en el enfrentamiento.

👉 Seguí en #QuienCuandoDonde #QCD
📺 a24.com/vivo


00:00And observe in this image again, criminals and laborers of what we have been talking about, an attempt to steal a truck that distributed chickens and two dead criminals in a confrontation.
00:19This happened in Villa Lusuriaga, the information and the video that we are showing you became known, notice, it became known in the last minutes, January 2, Thursday, January 2, this is today.
00:35At 11 and a half in the morning the event occurred, at this time the video is being known, shooting and two dead, in a moment we will be working live from the place.
00:51This happened at times when supposedly the criminals intended to surprise the distributors, but of course, their victims were armed.
01:09Look, that man is armed, they attack him and shoot, he feels that they also respond to him, he shoots forward and to the side, killing, as Bobby said, two criminals.
01:25This happened minutes ago, the police are there working in the place, in a moment we will be with the images, an absolutely shocked neighborhood, again Villa Lusuriaga, party of the massacre, unfortunately with the extreme violence of the crime.
01:47We just saw the workers against the churros, but with a dissuasive situation, where luckily the workers and the victim were indignant with blows, of course, but indignant.
02:01Here the victim of the robbery responds with his gun, and this we will have to see in the course of the afternoon, to see in what conditions that man has a gun to defend himself, but in this fact the criminals were shot.
02:20It happens in front of a Chinese market, located at the intersection of Garibaldi and Paris streets, in Villa Lusuriaga, party of the massacre.
02:30This man is armed, and who intervenes and gets involved in trying to avoid or repel this fact with armed criminals, is a policeman who shoots himself with the criminals, two shot down and a third seriously injured.
02:52And for that reason, in a moment we will be working live there, they are intervening and carrying out investigations, the investigations are being carried out by members of the Federal Police, being a policeman of the goodwill apparently who intervenes in this fact and ends up beating two criminals and injuring a third one.
03:13It is logical that everything related to the first intervention and above all the expertise, beyond the investigation, has to be carried out by staff of another force.
03:22Obviously he is a civilian, we see him in uniform, but look at him when he shoots, a man who is experienced in the matter, who knows how to shoot, and go if he did.
03:36The issue is, in a neighborhood, shooting criminals, with the danger that this entails, of being able to injure thirds, all this, all these condiments, have precisely ...
