• last year
दिल्ली: प्रधानमंत्री नरेंद्र मोदी ने भारत के कैथोलिक बिशप सम्मेलन द्वारा आयोजित क्रिसमस समारोह के दौरान एक सभा को संबोधित किया। पीएम मोदी ने कहा, बाइबिल में कहा गया है, ‘एक दूसरे का बोझ उठाओ’ यानी हमें एक दूसरे की देखभाल करनी चाहिए। ईसा मसीह ने हमें करुणा और निस्वार्थ सेवा का मार्ग दिखाया। हम क्रिसमस मनाते हैं और इन मूल्यों को अपने जीवन में अपनाने का संकल्प लेते हैं। अतीत में विकलांग समुदाय को मानवीय गरिमा के खिलाफ नामों से पुकारा जाता था, जो समाज के लिए शर्मनाक था। हमारी सरकार ने उन्हें 'दिव्यांग' के रूप में पहचान देकर समानता की भावना को बढ़ावा दिया। आज देश सार्वजनिक बुनियादी ढांचे और रोजगार में विकलांगों के लिए अवसर प्रदान कर रहा है।

#PMModi #ChristmasCelebration #CatholicBishopsConference #PopeFrancis #PietroParolin


00:00You must have seen the difficulties we had to face as a society.
00:07They were called by names that were against human dignity.
00:13It was a matter of regret for us as a society.
00:16Our government rectified that mistake.
00:19We gave them a divine identity and expressed a sense of respect.
00:27Today, the country is giving importance to the divine elements in every field, from public infrastructure to employment.
00:36Friends, consistency in government is equally important for the economic development of the country.
00:44In our country, there are about 3 crore fishermen and fish farmers.
00:52But we never thought about these crores of people in that way.
00:59We created a separate ministry for fisheries.
01:03We started giving fishermen facilities such as a farmer's credit card.
01:08We started a fishery project.
01:11Many modern efforts have been made for the protection of fishermen in the sea.
01:17These efforts have changed the lives of crores of people and strengthened the economic system of the country.
01:47Today, socially conscious Indians are powering many mass movements.
01:55Swachh Bharat helped build a cleaner India.
02:01It has also impacted the health outcomes of women and children.
02:06Millets or shriand grown by our farmers are being welcomed across our country and the world.
02:14People are becoming vocal for local, encouraging artisans and industries.
02:21Ek paid ma ke naam, meaning a tree for mother, has also become popular among the people.
02:30Bible says, carry each other's burdens.
02:35Meaning, we should care for each other.
02:39We should feel for each other's well-being.
02:42With this in mind, our institutions and organizations play a very important role in social service.
02:51New schools should be established in the field of education.
02:55Every community should try to move forward through education.
03:00In the field of health, there should be a commitment to serve the common man.
03:04We all take this as our responsibility.
03:08Friends, Jesus Christ has shown the world the path of compassion and selfless service.
03:16We celebrate Christmas and remember Jesus,
03:21so that we can bring these values into our lives and always give priority to our duties.
03:30I believe that this is our personal responsibility, social responsibility and as a nation it is our duty.
03:40Today, the country is moving forward with the intention of everyone's support, development and effort.
03:52There are so many issues that have never been thought about before,
03:58but they were more important than human perspective.
04:02We made them our priority.
04:04We showed the government to be out of the rules and regulations.
04:08We set tolerance as a parameter.
04:13Every poor person should get a permanent home.
04:16Electricity should reach every village.
04:18Darkness should be removed from people's lives.
04:21People should get clean water to drink.
04:24No one should be deprived of treatment due to lack of money.
04:28We made such a constitutional system,
04:31which can guarantee this type of service, this type of governance.
04:36Can you imagine?
04:38When a poor family gets this guarantee,
04:42then how much of a burden of worry is removed from it.
04:47When the house of the PM housing scheme is built in the name of a family woman,
04:54then how much strength do women get?
04:57To empower women,
04:59we have established women's empowerment in the parliament.
