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Amor Amargo Capitulo 36 Completo HD
Amor Amargo Capitulo 36 Completo HD
Amor Amargo Capitulo 36 Completo HD
Amor Amargo Capitulo 36 Completo HD
00:01:06Qué bonita te ves.
00:01:11¿Está tu mamá?
00:01:13Me vine a poner de acuerdo con ella
00:01:15por unas cosas de la fiesta.
00:01:18¿No está?
00:01:19No, no está.
00:01:21Pero le digo que veniste y que te marque, ¿sí?
00:01:25¿Es en serio?
00:01:30Me dices que me veo muy bonita
00:01:31y no me invitas a pasar.
00:01:35No me extrañas.
00:01:39Ya no sientes nada por mí, ¿verdad?
00:01:59A mí no me vas a seguir despreciando, Gabriela.
00:02:01No estoy dispuesto a permitirlo.
00:02:03Y por si no te has dado cuenta,
00:02:05a mí no te vas a deshacer tan fácilmente.
00:02:08Yo estoy y estaré en tu vida para siempre.
00:02:14No creas que no me sé defender.
00:02:16Con esto estoy confirmando mis sospechas.
00:02:18La pastilla que me diste en tu casa la cambiaste.
00:02:22¿Qué me hiciste?
00:02:24Juro que no te hice nada, yo no te toqué.
00:02:27No te quiero volver a ver en mi vida, imbécil.
00:02:50Gracias por pensar en mí.
00:02:53Yo también me acuerdo mucho de ti.
00:02:57Yo también me acuerdo mucho de ti.
00:03:13Cosas de mi chamba.
00:03:14Perdóname, perdóname.
00:03:49¡Día hermosa!
00:03:59Qué felicidad que haya llegado este día tan especial.
00:04:02¿Y qué?
00:04:04¿No te das cuenta de que estoy ocupada?
00:04:06¿Por qué no te vas?
00:04:09Tú sabes lo mucho que yo amo mi trabajo, tía.
00:04:11Y nada, no vengo de visita.
00:04:14Vengo a entregarles la lista de exigencias de mi jefe.
00:04:18Ese tipo no está en posición de exigir nada.
00:04:23No estaría tan seguro, Quique.
00:04:27Quiere que se incluya en la lista de agradecimientos
00:04:30el nombre de Jaime Jiménez.
00:04:32La compañía Soy Mexicano de Tomás Jiménez,
00:04:35ahora socio de la fábrica de chocolate.
00:04:37Y los nombres de sus ejecutivos,
00:04:39en donde, por supuesto, se muevan.
00:04:46El mínimo en los protocolos a seguir, tía hermosa.
00:04:49No me digas tía hermosa.
00:04:51Eres un traidor.
00:04:54Lárgate de aquí.
00:04:56Me molesta tu presencia.
00:04:57No las exigencias de tu socio, Tomás Jiménez.
00:05:02Además, es un acto de cortesía, ¿no?
00:05:06Quique, convence a mi tía,
00:05:09mi tía Secas, por favor.
00:05:16¿La oíste?
00:05:23Tía, tía, tía.
00:05:26Quítate, tía, tía.
00:05:29Quítate, tía, tía.
00:05:59¿A quién buscas, eh?
00:06:18Ya revisé por todos los rincones
00:06:19y ni rasos a Tomás.
00:06:21Pero no hay que desesperar, amiga.
00:06:23No va a venir.
00:06:25Pero ya hablé con él
00:06:26y no se fue para alejarse de mí.
00:06:29Solamente fue una confusión, sí.
00:06:31Fue a arreglar unas cosas
00:06:32en Estados Unidos.
00:06:33Ay, carijo, nos hubiera avisado.
00:06:36Aquí me tiene con el arma en un hilo.
00:06:39Sabes, yo pensaba
00:06:40que podía estar lejos de él,
00:06:41pero es todo lo contrario.
00:06:43No sabes cómo le extraño a él.
00:06:45Ay, ¿y cuánto tiempo va a estar ahí?
00:06:47Dile que no se tarde mucho
00:06:48porque por aquí hay su pilotón
00:06:50llamado Francisco
00:06:51que no te deja tranquila.
00:06:53No me lo menciones.
00:06:54Está todo alcoholizado.
00:06:57Intentó besarme.
00:07:00¿Dónde está?
00:07:01Ay, hazme un par de golpes.
00:07:02Tranquila, por favor, tranquila.
00:07:04Aprendí de ti, ya se lo sé yo.
00:07:07Es que ya está desesperada.
00:07:09Ya no sé qué más hacer
00:07:10para que entienda
00:07:11que no quiero nada con él.
00:07:13Mientras ese tipo esté por aquí,
00:07:15va a seguir insistiendo, amiga.
00:07:16Francisco nunca ha sido normal.
00:07:18Ten cuidado, amiga.
00:07:23Oye, ¿vamos a probar unos tragos?
00:07:25Te acompaño por ahí.
00:07:32¿Crees que por uno de tus besos
00:07:34va a caer rendida a tus pies?
00:07:39Tienes que seguir mi plan.
00:07:41Dejarte ponerte en evidencia.
00:07:43No te puedes portar
00:07:44de una manera tan estúpida.
00:07:46Ya no sé si la estoy odiando
00:07:47o qué es lo que siento.
00:07:50El amor y el odio
00:07:53a veces parecen ser lo mismo.
00:07:56Pero te aseguro
00:07:57que no hay odio más puro
00:07:59que ese que sientes
00:08:00tras a quien te rechaza,
00:08:03quien te trata como Gabriela.
00:08:06Es una mujer penante,
00:08:07insoportable, como su abuela.
00:08:11Y yo, yo no tengo la menor duda
00:08:13de lo que siento hacia ella.
00:08:16Odio puro.
00:08:29¡No me gusta que me hagas eso!
00:08:32¡No me hagas eso así!
00:08:36¿Cómo estás?
00:08:39Contento de verte.
00:08:45Pero vámonos.
00:08:46Tenemos cosas que hacer.
00:08:54¡Ja, ja, ja!
00:09:02Por supuesto
00:09:03que no voy a hacer ninguna mención a Tomás.
00:09:07Y mucho menos a su padre.
00:09:10¿Qué clase de estupideces piden?
00:09:13Pues te guste o no, es tu socio
00:09:15y te recuerdo que tú lo aceptaste.
00:09:17Ay, no sé en qué estaba pensando
00:09:19cuando acepté la locura
00:09:20de incluirlo en la fábrica.
00:09:22No, no, deja de alterarte.
00:09:24Recuerda lo que te dijo el doctor.
00:09:26Si quieres yo lo hablo con Gabriela.
00:09:28Ahorita por lo pronto.
00:09:29Hoy es tu fiesta.
00:09:31Tú eres la jefa.
00:09:33Tienes que estar perfecta.
00:09:35Endereza la espalda
00:09:37con esa mirada en alto.
00:09:42Está bien.
00:09:43Regré sus estúpidas menciones en la fiesta.
00:09:48Pero lo voy a hacer a mi manera.
00:09:51Esa es la jefa.
00:10:50Tu abuela no se siente bien, Gaby.
00:10:52Creo que no es bueno darle disgustos ahorita.
00:10:55¿Quieres que le llame al doctor Hernández
00:10:56para que te revise?
00:10:58Ahorita no estoy para revisiones.
00:11:00¿Qué pasa?
00:11:03Abuela, necesito que corras a Francisco.
00:11:08Él no puede estar aquí en la fábrica,
00:11:09y menos aquí en Todos los Santos.
00:11:11Yo estoy completamente de acuerdo contigo, Gaby.
00:11:14¿Cuál sería el motivo del despido?
00:11:16Mira, no voy a entrar en detalles,
00:11:19pero como tú lo trajiste,
00:11:21te corresponde correrlo.
00:11:23¿Qué te hizo o qué?
00:11:25Francisco no está bien.
00:11:27Y si en algún momento pensaste
00:11:28que yo podía regresar con él,
00:11:31Eso no va a suceder.
00:11:32Ay, pero Francisco es un muchacho que...
00:11:34Ahora, no quiero que estés aquí.
00:11:37Así de sencillo.
00:11:39Así que, por favor,
00:11:40haz lo que tengas que hacer para que se vaya.
00:11:42Está bien.
00:11:44Nos están viendo.
00:12:34¿Te diviertes?
00:12:36¿Yo no te pedí que te encargaras de Francisco?
00:12:39Trato de disimular, patrón.
00:12:41No quiero levantar sospechas.
00:12:43Quítate el sombrero.
00:12:45Aquí hay mucha gente observando.
00:12:48A Francisco se le está pasando la mano
00:12:50y lo quiero fuera del pueblo.
00:12:53Tranquilo, patrón.
00:12:54Yo sé cómo hago mis cosas para que salgan bien.
00:12:57Lo primero es armar una buena coartada.
00:13:00Quiero que me vean gozar,
00:13:02que me guste el bailón,
00:13:03o que estoy aquí para divertirme.
00:13:05No para deshacerme de un cristiano, ¿no?
00:13:07¿Qué, gustas que bailemos juntos?
00:13:10No trates de enredarme, Paulo.
00:13:13Sabes perfectamente que conmigo no se juega.
00:13:17Y usted sabe que cuenta conmigo con los ojos cerrados.
00:13:21Más te vale.
00:13:41Te mandé los videos y las fotos
00:13:44de las cámaras de seguridad de la oficina.
00:13:53Si las comparas,
00:13:54es la misma mujer que habló con mi papá
00:13:57y con Beatriz en el restaurante.
00:14:03Sí, coinciden los rasgos físicos.
00:14:06Lo que más me impresionó
00:14:07es que fue a ver a mi papá el mismo día
00:14:09que él vino a Todos los Santos.
00:14:12Quizá viajaron juntos.
00:14:14No, no, no.
00:14:15A mí Emilio me dijo que viajó solo.
00:14:17Esa mujer seguramente llegó aparte.
00:14:21Ahora tenemos más pruebas, Tomás.
00:14:23Es buen material para trabajar.
00:14:26Ya sé qué vamos a hacer.
00:14:27Con estas imágenes vamos a comenzar a buscar a alguien
00:14:31que haya visto a esa mujer en el pueblo.
00:14:33Cuenta con eso.
00:14:35Hasta luego, Tomás.
00:15:05¿Quién es?
00:15:35¿Quién es?
00:15:50¿Qué es lo que pretende?
00:15:51Es hora de negociar.
00:15:53Yo no voy a permitir que te cases con mi papá.
00:15:56No puedes casarte con ese hombre.
00:15:58¿Por qué estás tan triste
00:16:00si tu hija va a ser la señora de esta casa?
00:16:03Yo solo espero que tu boda sea muy pronto
00:16:05porque con lo que estás haciendo te vas a quedar tonto.
00:16:08Lunes a viernes, 9.30 de la noche.
00:16:33Es cierto que nuestros maridos jamás harían una dieta.
00:16:36Llevo cuatro y tengo espacio para más.
00:16:38Yo me meto cinco en una sentada.
00:16:40Seguro rompo la dieta, ¿no?
00:16:41Pero si ese es tu pasatiempo favorito.
00:16:43¡Hija, quiero mis huevos!
00:16:45El Simón dice, sabemos hacerte reír.
00:16:47Este martes al terminar el noti por las estrellas.
00:16:50Ella tiene un gran anhelo.
00:16:52Necesito un hombre que me penda el boli.
00:16:54Y él tiene un enorme potencial.
00:16:57¿Me podrán ver?
00:16:58Salsa grande.
00:17:00Pero un pequeño tropiezo le dará un giro a sus vidas.
00:17:03El tamaño sí importa.
00:17:05Este domingo, 7 de la noche, con las estrellas.
00:17:10¡Él es Platanito!
00:17:13Es culpable de corromper el sagrado oficio del payaso.
00:17:16Por algo soy Platanito, porque todos...
00:17:20Platanito es como mi hijo.
00:17:21Nos conocemos hace más de 30 años, ¿verdad?
00:17:23Yo tenía el pelo abajo de mi peluca.
00:17:25El perdir el juicio, sabemos hacerte reír.
00:17:28Este lunes al terminar el noti.
00:17:30Cuando el mundo despierta, las noticias ya están sucediendo.
00:17:34Te acercamos a las historias y al análisis que marcarán el rumbo de tu día.
00:17:40Con los marcadores, los escenarios y el tiempo que habrá en tu estado y ciudad.
00:17:45Comienza tu día en Despierta.
00:17:47Lunes a viernes, 7 a 9 de la mañana, por las estrellas.
00:17:50En el ángel de Aurora, el dolor desatará la furia.
00:17:53Le puedes decir a tu hermana que se puede dar por vengada.
00:17:58Te amo con todo mi corazón.
00:18:00Tú no la amas.
00:18:01Y la esperanza de unos será la desilusión de otros.
00:18:04¿Quieres casarte conmigo?
00:18:05Quiero que seas mi esposa.
00:18:07Lunes a viernes, 4.30 de la tarde.
00:18:10¿Qué es lo que pretende?
00:18:11Es hora de negociar.
00:18:13Yo no voy a permitir que te cases con mi papá.
00:18:16No puedes casarte con ese hombre.
00:18:18¿Por qué estás tan triste si tu hija va a ser la señora de esta casa?
00:18:23Yo solo espero que tu boda sea muy pronto, porque con lo que estás haciendo te vas a quedar solo.
00:18:28Lunes a viernes, 9.30 de la noche.
00:18:302024, un año de polémicas y controversias.
00:18:33El reencuentro de lo ocurrido durante el año en los espectáculos de México y el mundo.
00:18:38Rostros 2024, un especial de Televisa Espectáculos,
00:18:41conducido por la periodista Mara Patricia Castañeda
00:18:44y producido por Luis Mario Santos Coy.
00:18:46Domingo 29 de diciembre, 12 del día, con las estrellas.
00:18:50Esta Navidad, la Rosa de Guadalupe tiene para ti los mejores deseos.
00:18:55La luz en tu camino.
00:18:57La esperanza de una vida llena de paz.
00:19:00Y el amor que inunde tu hogar y tu corazón.
00:19:04La Rosa de Guadalupe.
00:19:06Feliz Navidad.
00:19:07Lunes a viernes, 7.30 de la noche.
00:19:10Paco ya dio el viejazo y sus amiguitas lo saben.
00:19:13Disculpe señor, pero yo no salgo con gente de la tercera edad.
00:19:17Y don Paquis, si le han gritado cosas peores como viejo vencido, caluco y pellejudo.
00:19:21¿Cómo les caería una fiestecita?
00:19:22Por eso, puros viejitos de los ochenta.
00:19:25En cuarenta y veinte, sabemos hacerte reír.
00:19:27Final de temporada, este jueves al terminar el noti.
00:19:30Disfruta las fiestas con las estrellas.
00:19:32A las nueve, juegos, consejos, invitados y mucha diversión en hoy.
00:19:36Este es tu año. Este es tu año.
00:19:39Y al terminar, cocina, famosos, notas, entrevistas y más en Cuéntamelo Ya.
00:19:44Daddy Yankee celebró este fin de semana la fiesta de Navidad de su fundación.
00:19:48De lunes a viernes, con las estrellas.
00:19:50En este programa, te ponemos en contacto con...
00:19:53Los últimos resultados.
00:19:57Entrevistas exclusivas.
00:20:00Comentarios y opiniones de toda la jornada deportiva.
00:20:04Contacto Deportivo.
00:20:05Lunes, martes, jueves y viernes, once treinta de la noche, con las estrellas.
00:20:10Él es Platanito.
00:20:13Es culpable de corromper el sagrado oficio del payaso.
00:20:17Por algo soy Platanito, porque todos...
00:20:21Platanito es como mi hijo.
00:20:22Nos conocemos hace más de treinta años, ¿verdad?
00:20:24Yo tenía pelo abajo de mi peluca.
00:20:26El intervirio y el juicio sabemos hacerte reír.
00:20:29Este lunes, al terminar el noti, ella tiene un gran anhelo.
00:20:32Necesito un hombre que me prenda el boli.
00:20:35Y él tiene un enorme potencial.
00:20:37¿Cómo podrán ver?
00:20:39Calzo grande.
00:20:40Pero un pequeño tropiezo le dará un giro a sus vidas.
00:20:44El tamaño sí importa.
00:20:46Este domingo, siete de la noche, con las estrellas.
00:20:51Estas son las noticias en punto.
00:20:53La convención nacional republicana en Miwoki es una celebración de identidad.
00:20:57Han reportado un aumento en el número de rescates de personas en peligro de ahogarse en el mar.
00:21:01Las autoridades siguen buscando la fuente de esta contaminación.
00:21:04Cada noche tu punto de encuentro con la información.
00:21:07En punto.
00:21:08Diez treinta, por las estrellas.
00:21:10En Empieza Temprano sabemos que los primeros años son clave para el desarrollo de niñas y niños.
00:21:15Tú ya tienes lo que se necesita.
00:21:17Sigue su curiosidad.
00:21:18Mira lo que le interesa.
00:21:20Extiende sus ideas.
00:21:21Túrnense en las actividades y conversen.
00:21:24Descubre más consejos en EmpiezaTemprano.org.
00:21:27Un programa de Fundación Televisa con apoyo de Broom.
00:21:30Paco ya dio el viejazo y sus amiguitas lo saben.
00:21:33Disculpe señor, pero yo no salgo con gente de la tercera edad.
00:21:36Y don Paquis, si le han gritado cosas peores como viejo vencido caduco y pellejudo.
00:21:40¿Cómo les caería una fiestecita?
00:21:42Por eso, puros viejitos de los ochenta.
00:21:45En Cuarenta y Veinte sabemos hacerte reír.
00:21:47Final de temporada.
00:21:48Este jueves al terminar el lote.
00:21:50En El Ángel de Aurora, el dolor desatará la furia.
00:21:53Le puedes decir a tu hermana que se puede dar por vengada.
00:21:58Te amo con todo mi corazón.
00:22:00Tú no la amas.
00:22:01Y la esperanza de unos será la desilusión de otros.
00:22:04¿Quieres casarte conmigo?
00:22:06Quiero que seas mi esposa.
00:22:07Lunes a Viernes cuatro treinta de la tarde.
00:22:10Rafael y Alejandra.
00:22:12Estás hablando con el novio de la licenciada Alejandra Álvarez del Castillo.
00:22:16Formalizan su relación.
00:22:18Ya son novios.
00:22:19¡Ya son novios!
00:22:22Pero aparecen obstáculos.
00:22:24O Alejandra Álvarez del Castillo.
00:22:26O su madre.
00:22:27Lunes a Viernes a las dos treinta por las estrellas.
00:23:11Estas son las noticias en punto.
00:23:13La convención nacional republicana en Miwoki es una celebración de identidad.
00:23:17Han reportado un aumento en el número de rescates de personas en peligro de ahogarse en el mar.
00:23:21Las autoridades siguen buscando la fuente de esta contaminación.
00:23:24Cada noche tu punto de encuentro con la información.
00:23:27En punto. Diez treinta por las estrellas.
00:24:09What do you think, Rosales?
00:24:13And now?
00:24:14What are you up to, Joaquin?
00:24:16I'm not up to anything.
00:24:19I'm getting more and more information to find the murderer of Jaime Jimenez and Beatriz San Jose.
00:24:26Commander, if you wanted, you could join the cause.
00:24:29The most correct thing would be to show our superiors that we are very capable.
00:24:42From now on, I'm going to leave the information at hand.
00:24:46So anyone can see it.
00:24:49In total, I already took care of preserving copies so that the information is not lost.
00:25:32Good afternoon, ma'am.
00:25:35Julio, you scared me.
00:25:38Don't you have anything to do? You look like my shadow.
00:25:42I'm your shadow, ma'am.
00:25:44We have business together and that makes us great partners.
00:25:48I would say partners for life.
00:25:52I'm a gold mine in ruins, Julio.
00:25:55I'm sorry, but you got the wrong idea.
00:25:58I thought my life was going to prosper, but I was wrong.
00:26:02Leave the drama, ma'am, I'm not stupid.
00:26:05You rich people love to be victims, but I'm not going to do that.
00:26:11Because for you it's little, for me it's life.
00:26:14How the hell do I make you understand that they only gave me that miserable advance
00:26:19from which you took half of me?
00:26:22What else do you want?
00:26:24The damn Jaime gave me alms.
00:26:27In addition, he put me pain like albacea so that every penny he gave me, I knew I was dying.
00:26:33What a shame what is happening to you, ma'am, and that is not good for the business.
00:26:38Don't be cynical.
00:26:40I'm not cynical.
00:26:42But I want you to know that I am willing to support you to get rid of the path that we have to take.
00:26:46And I'm not going to let anyone hurt my interests.
00:26:50Get out of here, Julio.
00:26:52And stop being so imprudent.
00:26:55You're risking me.
00:26:59The one who took the risk was me when I fulfilled his order to kill his husband.
00:27:04No, Julio.
00:27:06In fact, I think and think and come to conclusions.
00:27:11What are you talking about?
00:27:12About the truth about Jaime's death.
00:27:15About the police investigations.
00:27:17He died in the company of the lover.
00:27:20And if you killed him, you also killed her.
00:27:25Imagine the fury of Leonor San Jose.
00:27:29That's why, partner.
00:27:32It would be good if you told me how it all happened.
00:27:35How did you plan that accident?
00:27:38And how did you do it?
00:27:39I don't reveal my secrets, ma'am.
00:27:41And I don't admit that anyone has secrets with me.
00:27:44Something is not right with me.
00:27:49I don't want Lupita to see you talking to me again.
00:27:52Ma'am, don't you think you and I could...
00:27:57Everyone has a place.
00:28:00Did you hear me?
00:28:03I don't know.
00:28:04Did you hear me?
00:28:35Hey, Francisco.
00:28:37What's wrong with you?
00:28:39What are you doing here?
00:28:41You left her alone.
00:28:43What are you looking for in my office?
00:28:47Nothing, I just came to...
00:28:49I don't know, to get some air.
00:28:52What are you doing here?
00:28:54You left her alone.
00:28:56What are you looking for in my office?
00:29:00Nothing, I just came to...
00:29:02I don't know, to get some air.
00:29:04I don't know if it's the effect of alcohol or what,
00:29:06but I think I didn't understand you well.
00:29:08You came to get some air in an office.
00:29:11With you, you never know what you're playing, Vera.
00:29:14I'm not playing anything.
00:29:16Let's see, if you're worried, if something comes to your office,
00:29:18I didn't come to get anything from your office, okay?
00:29:20I just went to the bathroom and I passed and the door was open.
00:29:23Open it, don't bother me.
00:29:25I think you're right.
00:29:27I'm an idiot.
00:29:29Besides, I already drank a lot.
00:29:31I'm not well.
00:29:32You know, I'm going to get my things and I'm leaving.
00:29:35Wait, wait, wait.
00:29:37Wait for me.
00:29:39Pass it carefully, don't drop it.
00:29:48I don't understand why you want to leave.
00:29:50How are you going to leave?
00:29:52You have Gabriela there, for yourself.
00:29:54Are you stupid or what?
00:29:57You don't understand.
00:29:59When I tell you to trust me,
00:30:02you don't trust me.
00:30:04You're not going to leave.
00:30:06The party is just beginning.
00:30:08So stop, stop.
00:30:10I'm going to give you a coffee or something to relax.
00:30:12I can't.
00:30:14Be careful.
00:30:25We're almost starting.
00:30:27Please make sure you are attentive
00:30:29so that everything goes very well.
00:30:34I want you to tell me what Francisco did to you.
00:30:37I just want him not to be here.
00:30:39That's all.
00:30:41And you?
00:30:43Are you okay? Because you don't look very happy.
00:30:45Is something wrong?
00:30:48This party reminds me a lot of my mom.
00:30:51I miss her a lot and it hurts me that I'm not here.
00:30:57I also miss Beatriz a lot.
00:31:01That's why I'm on Leono's side.
00:31:04Because I was very moved by your grandmother.
00:31:07What Jaime Jiménez did to murder ...
00:31:10Oh, Enrique.
00:31:12That theory that Tomás' father killed my mother.
00:31:14It's not real.
00:31:16They loved each other and died together.
00:31:18What else do they need to convince themselves?
00:31:21Tell me, how were they going to love each other?
00:31:23They had not seen each other for so long.
00:31:26How can they be able to confirm something?
00:31:30There is no distance between love and fear.
00:31:32They were together.
00:31:34For God's sake.
00:31:36They were together, of course.
00:31:39Haven't you thought that maybe he forced her?
00:31:43Jaime was very astute.
00:31:45Surely everything was going very well.
00:31:47And you should not be confused.
00:31:49Well, until the evidence proves otherwise.
00:31:54You will see that in the end, in my investigation,
00:31:56many things will make you understand
00:31:57that the Jiménez are very bad people.
00:32:00Oh, Enrique.
00:32:02Don't you realize we're celebrating something important?
00:32:07Excuse me.
00:32:09Yes, I realize.
00:32:12Chocolate San José and Gaby.
00:32:16Very good combination.
00:32:27Let's go.
00:32:58Where are Eva and Miriam?
00:33:01We have to start the event together.
00:33:03The San José united.
00:33:05Let everyone see it.
00:33:07They're already here, Grandma.
00:33:28Paulo, Paulo.
00:33:30Give me those keys you took from Francisco's office
00:33:32and tell me what you want them for.
00:33:34I don't know what you're talking about, miss.
00:33:36Look, Paulo.
00:33:39I saved you from Francisco discovering you.
00:33:42Tell me what you intend to do with those keys.
00:33:55Seventy-five years ago,
00:33:57a seed was sown every year.
00:34:00The cocoa seed.
00:34:02With the vision and tenacity of the San José family,
00:34:06this chocolate factory was built,
00:34:09which today is one of the most important businesses
00:34:11in the region.
00:34:15Well, it's a job your uncle gave me.
00:34:20Well, I have another job for you too.
00:34:24Just like my uncle, look at me.
00:34:26I'm not stupid.
00:34:28With the secrets I know about you and my uncle,
00:34:31I could set up a library, Paulo.
00:34:34Well, you know which side you have to align with.
00:34:39Yes, miss.
00:34:45A man and a brave woman,
00:34:48united by the strength of their love,
00:34:50decided to carry out this dream.
00:34:55and his wife, Leonor San José.
00:35:00Did they have to resurrect the dead for this celebration, Gabriela?
00:35:06In history, those we call dead are alive, Grandma.
00:35:09And as much as we want,
00:35:11we can't erase my grandfather, my mother,
00:35:15or any of the people who worked to make this factory
00:35:20what it is today.
00:35:39To be continued
00:36:04Dolores, it's me again.
00:36:06I swear I won't say anything I know,
00:36:09but answer my call.
00:36:13This is message number...
00:36:16I even lost count.
00:36:18Please, don't make it emotional.
00:36:23It seems that life is determined to unite us.
00:36:30Oh, stupid, answer!
00:36:33Oh, stupid, answer!
00:36:36Wicked witch!
00:37:03I want you to be my wife.
00:37:07What do you want?
00:37:08It's time to negotiate.
00:37:10I won't let you marry my father.
00:37:13You can't marry that man.
00:37:15Why are you so sad if your daughter is going to be the lady of this house?
00:37:20I just hope your wedding is very soon,
00:37:22because with what you're doing, you're going to be a fool!
00:37:32Your wishes, the light in your path,
00:37:35the hope of a life full of peace,
00:37:38and the love that floods your home and your heart.
00:37:41The Russian of Guadalupe.
00:37:43Merry Christmas.
00:37:45Monday to Friday, 7.30 pm.
00:38:02Brought to you by Luis Mario Santos Coy.
00:38:04Sunday, December 29th, 12 am, with the stars.
00:38:08We proved what we already knew.
00:38:10We are all Teletón.
00:38:12Once again, we thank you from the bottom of our hearts.
00:38:16Because thanks to you, we achieved our goal,
00:38:18changing the lives of thousands of girls, boys and teenagers
00:38:21with disabilities, cancer and autism.
00:38:24We are all Teletón.
00:38:26Teletón is Mexico.
00:38:28These are the breaking news.
00:38:29The National Republican Convention in Milwaukee
00:38:32is a celebration of identity.
00:38:34They reported an increase in the number of rescues
00:38:36of people in danger of drowning in the sea.
00:38:38The authorities are still looking for the source of this contamination.
00:38:41Every night, your meeting point with the information.
00:38:44On point. 10.30, by the stars.
00:38:59A twist on their lives.
00:39:01Size doesn't matter.
00:39:03This Sunday, 7 pm, with the stars.
00:39:29It's time to negotiate.
00:39:31I won't let you marry my dad.
00:39:34You can't marry that man.
00:39:36Why are you so sad if your daughter
00:39:39is going to be the lady of this house?
00:39:41I just hope your wedding is very soon
00:39:43because with what you're doing, you're going to be alone.
00:39:46Monday to Friday, 9.30 pm.
00:39:48This Christmas, the rose of Guadalupe
00:39:51has for you the best wishes,
00:39:53the light in your path,
00:39:55the hope of a life full of peace
00:39:57and the love that floods your home and your heart.
00:40:01The rose of Guadalupe.
00:40:03Merry Christmas.
00:40:05Monday to Friday, 7.30 pm.
00:40:07This Tuesday, December 24,
00:40:09the magic of Christmas
00:40:13in a special episode.
00:40:15We wish that this Christmas
00:40:17all the adult scoldings leave us.
00:40:19Dad, did the wish you asked for come true?
00:40:21Nothing compares to being with our parents.
00:40:23And remember, the story continues
00:40:27with Las Estrellas.
00:40:29Enjoy the parties with Las Estrellas
00:40:31at 9.00 pm.
00:40:33Games, advice, guests and a lot of fun today.
00:40:35This is your year!
00:40:37This is your year!
00:40:39And at the end, cook famous notes,
00:40:41interviews and more in Cuéntamelo Ya.
00:40:43Daddy Yankee celebrated this weekend
00:40:45the Christmas party of his foundation.
00:40:47From Monday to Friday with Las Estrellas.
00:40:49When the world wakes up,
00:40:51the news is already happening.
00:40:53We bring you closer to the stories
00:40:55and the analysis that will mark
00:40:57this year's PAPAS POR CONVENIENCIA.
00:40:59With the markers, the stages
00:41:01and the time there will be
00:41:03in your state and city.
00:41:05Start your day awake,
00:41:07Monday to Friday at 7.00 am
00:41:09with Las Estrellas.
00:41:11The NFL is on Televisa.
00:41:13And Televisa is on the NFL.
00:41:21The NFL is on 5.
00:41:23VIX and all Televisa.
00:41:25And Televisa is on the NFL.
00:41:27The NFL is on the NFL.
00:41:29The time has come to share.
00:41:31In the time of Christmas,
00:41:33friends are more friends.
00:41:35And enjoy with the loved ones.
00:41:37I promise that next year
00:41:39will be 12 months.
00:41:43We know how to make you laugh
00:41:45with El Chavo.
00:41:47Monday to Friday with Las Estrellas.
00:41:58In Empieza Temprano,
00:42:00we know that the first years
00:42:02are key for the development
00:42:04of girls and boys.
00:42:06You already have what you need.
00:42:08Follow your curiosity.
00:42:10Look at what interests you.
00:42:12Extend your ideas.
00:42:14Join the activities and talk.
00:42:16Discover more tips at
00:42:20A Fundación Televisa program
00:42:22with support from Broome.
00:42:24These friends are already
00:42:25on their way to the NBA.
00:42:27I'm on a diet.
00:42:29But this is your favorite hobby.
00:42:31I want my eggs!
00:42:33In Simón Díez,
00:42:35we know how to make you laugh.
00:42:37This Tuesday at the end of the Noti
00:42:39with Las Estrellas.
00:42:41He's guilty of corrupting
00:42:43the sacred office of the payá.
00:42:45For some reason I'm platanito
00:42:47because everyone...
00:42:49Platanito is like my son.
00:42:51We've known each other for more than 30 years, right?
00:42:53I had hair under my wig.
00:42:55We know how to make you laugh.
00:42:57This Monday at the end of the Noti.
00:42:59This Tuesday, December 24,
00:43:01the magic of Christmas comes to
00:43:03PAPAS POR CONVENIENCIA in a special episode.
00:43:05We wish that this Christmas
00:43:07all the adult scoundrels
00:43:09get away from us.
00:43:11Dad, did the wish you asked for come true?
00:43:13Nothing compares to being with our parents.
00:43:15And remember, the story continues
00:43:19from Monday to Friday at 8.30 at night
00:43:21with Las Estrellas.
00:43:23Rafael and Alejandra
00:43:25are in a relationship.
00:43:27They're already dating.
00:43:29They're already dating!
00:43:31But there are obstacles.
00:43:33Either Alejandra Alvarez El Castillo
00:43:35or her mother.
00:43:37Monday to Friday at 2.30 at night
00:43:39with Las Estrellas.
00:43:41She has a great desire.
00:43:43I need a man to lend me the boli.
00:43:45And he has enormous potential.
00:43:47Can you see it?
00:43:49It's big.
00:43:51But a small stumble
00:43:53will change his life.
00:43:57from Monday to Friday at 8.30 at night
00:43:59with Las Estrellas.
00:44:01The first hours of the day
00:44:03also bring the first stories
00:44:05that you need to know.
00:44:07Agile, precise, and punctual.
00:44:09That way you'll know all the information
00:44:11on the news.
00:44:13Because what happens in Mexico
00:44:15and the world is here.
00:44:17I'm Carlos Hurtado
00:44:19and I'll be waiting for you
00:44:21on the news.
00:44:24Exclusive interviews.
00:44:27Comments and opinions
00:44:29of the entire sports day.
00:44:31Contact Deportivo.
00:44:33Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday
00:44:35at 11.30 at night
00:44:37with Las Estrellas.
00:45:15Excuse me.
00:45:17Are you Mr. Mercedes?
00:45:20I'm Joaquin Ardila,
00:45:22police investigator.
00:45:24Nice to meet you.
00:45:26Nice to meet you too.
00:45:28I've heard about you.
00:45:30You're new here, right?
00:45:32You could say that.
00:45:34I wanted to visit this orphanage
00:45:36for a long time.
00:45:38Excuse me.
00:45:40How is Patricia?
00:45:44She died two years ago.
00:45:46Did you know her?
00:45:51I'm sorry.
00:45:53Lucia, how are you?
00:45:55Do you know each other?
00:45:57Yes, I met her the other day.
00:45:59I'll come back later.
00:46:01No, no.
00:46:03I'm leaving.
00:46:05Nice to meet you.
00:46:07Excuse me.
00:46:20Why don't you answer me,
00:46:22you damn hate bubble?
00:46:31Sweetie, you're back!
00:46:35Oh, I missed you so much!
00:46:38I missed you so much!
00:46:40I missed you so much!
00:46:42I missed you so much!
00:46:44I missed you so much!
00:46:46I missed you so much!
00:46:48I missed you so much!
00:46:50I missed you so much!
00:46:51I missed you so much!
00:46:53I missed you so much!
00:46:57I'm sorry for coming like this,
00:46:59but I had nowhere to go.
00:47:01I came from the factory party
00:47:03and I hadn't felt so rejected by Enrique,
00:47:06so little.
00:47:08Why do you feel that, Lucia?
00:47:11Because I am that.
00:47:13A poor woman who has nowhere to go.
00:47:16Take those ideas away.
00:47:18Get those ideas out of your head.
00:47:21He says he has nowhere to go,
00:47:23and look, here he is.
00:47:26That means he does have a place to come.
00:47:30Come with me.
00:47:32Today we have a job that can help us.
00:47:36Where is Simón?
00:47:38That boy is partying.
00:47:39Now that he has a godfather,
00:47:41his life is full of activities.
00:47:43I can imagine.
00:47:46But there are other children who need us.
00:47:50Come with me.
00:47:52And stop feeling like a victim,
00:47:54because that man you live with doesn't love you.
00:47:58Start accepting him.
00:48:10I would have liked you to tell me you were coming.
00:48:13I would have given you a big welcome.
00:48:15Your welcome was more than enough, Mom.
00:48:19Although the truth is that I don't have a lot of money.
00:48:23It's horrible.
00:48:24Hell is not a place for Jaime.
00:48:28Things are so bad around here.
00:48:30You're the only good thing that's happened to me
00:48:32in this chocolate village.
00:48:35I don't think so.
00:48:37I heard you read the will.
00:48:39That Jaime left you some money
00:48:41must have made you very happy.
00:48:44That's what you wanted, right?
00:48:47For the three pesos he left me.
00:48:50And I'm not happy with that.
00:48:51The witch of Dolores has to manage it.
00:48:54Partly, that's your fault.
00:48:56My fault? What do you mean?
00:48:59Because they give you money and you spend it.
00:49:02I think Jaime gave you that condition
00:49:04so you wouldn't have anything left.
00:49:07And you call me a guardian witch.
00:49:09No, I don't understand.
00:49:12Besides, if Dolores left, it's because...
00:49:17What do you mean?
00:49:19I mean, you had a lot of fights with her.
00:49:24There wasn't a day when you didn't argue.
00:49:27For me, there are classes.
00:49:29You can't compare me to that woman.
00:49:32She has no taste, no manners, nothing.
00:49:36You think I've been calling her
00:49:37and she doesn't answer my calls?
00:49:40Who knows where she is?
00:49:41Why, Mom?
00:49:44You two are two cats fighting.
00:49:46Hey, wait a minute.
00:49:49She is a disheveled cat.
00:49:52But I'm a lioness.
00:49:55You can roar all you want,
00:49:57but you need it if you want the money you inherited.
00:50:01Admit it, Mom.
00:50:03So we have to keep the party going.
00:50:12And to continue,
00:50:14I'd like to invite a great woman
00:50:17who is the soul of this company.
00:50:20A strong, hard-working woman
00:50:23who has given her all to keep this factory going.
00:50:27She has made every person who comes in contact with her
00:50:30the most important person in the world.
00:50:33She's the one who has given her everything
00:50:36to keep this company going.
00:50:40I want every person who comes in contact with this factory,
00:50:43with this great company,
00:50:45whether they're a worker, a consumer, or a supplier,
00:50:48to feel the love this great woman has built this dream with.
00:50:55Didn't you bite your tongue, sir?
00:50:57You're giving yourself away.
00:51:00A big round of applause
00:51:03for a great woman,
00:51:05for a great warrior,
00:51:08Mrs. Leonor San Jose.
00:51:49Everything you have,
00:51:51you've built thanks to me.
00:51:54Because while I work,
00:51:57you spend your time hanging out with that woman.
00:52:33Good afternoon, everyone.
00:52:36Long live Mrs. Leonor San Jose!
00:52:41Long live!
00:52:43Long live!
00:52:45Long live!
00:52:47Long live!
00:52:49Long live!
00:52:51Long live!
00:52:53Long live!
00:52:55Long live!
00:52:57Long live!
00:53:02The factory is getting worse.
00:53:05We have to do something.
00:53:07We're going to lose everything.
00:53:09Please, listen to me, listen to me.
00:53:14The factory won't sell.
00:53:17I've left all my life here.
00:53:20And I'm going to leave what's left of it to keep it going.
00:53:25Why do you insist on keeping something that has no solution?
00:53:31Because of you.
00:53:37I love you, daughter.
00:53:41I love you.
00:53:54Good afternoon, everyone.
00:53:57In this world, there are plenty of people who think that
00:54:02achieving success is easy,
00:54:06and that keeping a factory like this is even more difficult.
00:54:29You're a bastard! I can't believe it!
00:54:41Damn you!
00:54:43How could you?
00:54:45How could you?
00:54:50Staying up...
00:54:53requires determination,
00:54:56courage to face your enemies,
00:55:00to face fear,
00:55:02to face traitors.
00:55:16Thank you very much.
00:55:32I'm going to give you what you wanted, Dad.
00:55:46Also courage to say goodbye,
00:55:50to bear that your heart breaks,
00:55:54not once, not twice, but many times.
00:56:01I want to remember my daughter Beatriz,
00:56:04who gave her soul for this factory,
00:56:08and who was taken away from us thanks to hatred
00:56:12and thirst for revenge,
00:56:15which feeds hundreds of people.
00:56:20That's why I want to ask for a warm applause
00:56:25for my daughter Beatriz, who was her friend and her support.
00:56:30Long live Beatriz San José!
00:56:44Thank you, and wherever you are,
00:56:48your Beatriz,
00:56:50her light illuminates each of our decisions.
00:56:55I'll go with the mentions.
00:56:57Hold on, hold on.
00:56:59This doesn't end until it ends.
00:57:02Oh, beautiful aunt, don't do it, don't do it.
00:57:07And for everyone's peace of mind,
00:57:10and thanks to the joint efforts of wonderful people
00:57:14like Mr. Enrique Olivares,
00:57:22the direction of my granddaughter Gabriela,
00:57:25and specialists in the field like Francisco Carrera,
00:57:30we have managed to launch a plan
00:57:32so that the Chocolate Factory San José
00:57:36can celebrate many more anniversaries.
00:57:41He's going to decorate it so it doesn't look so ugly,
00:57:43but he's going to say it, you'll see.
00:57:45Decorate, how? What does he have to decorate?
00:57:47That it sounds nice.
00:57:48Tell him well and period.
00:57:50That's how we do what Tomas wants.
00:57:52I understand that Tomas wants to look like El Salvador,
00:57:54and it seems perfect to me.
00:57:56He has a look of humiliation, disguised as salvation.
00:58:01The plan to keep the factory up and running
00:58:06in these difficult times
00:58:08has led us to open up to new investors.
00:58:12In due course, we will be presenting them.
00:58:16And now we are going to enjoy what is left of the day
00:58:21and celebrate and wish
00:58:24that Chocolate San José has a long life.
00:58:31Thank you always.
00:58:43Long life to Chocolate San José
00:58:45and to Sol Mexicano,
00:58:47Jaime Jimenez's company,
00:58:49which are now partners.
00:59:22Get out of here.
00:59:23Grandma, enough.
00:59:25Get out of here.
00:59:26Stop provoking him, Enrique.
00:59:28What's wrong with you?
00:59:29Hey, don't touch her, bitch.
00:59:32I'm going to die.
00:59:33No, you're not going to die.
00:59:34You're not going to die.
00:59:35Don't say that.
00:59:38Watch out!
00:59:41Your grandmother suffered a brain episode
00:59:44that prevented her from walking.
00:59:58You saved me. You changed the pain.
