• last year
Tony Rock says his brother Chris kills the gift-giving game every Christmas ... and, even makes up for the subpar presents their less successful brothers give them.


00:00When the rocks get like you know give Christmas presents out okay what's the
00:06what's the like how do you because it's like man certain rocks are like more
00:11like you know yeah we expect we expect shittier gifts from the brothers that
00:17aren't famous. Yeah, does Chris give the best presents obviously?
00:22It's a pecking order. I say I usually save his gift for last because I know it's
00:28gonna make up for everything else. It's gonna make up for the ties and the socks.
00:31I feel like your your gifts are up there in the pecking order. My gifts are nice.
00:35I give from the heart but I spend a little money as well so it's something
00:39sentimental as well as expensive. What's the best gift you ever gotten? Like a
00:44jam. You'd be like bro this is insane. I received a vehicle. We'll leave it at that.
