अयोध्या: रामनगरी अयोध्या में एक महीने के भीतर दुनिया का पहला रामायण विश्वविद्यालय बनकर तैयार हो जाएगा। इस विश्वविद्यालय में राम और रामायण पर दुनियाभर के कार्यकर्ता शोध करेंगे। इस यूनिवर्सिटी का 80 फीसदी काम पूरा हो चुका है और एक महीने के अंदर विश्वविद्यालय ट्रस्ट को हैंडओवर किया जाएगा। महर्षि महेश योगी के 108वें जन्मदिवस पर रामायण विश्वविद्यालय के परिसर में राम कथा आयोजित की जाएगी। इस दौरान महर्षि महेश योगी ट्रस्ट की ओर से प्रोजेक्ट का फील्ड वर्क देख रहे सुजीत कुशवाहा ने बताया कि ये विश्वविद्यालय वैदिक साहित्य को बढ़ावा देने पर आधारित है। यहां रामायण पर रिसर्च की जाएगी। यहां आने वाले 100 साल तक का रिसर्च पेपर है। 100 साल के बाद की भी रिसर्च यहां पर सोची गई है। महर्षि महेश योगी जी का सपना था कि अयोध्या में एक ऐसा विश्वविद्यालय हो जो रामायण पर वैदिक लिटरेचर पर काम करे, यह ट्रस्ट की तरफ से उनको श्रद्धांजलि है। अगले वर्ष इसका एक सेशन शुरू हो जाएगा।
#ramayanuniversity #ayodhya #ramayanuniversityproject #maharishimaheshyogi #maharishimaheshyogitrust #ayodhyauniversity
#ramayanuniversity #ayodhya #ramayanuniversityproject #maharishimaheshyogi #maharishimaheshyogitrust #ayodhyauniversity
00:00The next day, the police arrive at the scene.
00:09The police are searching the area to find the missing child.
00:16The police are searching the area to find the missing child.
00:23The police are searching the area to find the missing child.
00:28The police are searching the area to find the missing child.
00:33The police are searching the area to find the missing child.
00:38The police are searching the area to find the missing child.
00:43The police are searching the area to find the missing child.
00:48The police are searching the area to find the missing child.
00:53The police are searching the area to find the missing child.
00:58The police are searching the area to find the missing child.
01:03The police are searching the area to find the missing child.
01:08The police are searching the area to find the missing child.
01:13The police are searching the area to find the missing child.
01:18The police are searching the area to find the missing child.
01:23The police are searching the area to find the missing child.
01:28The police are searching the area to find the missing child.
01:33The police are searching the area to find the missing child.
01:38The police are searching the area to find the missing child.
01:43The police are searching the area to find the missing child.
01:48The police are searching the area to find the missing child.
01:53The police are searching the area to find the missing child.
01:58The police are searching the area to find the missing child.
02:03The police are searching the area to find the missing child.
02:08The police are searching the area to find the missing child.
02:13The police are searching the area to find the missing child.
02:18The police are searching the area to find the missing child.
02:23The police are searching the area to find the missing child.
02:28The police are searching the area to find the missing child.
02:33The police are searching the area to find the missing child.
02:38The police are searching the area to find the missing child.
02:43The police are searching the area to find the missing child.
02:48The police are searching the area to find the missing child.
02:53This project is estimated to be worth Rs. 380 crores.
02:58This project is estimated to be worth Rs. 380 crores.
03:03The two buildings behind me are 80% ready.
03:08The two buildings behind me are 80% ready.
03:13In the coming days, the project will be completed in a month.
03:18The two buildings behind me are 80% ready.
03:23The two buildings behind me are 80% ready.
03:28The two buildings behind me are 80% ready.
03:33The two buildings behind me are 80% ready.
03:38The two buildings behind me are 80% ready.
03:43Foreigners are also coming here.