• 2 months ago
As-tu entendu parler de la découverte effrayante en Pologne ? Des archéologues ont trouvé une sépulture de "vampire" vieille de 400 ans ! Le squelette a été enterré avec une faucille placée sur son cou, que les gens à l'époque pensaient être capable d'empêcher un "vampire" de se relever d'entre les morts. Il y avait aussi un cadenas sur l'orteil du squelette, une autre précaution sinistre pour le maintenir dans la tombe. Les historiens pensent qu'il s'agissait davantage de superstition que de vrais vampires—probablement une manière d'affronter la peur lors de périodes difficiles comme les épidémies. C'est incroyable de penser à quel point le folklore a influencé les pratiques funéraires à cette époque, n'est-ce pas ? Animation créée par Sympa.
Musique par Epidemic Sound https://www.epidemicsound.com

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00:00A young woman, once dazzlingly beautiful, was discovered numb with a huge fossil through her neck.
00:06No sign of violence or crime was found.
00:10Yet, the fear had manifestly pushed someone to lock her in this grave,
00:16going so far as to attach a lock to the toe of her left foot.
00:20He wanted to keep her forever in this grave, fearing that she would not get up to atone for her revenge.
00:27An entire community would have allied themselves to a young woman under 20,
00:32assuming that she represented a mortal danger.
00:35Do you see where we want to go with this?
00:37Let's test your historical knowledge.
00:40Who, over the centuries, has aroused such a fear that even her death was not enough to appease the fear of the population?
00:49If you think of wizards, witches and other vampires, you are absolutely right.
00:53A small parenthesis is necessary.
00:55When you can't physically dominate someone, you can try to do it by supernatural means.
01:00At least, it was a widespread belief in the 17th century.
01:05In addition to the fossil and the lock, clues indicate an attempt to turn the corpse upside down.
01:12This effort failed, leaving the spine of the deceased twisted and deformed.
01:17By the way, the lock was not necessarily intended to lock a vampire,
01:21but was probably used as a talisman to repel evil spirits.
01:27This is a singularly cruel way to bury a person.
01:30However, this process was common to arrange so-called anti-vampire graves.
01:36The techniques used to prevent the resurrection of these creatures were particularly sophisticated.
01:41Allow us to introduce a concept.
01:43Anti-vampire graves, also called coming-back graves, date back several millennia
01:49and have been put to use in various places throughout Europe.
01:53Europe, of course.
01:55Before telling you, but vampires?
01:58It's a Romanian specialty, Dracula and company.
02:01Zrenia, let us show you the opposite.
02:03These creatures belong to all of European folklore,
02:07which means that there are traces of them throughout Europe.
02:10With the establishment of new colonies in America,
02:13vampire stories have also spread there,
02:16evolving until the birth of the Twilight saga.
02:19These so-called anti-vampire graves are distinguished by the visible precautions
02:24taken to prevent the deceased from coming back from among the dead.
02:27One could, for example, place heavy stones on the legs of the deceased
02:30or pierce his body with a spear to anchor it to the ground.
02:34For more security, one sometimes considered separating the head from the rest of the body.
02:38Thus, burying a body face down,
02:41cutting off his head or keeping it under a stone were common practices
02:45to prevent a person perceived as possessed from leaving his grave.
02:49Let's go back to this unfortunate young woman.
02:51Two archaeologists, Dariusz Polinsky and Magda Zagrodzka,
02:55partners in science as in life,
02:57discovered her grave by chance.
02:59Curiously, these two blood-soaked bones remained intact.
03:04However, no tombstone, no name,
03:07absolutely nothing indicated her identity.
03:10Only an isolated tomb on a hill in northern Poland.
03:15Polinsky, professor of archaeology, and Zagrodzka
03:18worked to reconstruct the story of this young woman
03:21whom they decided to name Zosia.
03:23A carbon dating revealed that she was about 18 years old when she died,
03:28about 350 years ago,
03:30at a time of turmoil in Poland.
03:32A document exists on this cemetery,
03:34which seems to have served as a last refuge
03:36for individuals living on the margins of society.
03:40Was Zosia a poor young girl,
03:42rejected by her parents due to cruel circumstances?
03:45Not exactly.
03:47By digging deeper into their research,
03:49archaeologists discovered clues suggesting that she belonged to a wealthy family.
03:54Her grave contained a sophisticated headdress,
03:57and the fine silk, as well as the silver and gold beads that adorned it,
04:01suggested that it was a refined headdress.
04:04These elements indicate that she enjoyed a certain status,
04:08or a privileged position.
04:10The way she was buried clearly reflected her status as a marginal
04:14within the village of Piena.
04:16Her presence there may have been undesirable,
04:19which would explain the accusation of vampirism,
04:22reinforced by the brutal way in which she was forced into her grave
04:25and kept captive.
04:27By studying the structure of her skull,
04:29and extracting DNA from her bones,
04:32scientists were able to reconstruct a possible image of her face.
04:36Specialists patiently sculpted Zosia's lephigy
04:39using clay on a 3D-printed model of her skull,
04:43a process that proved to be profoundly moving.
04:46They pointed out that,
04:48although they often carry out facial reconstructions,
04:51they were also here to give her some dignity.
04:54Thanks to these three techniques, DNA analysis,
04:573D printing and clay sculpting,
04:59the team gave back a face to Zosia,
05:01missing for four centuries,
05:03thus highlighting the human history
05:05hidden behind her supernatural beliefs.
05:08Ironic, isn't it?
05:10First, everything had been done to erase her face from the collective memory
05:13and prevent it from returning one day.
05:16400 years later,
05:17we used it to bring her back to life.
05:20Today, her portrait is everywhere on the Internet.
05:23But the faces of those who buried her will remain unknown forever.
05:27Alas, this reconstruction project only allows a visual link with Zosia,
05:31while her true story remains a mystery.
05:35What we do know, however,
05:37is that the individuals perceived as vampires
05:39were the subject of terrible discrimination.
05:42Rumors even claimed that these hungry creatures
05:44took away humans to quench their thirst.
05:47But let's examine this idea from a mathematical angle
05:49to demonstrate the absurdity of this legend
05:52and prove that Zosia was not one of them.
05:55In 1600, the world population was only 537 million people.
06:01Of course, these numbers are not quite accurate,
06:04but they are close to reality.
06:06The physicist Costa Seftimiu calculated that
06:09if a vampire bit a person every month,
06:12humanity would have disappeared in a few years.
06:15With a starting population of 537 million in 1600
06:19and a single vampire,
06:21this calculation indicates that there would no longer be a single human in July 1602.
06:25And yet, we are here today.
06:28Placing a stone on a corpse to prevent a vampire from rising
06:31is perhaps a practice that surprises you.
06:34But there are also many stereotypes about these creatures
06:37that you certainly know,
06:39such as the use of garlic or the lack of reflection in mirrors.
06:43Curiously, although these superstitions
06:45are based on unfounded beliefs,
06:47there is a logical explanation for the association of vampires with garlic.
06:51The latter contains a compound,
06:53lysine, which is a powerful antibiotic.
06:56Even if people at the time ignored what an antibiotic was,
06:59they noticed that garlic was effective against various diseases.
07:03They also thought that vampires were born from a specific blood disorder,
07:07which led them to believe that garlic could neutralize them.
07:11In addition, there really is a blood affection called porphyry,
07:16which gives those who suffer from it an appearance evoking that of vampires.
07:20Their skin is pale and their teeth appear larger
07:23as their gums retract.
07:26In addition, people affected by porphyry cannot consume garlic,
07:31because it aggravates their condition.
07:33What a fascinating coincidence!
07:36Another more recent superstition
07:38concerns the version of vampires for mirrors.
07:41The first mention of this idea appears in the novel Dracula,
07:45published in 1897.
07:48But why would a vampire not have a reflection?
07:51It's quite simple.
07:53Before the age of plastic, mirrors were covered with silver,
07:56a material associated with the rejection of the forces of evil.
08:00Silver was often perceived as a repulsive against evil spirits,
08:04perhaps because of its antimicrobial properties.
08:07As for garlic, its healing qualities
08:09could have inspired the idea that it frightened vampires.
08:12Another possible explanation of this superstition
08:15is that affections such as porphyry or rage,
08:18often confused with vampirism,
08:21altered the appearance of the sick.
08:23They may have avoided looking at each other in a mirror
08:26because of these changes,
08:28which could have fed the idea that vampires fled their own reflection.
08:32And if you ever come across a vampire whose methods do not dissuade,
08:36here is an additional tip.
08:38Ask him to count.
08:40It can be grains of rice, beans,
08:42or even the meshes of a net of fish,
08:45if you have one at hand.
08:47Vampires, it seems, are obsessed with numbers,
08:50which will divert them from their goal until sunrise.
08:53And we know that vampires do not appreciate the light of day.
08:57Ironically, of all the puppets of the Sesame Street,
09:01it is the vampire tale that teaches us to count.
