Bollywood actor Akshay Kumar wished his wife Twinkle Khanna a happy birthday in a special way. He called her "Tina" and wrote a heartfelt message for her. In his message, Akshay said that Twinkle is not just his partner, but his whole life. He thanked her for teaching him how to laugh, sing, and dance with joy. He ended his message with a romantic line in Hindi, saying that there's no one like her.
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00:00Bollywood actor Akshay Kumar wished his wife Twinkle Khanna a happy birthday in a special
00:07He called her Tina and wrote a heartfelt message for her.
00:10In his message, Akshay said that Twinkle is not just his partner but his whole life.
00:16He thanked her for teaching him how to laugh, sing and dance with joy.
00:21He ended his message with a romantic line in Hindi saying that there is no one like
00:27Akshay Kumar and Twinkle got married on January 17, 2001 in a private ceremony.
00:34The wedding was attended by only 50 close friends and family members.
00:38The couple has been together for over two decades now and is considered one of Bollywood's
00:45most loving and stable couples.
00:47Twinkle is not only Akshay Kumar's wife but also a talented author and interior designer.
00:54Akshay Kumar often expresses his admiration and gratitude for her on social media.
01:00And his birthday message for her is just another example of their loving relationship.