• last year
the Tafseer of Surah Al-Anfal, Ruku 7, Ayat 49-58:

Tafseer Points
1. _Victory from Allah_: Ayat 49 states that victory comes from Allah alone.
2. _Obedience to Allah_: Ayat 49-50 emphasize the importance of obedience to Allah and His Messenger.
3. _Hypocrites_: Ayat 49-50 also warn against the hypocrites who pretend to be Muslims but secretly work against them.
4. _Jihad_: Ayat 51-52 discuss the rules of Jihad and the importance of fighting for the sake of Allah.
5. _Allah's Plan_: Ayat 53-54 explain that Allah has a plan for everything and that He is the best of planners.
6. _Believers' Conduct_: Ayat 55-56 advise believers to conduct themselves with justice and fairness.
7. _Treaty with the Enemy_: Ayat 57-58 discuss the rules of making treaties with the enemy and the importance of fulfilling promises.

1. #SurahAlAnfal
2. #Ruku7
3. #Ayat49-58
4. #Tafseer
5. #Quran
6. #Islam
7. #Jihad
8. #Obedience
9. #Victory
10. #AllahsPlan


