• 2 months ago
Surah Al-Anfal, Ruku 10, Ayat 70-75:


1. _Ayat 70_: "Ya ayyuhan nabiyyu qul liman fi ayyedikum mina al-yatama."
- This verse instructs the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) to tell the guardians of orphans to treat them justly.

1. _Ayat 71_: "Wa in tahsanoohu fa'ikhwaanukum."
- If you treat orphans with kindness, they will be like your brothers.

1. _Ayat 72_: "Wa Allahu ya'lamu man yada'u 'an sabilihi."
- Allah knows who deviates from His path.

1. _Ayat 73_: "Wa in yureedoo al-salaama fa'aslihoo wa tawakkal 'alaa Allahi."
- If they desire peace, then make peace and trust in Allah.

1. _Ayat 74_: "Wa man yuhajir fee sabeeli Allahi yajid fi al-ardi maraaghadan kaseeratan wa wasi'atan."
- Those who migrate in the cause of Allah will find many places of refuge.

1. _Ayat 75_: "Wa man yakhruj min baytihi muhajiran ilaa Allahi wa rasoolihi fa-yamut wa huwa muminun fa-qad waqa'a ajruhu 'ala Allahi."
- Those who leave their homes as migrants to Allah and His Messenger, and are killed or die, will receive their reward from Allah.

1. #SurahAlAnfal
2. #Ruku10
3. #Ayat70-75
4. #Tafseer
5. #Quran
6. #Islam
7. #Orphans
8. #Justice
9. #Migration
10. #Reward


