• 2 hours ago
"Better Man" is a 2024 biographical musical comedy-drama that delves into the life of British pop icon Robbie Williams. Directed by Michael Gracey, known for "The Greatest Showman," the film offers a surreal and imaginative portrayal of Williams' journey from his early days in the boy band Take That to his successful solo career, while candidly addressing his personal struggles with addiction and mental health.

A distinctive feature of "Better Man" is its portrayal of Williams as a CGI-animated chimpanzee, a creative choice reflecting his self-perception and feelings of being "less evolved"compared to others. This unconventional depiction adds a layer of dark humor and introspection to the narrative, setting the film apart from traditional biopics.

The film is noted for its vibrant and elaborately choreographed musical sequences, reimagining some of Williams' greatest hits to suit the emotional context of the story. These performances are designed to capture the relentless pursuit of fame and the insecurities that often accompany it, providing an engaging and energetic viewing experience.
"Better Man" premiered at the 51st Telluride Film Festival on August 30, 2024, and was released in the United States on December 25, 2024, followed by releases in Australia and the United Kingdom on December 26. The film has received positive reviews for its bold and surreal approach, with critics praising its unique storytelling and visual creativity.
