Handog ng comedy shows at game show ng GMA Network ang more tawa at more saya na 2025! Abangan ang mga pakulong dala ng 'Pepito Manaloto,'Bubble Gang,' 'The Boobay and Tekla Show,' at 'Family Feud Philippines!'
00:00In the new year, we have a surprise for you!
00:03And it's coming up soon!
00:04In Sinaing, it's coming up soon!
00:07In Hatsik, it's coming up soon!
00:10In Quites, it's coming up soon!
00:14Now, in 2025, comedy shows and game shows of GMA will join forces
00:19for the big celebrations.
00:21It's the 5th anniversary of Yulol!
00:24It's the 3rd anniversary of Family Feud!
00:26It's the 7th anniversary of The Booba and Tecla Show!
00:29It's the 30th anniversary of Bubble Gang!
00:33And of course, it's the 15th anniversary of Tito Manaloto!
00:36For the whole year, we will give you a more fun and enjoyable experience.
00:41Not only on TV, but also online.
00:43And we will also go to your homes.
00:45All of this is for you!
00:47Because you deserve this!
00:48You deserve this!
00:50More fun, more joy!
00:53Look forward to 2025!