• last year
Los ciudadanos argentinos rinden homenaje a Jorge Lanata, reconocido periodista que dejó una huella imborrable en el país. Los testimonios destacan su valentía para enfrentarse a cualquier gobierno, su defensa a los jubilados y su capacidad para revelar verdades ocultas. Su fallecimiento ha conmovido al país, dejando un vacío en el periodismo argentino.


00:00Tell me, why did you decide to approach Jorge Lanata?
00:04Because he was a great and the best journalist there is.
00:10And there is another one who will follow him.
00:14He was a great man, a great man who did not get along with any government
00:19and defended the retirees like me.
00:22He was a great man, but one of the great ones.
00:24Thank you very much.
00:25No, on the contrary.
00:26Well, how are you?
00:28Well, tell me, why did you decide to approach Jorge Lanata?
00:34Because I always followed him, I always looked at him.
00:37I don't know, I think it will always be recorded in my memory
00:41because he was a person who discovered a lot of things that we, the Argentines, did not know.
00:47And I think, I don't know, even the tears excite me to come and know that here,
00:52where I live, we have him and I will always have him.
00:55He will be forever in my heart.
00:57He will be close to you.
00:58Always, I will always come to see him.
01:00And the truth is that he was a great person, a great person.
01:05Whatever they say, for me he will always be a great person.
01:08Thank you very much.
01:09How are you?
01:10I see you approaching with the Argentine flag.
01:12Very much, and very excited, honestly,
01:14because he was the only one who really uncovered all the traces of corruption.
01:18He was the only one who did not lie to us directly.
01:20The people are with him and will always be.
01:22He is a great man who will continue to grow with time.
01:25And we have to recognize that.
01:27Every Sunday we were waiting to see what was the news he was bringing us.
01:31That was the subject, honestly.
01:33And well, eternally grateful to Jorge.
01:37Thank you very much.
01:38No, please.
01:41How are you?
01:43Very sad.
01:44I imagine.
01:45Tell me why you decided to come to say goodbye to Jorge.
01:49Because he always accompanied us and we will always regret his loss.
01:54But we will miss the one who denounced all the corruption of Kirchnerism.
02:05All the corruption that at this time is so condemned.
02:10And unfortunately he still could not see them arrested.
02:13But it will come, it will come.
02:15A very big loss.
02:20There is a lady ahead, Leo.
02:22Yes, with a big flag.
02:25There she is.
02:26She is talking with another colleague.
02:28Yes, yes.
02:29Let's see if we can talk to someone else.
02:32Yes, drive, drive.
02:33I'll let you know.
02:34We'll let you know because we have the drone waiting for you.
02:37Hello, how are you?
02:38Good morning.
02:39Good morning.
02:40Well, why did you decide to come to say goodbye to Jorge Lanata?
02:42Well, it was a shock.
02:44I mean, I had been accompanying Jorge's last moments.
02:48But well, Jorge is very important.
02:51In these years he has been fundamental.
02:53Sundays, his diaries, his interviews, his participation in science, in art.
02:59Well, a guy of all the Argentine culture.
03:01A complete journalist.
03:02Very complete, yes, yes.
03:04And well, beyond whether one believes or not, or accompanies or not,
03:09he has given us an awakening in many things.
03:14So, well, a pain.
03:16What you say is important.
03:18That, like separating...
03:20Yes, yes, yes, beyond what...
03:21Ideological places that each one has.
03:23I heard the other day that someone said, he really marked the crack.
03:26But well, a light also came out of the crack for many people, right?
03:29And well, and hopefully his desire, the desire for his daughters,
03:35I wish it for my children too, right?
03:37But well, a pain today.
03:41Are you excited?
03:44No, thank you.
03:46Well, the people who are excited to say goodbye to Jorge León.
03:51Can you imagine?
03:52It is important what he said.
03:53Give that jump, right?
03:55About ideology, to recognize everything he left, right?
04:01As a journalist.
04:03Yesterday we said, I read it today, guys.
04:05And for us too, right?
04:06For the different generations of journalists.
04:08Look, there where you are, there where you are on your left,
04:10sorry to interrupt, there are two ladies,
04:12a lady with gray hair there, and you have her right in front of you.
04:15The two are together, in black clothes.
04:18With a flag here.
04:19With a flag on their shoulders, one of them.
04:21The two have, one has like a palm, you see?
04:24The palm, the plant.
04:26And the other has a bouquet in his hand, you see?
04:28There it is, there it is, next to you.
04:30How are you doing, ma'am?
04:31Good, good.
04:32Well, tell me why you decided to come with, let's see, look, I ask you.
04:37Do you know why I decided to come?
04:39Because it was the journalist who told the truth,
04:41who discovered all the corruption,
04:43the schools of Chaco, Formosa,
04:45which were so in misery.
04:47He told the truth.
04:52He discovered the corruption of Cristina Kirchner and all her environment,
04:56which should be between bars and is still loose,
04:59making fun of the Argentine people.
05:03Well, thank you.
05:04Here, I ask you.
05:05Hello, how are you?
05:06Can you turn around so they can see you?
05:08There you are.
05:09And tell me, why did you decide to come to say goodbye to Jorge Lennart?
05:13Because he had enough balls to denounce all the corrupt,
05:18as everyone is saying, to Kirchnerism.
05:22I hope that one day they can be arrested.
05:26He was a good, a good person,
05:28according to the colleagues at work.
05:30I've been listening to him since I was 18.
05:32For me, a great, a great one.
05:34And thanks to him, we learned a lot of things that were hidden.
05:39Good, Leo.
05:40Well, the recognition of the people.
05:43I tell you, we are very attentive,
05:44because at any moment it will be coming, Javi.
05:47Locate yourself in your place,
05:48which you had chosen, if you want, Leo.
05:50We will prepare it.
05:51We will notify you through the drone that we also have there,
05:54waiting for the procession to approach the area.
05:57We are already in time for it to take that curve,
06:02and then, obviously, the descent to the collector,
06:06which will be all direct,
06:08because it comes from the front, where you are, there, in that place.
06:12A little while ago, Javi, a man said he was an ophthalmologist.
06:16And when you listen to people, he was like a close friend.
06:20This idea, beyond his research and journalism,
06:24of the closeness that journalism, radio, TV, the media have,
06:29the place where you inform yourself,
06:32that closeness that is almost unique, right?
06:35And that's why one goes and has this thing of
06:37I carry flowers like someone dear, close, a friend.
06:40Let's see.
06:42Pablo told it a while ago, Neustadt mentioned it,
06:45Tato Bores, if you want.
06:47People were preparing to see it.
06:50Today is Culano.
06:52Nata also had, with her program here,
06:55Día D, her moment in America,
06:58and with PPT, of course, in Canal 13,
07:01that moment when people sat down to listen to it,
07:04even when it didn't coincide,
07:06because many opponents of Nata, so to speak,
07:10sat down to see what she said about them,
07:13or, as far as possible, not to talk about them,
07:16because it happened with all the journalists,
07:18on one side and on the other.
07:21Yes, yes.
07:22One little thing you were saying,
07:24which had to do with the theater,
07:26at one point, Pablo Sirven,
07:28who was criticizing shows,
07:30made a pretty harsh criticism of what Maipo was,
07:33and do you remember that here in Día D,
07:35he made a gesture to Sirven,
07:37and he paid homage to him,
07:39because he had criticized him badly and he didn't like it,
07:42and in the opening he put it every day,
07:44and he told Sirven that later he gave him that gesture, right?
07:47There it is coming.
07:48Look, we are seeing the image of our drone,
07:50which is only a few meters from where he is.
07:52The Buenos Aires police have cut off traffic
07:54so that the procession can pass quickly to that place.
07:59They have also stopped the march of a micro.
08:02This is simply to speed up this whole process a bit, right?
08:06And after that, there it is coming.
08:09Another patrol of the Buenos Aires police.
08:11There is the motorized one,
08:15and now it is entering the direct street
08:19towards the cemetery,
08:21where Leo Godoy is.
08:23Leo, everything is yours.
08:25There you are.
08:26Yes, well, there we see that it has descended from the collector
08:31and begins to arrive.
08:33Yes, it is no more than 100 meters.
08:37A police custody that advances.
08:40There are two motorcycles coming in front
08:44and behind.
08:46There you see the procession,
08:48the car that brings the remains of Jorge Lanata.
08:53There you will see the motorcycles that advance
08:58to release the traffic for entry.
09:03There they are, these two motorcycles of the police.
09:07And behind, just a few meters,
09:09well, the people who, with an applause,
09:12say goodbye to the journalist, to Jorge Lanata.
09:17Yes, to whom he marked everything that is post-democracy
09:21with a way of doing journalism.
09:24And here comes the funeral procession
09:27that carries its challenge.
09:29There are the crowns.
09:43Look, this is...
09:47This is above the arrival that is arriving now.
09:53And there it already enters,
09:55at its final descent,
09:57the car that transports the remains of Jorge Lanata.
10:02Yes, first, as we showed,
10:05the truck that carries the crowns
10:07and behind, the vehicle that carries the coffin
10:10where the remains of the journalist go.
10:13Excellent, the images of the A24 team.
10:16We are seeing how it is arriving, isn't it?
10:19There are the parcels.
10:21Nora, there are only three, four, I tell you,
10:24ten cars that are entering.
10:27Behind, as part of this procession too,
10:31accompanying the remains of Jorge Lanata.
10:35Yes, the applause that is repeated
10:40at the passage of some of the children
10:44there in the black car.
10:46Look, they told us that Barbara is going,
10:49one of Jorge's daughters.
10:52Well, and there they are already waiting
10:54the relatives, friends,
10:56who approach the car where they are going
10:59to descend the coffin that carries the remains of Jorge.
11:02Exactly, there we are seeing the place
11:05where the funeral car has stopped.
11:09The relatives are there in that place,
11:13in the front part,
11:15precisely in that sector where the chapel is.
11:19And then it will be the moment of the transfer.
11:23We do not yet know which sectors
11:26correspond to him at this time, right?
11:29Obviously hugs, tears, flowers,
11:33and of course someone, or some,
11:37who will give the last words
11:39at the time of the anointing, as it is styled.
11:43And that moment that you never want to live,
11:45as much as you know that, as Maria said a little while ago,
11:48the last hours were crucial.
11:51On Friday he began to talk about a discompensation,
11:56a small bleeding.
11:59Before yesterday there was already information
12:02that he was really bad.
12:06Let's remember that he was connected
12:08and that many also said, well, he is still alive
12:11because he is connected and obviously
12:14very well attended in the Italian hospital.
12:18But the last hours were decisive.
12:23And well, that's why the people around him knew about this discompensation.
12:26Decisive and irreversible.
12:29Because yesterday, the day before yesterday actually,
12:33the thing was no longer good.
12:37And the deterioration was so great
12:39that the doctors were already preparing the families,
12:43telling them that it was a matter of hours
12:46or maybe a few days,
12:48but that their deterioration was very complicated.
12:51And that obviously made it very difficult
12:54to recover or somehow get him out of that moment.
13:00That hard moment.
13:02A man who never took care of himself.
13:04A man who never took care of himself.
13:06He smoked like a chimney.
13:08And maybe it was even one of the signs of rebellion.
13:11This of coming to a television studio to smoke
13:14when it was not allowed.
13:16He put it on his contracts.
13:18And then maybe he stayed a little bit of moden
13:21with the cigarette,
13:23not having accepted that it changed too.
13:25It stopped being a sign of rebellion to smoke.
13:27Well, he has smoked the table of Víctor Alegrán.
13:29Smoking on the table is already a fact.
13:32And in his programs.
13:34When he was invited.
13:36He was here recently.
13:37Yesterday we passed the note when he was with Mariana
13:39in DDM.
13:41Do you remember that Vita was part of the panel
13:44and came with the topic of Wanda,
13:46the scandal where he introduces the disease of Wanda.
13:49They invite him.
13:51And at one point he took out a cigarette
13:53and started smoking in the studio.
13:55And it was 2023.
13:57As it is.
13:58There we are seeing the Spunebe car
14:00that is parked there in the place.
14:02They raised the back cover, the back door.
14:05And surely some friends
14:08will take the coffin to the place of response.
14:13But here you can see how this idea was respected,
14:16that it is an intimate ceremony.
14:18Very few people.
14:19Very few people, yes.
14:21The journalistic record, and it is logical that it is.
14:24With a personality like Jorge.
14:26And also being a journalist,
14:28it is practically also a tribute
14:30by all of us who do journalism
14:32in this last goodbye.
14:35I would have liked this,
14:37I say beyond intimacy,
14:39but if we were present, all the media.
14:42If he had wanted that, I would have said it too.
14:45Maybe if they had asked him,
14:47he would have said,
14:49no, don't bother about me,
14:51don't spend time for me,
14:53but it is part of a job
14:55that he would have sent to do.
14:57He would also have gone to some media,
14:59as he did at the time too.
15:01Yesterday, when I told you
15:03that I was talking to Romina Mangel,
15:05she told some anecdotes, obviously,
15:08but fundamentally,
15:10he was a man of many consultations,
15:13and a man who obviously,
15:16for those who have worked with him,
15:20it is almost as if many of them
15:23have not been able to take off.
15:25As if they sometimes needed his word,
15:28his advice, more than anything,
15:30to be able to face new projects.
15:34Those who had worked with Jorge Lanata.
15:37There is the staff,
15:39in the cemetery,
15:41carrying Jorge Lanata's coffin.
15:43Towards the chapel, of course.
15:45A small mass, a response.
15:47In general, if there is someone
15:49who wants to say a few last words,
15:51a goodbye, it is also done,
15:53it is respected.
15:55Well, a Christian moment, right?
16:01There is the chapel, right?
16:03An important chapel,
16:05for a private cemetery, of course.
16:08Among the few people present,
16:10we said Levinas,
16:12and there is also Diego Leuco.
16:14And Martin Tetaz.
16:16Martin Tetaz, who was also part of the staff
16:18of Jorge Lanata on the radio.
16:20Then Martin dedicated himself to politics,
16:22then he moved away from the journalistic task
16:24of the program,
16:26but he always kept his friendship,
16:28his relationship, in fact,
16:30he is saying goodbye today.
16:33Tetaz, who also had a very important
16:35participation with Jorge Lanata.
16:37And he did that economic column,
16:39and then he ended up in the world
16:41of politics, right?
16:43Well, another of those who participated
16:45along with Jorge Lanata,
16:47here in this house too,
16:49Maxi Montenegro.
16:51Maxi Montenegro was also with him,
16:53Tenenbau, Loto Viazda,
16:55here in Díaz de...
16:59Bervisky at the time.
17:01Bervisky was also a columnist here.
17:05He made his first TV appearances
17:07in that cycle.
17:09Also Romina Mangel,
17:11Maria Julia Oliván.
17:13And then, well, a generation
17:15already in the stage of the Clarín group
17:17with Nico Buñaschi,
17:19with Jessica Bossi, Cecilia Boufflet.
17:21Well, many colleagues from here
17:23worked on that program.
17:25The technicians, right?
17:27Chiche, one of the technicians.
17:29Did you work with him?
17:31He has worked a lot with Jorge Lanata
17:33on that program.
17:35Disruptivo Silvavía too, right?
17:37I mean, anything could come up, right?
17:41And he...
17:43Let's see, many of the things
17:45were obviously armed,
17:47and others arose at the time
17:49when he fought with the guests.
