• 2 months ago
The United Nations Council will hold the first-ever global peace meeting to tackle the potential threats Artificial Intelligence (AI) brings to international peace and security. This meeting scheduled on July 18 at the UN hall clearly shows the importance and impact of AI in the peace and security sector which could be considered as a blessing and curse.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has its pros and cons when it comes to peace keeping. Pros - revolutionize UN development programs, streamline humanitarian aid efforts, bolster peace-keeping efforts and bridge gaps between nations. Cons - significant risks AI controlled weapons bring.

UK Ambassador Barbara Woodward has emphasized the need for a global effort in managing AI opportunity and risks in using AI.
On the other hand, UN Secretary General Antonio Gutierrez has highlighted the high stakes of the advancement of AI in the Nuclear War.

This meeting is just a start of the long discussion about AI. According to Britain's Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, UK will host a summit on AI later this year to kick-off the multi-lateral discussion about AI.

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00:34News Briefs with Grace Ancetta, Associated Press Reporting.
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00:50UN Council to hold first global peace meeting on potential threats of artificial intelligence.
00:57With the rise and advent of commercialized artificial intelligence, the UN Security Council would delve into the potential threats this technology poses to international peace and security.
01:08This groundbreaking meeting, scheduled on July 18 in the hallowed halls of the United Nations, would be a testament to the rise of AI and recognition of its impact as a double-edged sword.
01:21On the one hand, AI holds immense promise. It can revolutionize UN development programs, streamline humanitarian aid operations, bolster peacekeeping efforts, and even help bridge the gap between developing and developed nations.
01:39But on the other hand, it presents significant risks. The specter of AI-controlled autonomous weapons and nuclear arsenals looms large, raising serious security and ethical questions.
01:52UK Ambassador Barbara Woodward would emphasize the need for a global effort to manage the opportunities and risks AI presents.
02:02Meanwhile, UN Secretary-General António Guterres would highlight the race-takes of this situation by likening the existential threat of advanced AI to the early years of nuclear war.
02:15As the world stands on the precipice of an AI-driven future, this pivotal meeting would start a long series of discussions on AI regulation.
02:24Britain's Prime Minister Rishi Sunak has announced that the UK will host a summit on AI later this year, where an AI-focused global multilateral discussion will begin.
