• 2 months ago
Perni Nani Ration Rice Case : పేదల బియ్యాన్ని కొట్టేసిన పేర్ని నాని వాటిని ఏం చేశారో తెలిసిపోయింది. పౌరసరఫరాల శాఖ ఆధీనంలోని బియ్యాన్ని ఎలా మాయం చేశారు? ఎక్కడికి తరలించారు? ఎవరికి అమ్మారు? ఎంత సొమ్ము చేసుకున్నారు? ఆ దొంగ డబ్బుతో ఏం చేశారో పోలీసులు తేల్చేశారు. అన్ని వివరాలతో కోర్టుకు రిమాండ్‌ రిపోర్ట్ సమర్పించారు.


00:00VICP leader Maji Minister Perenni Nani spent the money to buy rice for the poor in Ennikal.
00:08Perenni Nani attacked the rice which was provided by Power Surfers in her wife Jayasudha Peritam.
00:16This business was run before Ennikal on April 2024.
00:20Godamu manager Betapodi Manas Tej gave the blame.
00:25Perenni Nani took the blame for selling the rice.
00:31Police said that Godamu's bridge was tampered.
00:38In this case, Perenni Nani was charged.
00:45Jayasudha wrote a letter to Krishna district JC on Nov 27.
00:57Police said that the letter was not true.
01:04Perenni Nani and Jayasudha Peritam submitted the letter.
01:09Perenni Nani and Jayasudha Peritam submitted the letter.
01:17Perenni Nani and Jayasudha Peritam submitted the letter.
01:23Perenni Nani and Jayasudha Peritam submitted the letter.
01:28Perenni Nani and Jayasudha Peritam submitted the letter.
01:36Perenni Nani and Jayasudha Peritam submitted the letter.
01:44Perenni Nani and Jayasudha Peritam submitted the letter.
02:06Perenni Nani and Jayasudha Peritam submitted the letter.
02:16Perenni Nani and Jayasudha Peritam submitted the letter.
02:36Perenni Nani and Jayasudha Peritam submitted the letter.
02:46Perenni Nani and Jayasudha Peritam submitted the letter.
02:56Perenni Nani and Jayasudha Peritam submitted the letter.
