• 2 months ago
Sports Banter | Kilalanin ang dancesport coach, Morris Javier

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00:00We will be able to watch live via Zoom Sir Maurice Javier,
00:05who aside from being a teacher, is also a coach of Danceport.
00:09Good morning, Sir Maurice.
00:11Happy New Year.
00:14Good morning, Sir and Ma'am.
00:16Sir Maurice, let's start from the very start.
00:20What pushed you to pursue Danceport?
00:27Your story is very interesting.
00:30Aside from being a teacher, you are also one of the head coaches of Danceport.
00:35Thank you very much for the compliment.
00:38It all started when I was in school,
00:41and my students were all dancers.
00:45They were all dancing, hip-hop, festival dance.
00:48So I thought, why not Danceport?
00:50That's what I taught my students.
00:52That's how it all started.
00:54I created a dance troupe with Danceport, Sir and Ma'am.
01:02Sir Maurice, tell us about your experience with Danceport.
01:06Where did you compete?
01:10Actually, Ma'am, during my college time,
01:13I competed in Danceport together with my friends.
01:17But I didn't win because of lack of training.
01:21And Danceport is still not that open here in our town.
01:26So I didn't win during that time.
01:29But now, I continue to train with my friends and teammates in Danceport.
01:39Sir, you said earlier that you were inspired by your students,
01:43that's why you created a dance troupe.
01:45But how did you start coaching Danceport?
01:55Because, Sir, my students here at Lumot National High School,
01:59they are all dancers.
02:02I really focused on Danceport,
02:05to give a different flavor to our troupe here in our school.
02:10We don't just focus on one genre.
02:12My students should learn all genres.
02:16Sir, before you created this dance troupe,
02:20did you have any other experience in handling Danceport?
02:25Or maybe, did you compete?
02:29Actually, we just created a whole team.
02:31Two years ago, when Danceport competition was opened here in our district,
02:35that's when it was created.
02:37I only had two couples.
02:40Now, I have five couples who compete in Danceport.
02:45Sir Morris, do you offer Latin and standard lessons to our members?
02:55Yes. Actually, we are open in our school.
02:58I also told other schools here,
03:02especially the elementary schools here in Cavite Laguna,
03:06that I can coach other students in their school,
03:11not just in our school.
03:13So that our students can train,
03:17not just in elementary schools,
03:20so that when they reach high school,
03:22they won't have a hard time teaching Danceport.
03:25They will also be open to Danceport, Ma'am.
03:29To follow up,
03:31what is your training routine here in the school,
03:35especially here in your group?
03:39It's hard to balance our schedule, Ma'am.
03:43Because I teach in the school,
03:45and the students study.
03:47That's why we only have training after class.
03:51Also, we don't have a dance studio,
03:55that's why we only train in our coverture.
03:58That's why sometimes, we are divided into different sports.
04:02There's volleyball, badminton,
04:05that's why we divide our coverture.
04:09That's why we do our training.
04:13Sir Morris, you mentioned earlier,
04:15that aside from Danceport,
04:17you also teach traditional dances,
04:20which are usually taught in our schools.
04:23But what do you think about Danceport?
04:26Do you think that because Danceport is for young people,
04:31it resonates more with your students when you teach?
04:37Because, Sir,
04:39just like what I have mentioned a while ago,
04:41that Danceport is not known in our country.
04:45So why not open it?
04:47Not only for folk dances,
04:49for festival dances, for hip-hop dance,
04:52and for different genres of dancing.
04:55Why not?
04:56Because it's good to watch
04:58for young people to know how to dance.
05:02We don't expect them to grow up
05:05or to be mature to teach Danceport.
05:07They should be able to learn Danceport when they are young.
05:11When it comes to competitions,
05:14they don't have to hassle with their training.
05:20I've been covering Danceport for so long already.
05:24And to the athletes that I've interviewed,
05:27they said that Danceport is not just dancing
05:30because it's highly athletic.
05:32And they do cross-train.
05:34As a coach, do you encourage cross-training?
05:39Before, when there was a competition,
05:43we thought we would just train.
05:45But my mentors also said,
05:49you should not just train during competitions.
05:54Before training,
05:56when the competition is still far away,
05:59you should train.
06:00It should not be interrupted.
06:02It should be continuous training for the kids.
06:05Because Danceport is not just about dancing.
06:08There is a routine.
06:09We should start with the basics.
06:11Sila goes from bronze to silver
06:14until we reach gold.
06:17Sir Morris,
06:18you started teaching Danceport to your students
06:21because at first, you just wanted to introduce it.
06:24But now, you have students
06:27whose main goal is to get a scholarship
06:31or maybe compete in a higher level.
06:35Now, they've learned it from you.
06:37Do you have such students?
06:40Yes, I want them to learn.
06:44I will continue to teach them Danceport.
06:48Because when they reach college,
06:51there are universities that open scholarship programs
06:55for students.
06:56It will be a way for them to help their parents
07:00and for them to go to college for free.
07:04Just like me,
07:05I used to be a scholar at our university.
07:09Sir, if you have students
07:12who have potential,
07:14maybe on your part,
07:15what is your guidance
07:18and how do you hone those students?
07:24you said that there is hope
07:26that if you do well here,
07:28you might receive a scholarship when you reach college.
07:33Yes, sir.
07:34I told them to continue learning Danceport.
07:39At the same time,
07:40I told them not to stop.
07:43As much as possible,
07:45I will be by their side to guide them.
07:48I told them not to lose their discipline
07:51because that is the most important thing.
07:53If you keep dancing in your heart,
07:55you will improve yourself
07:57in different types of dance,
07:59especially in Danceport.
08:01One of your goals,
08:03Sir Morris,
08:04is to expand Danceport in your city.
08:08Do you agree with your local government unit
08:12to expand and spread Danceport in Laguna?
08:19Yes, ma'am.
08:21We always agree with our local government unit,
08:26Hon. R.L.B. Arroyo
08:29and our SK Federation President,
08:31Limron Sanchez.
08:33We will also expand Danceport in our city
08:38because our kids have a lot of potential
08:41when it comes to Danceport.
08:43They are getting to know Danceport in our city.
08:47Not only can they dance,
08:51they also have love.
08:54Our kids are being shown
08:56in our school and in other schools
08:59that they love Danceport.
09:03Sir Morris,
09:04we know that a lot of people say
09:06that it's hard to be an athlete and a student at the same time.
09:11But it's the same for you.
09:13Aside from being a coach,
09:15you are also a teacher.
09:16So, please share with us
09:18what are the challenges that you faced
09:21when you started teaching Danceport
09:24because you are also a teacher.
09:25And what are the challenges that you are still facing?
09:30Sir, the challenges that we are facing are minimal.
09:34Like I mentioned earlier,
09:37my schedule as a teacher is very strict.
09:41From morning to afternoon,
09:43I have to teach the kids.
09:45The kids have to study from morning to afternoon.
09:48Most of my dancers are honors students.
09:53So, they have to balance themselves
09:57in their studies and in their dancing.
10:00What is your inspiration for continuing teaching Danceport?
10:07My inspiration is the kids.
10:10As long as there are kids who want to learn,
10:12I will not stop teaching and training Danceport.
10:15As long as there are willing kids who want to learn,
10:18why wouldn't I teach them?
10:21As long as they want to learn,
10:24I will teach them.
10:25As long as I can afford it.
10:29Sir Morris, what is more difficult,
10:30being a teacher or being a Danceport coach?
10:35It's both, sir.
10:36It's difficult because there are kids who want to learn.
10:39But despite that, I love teaching.
10:42I also love teaching dance.
10:44That's why I won't get tired
10:46of teaching my students.
10:49Okay. I'm pretty sure you have something.
10:51In other words, since you are a teacher,
10:53did it become a factor that
10:56your transition became faster
10:59to become a coach
11:01because you already have techniques
11:04to share your knowledge?
11:07Do you think so?
11:10Yes, sir.
11:11Because until now,
11:13I'm still learning how to dance Danceport.
11:16Techniques and strategies that I should learn
11:19and share with my students.
11:22As a teacher, right?
11:25For those who are interested in Danceport,
11:27do you have any tips
11:29for those who want to enter
11:31or try this sport, Danceport?
11:35For everyone who wants to enter
11:37the field of dance,
11:38especially in Danceport,
11:40keep on going.
11:42Let's discipline ourselves
11:44and let's focus on our goal.
11:48Being active in dancing.
11:52That's it, ma'am.
11:54Do you have any local tournaments
11:56that you are preparing for?
11:59Yes, ma'am.
12:00Actually, next week,
12:02my students will compete
12:04in the Division Athletic Meet.
12:08Our schedule is 8 to 10, ma'am.
12:12Hopefully, we will have a chance
12:15to participate in the regional.
12:17My students will win
12:19in the Division Athletic Meet, ma'am.
12:22So, Sir Morris,
12:23you are saying that you need to win
12:25in one of your competitions
12:27so that you can advance to the next one.
12:29Is that right?
12:31Yes, sir.
12:32And if that is possible,
12:34do you have a target
12:36for an international competition?
12:38Even if it is in the far future,
12:40do you have a target for your students?
12:43Yes, sir.
12:44We are looking for that opportunity
12:46that even if it is just a regional meet,
12:49my students will benefit from it.
12:52Even if it is just a Division Meet,
12:54they will benefit from it.
12:55They will experience that.
12:57That will be our national game,
12:59right, ma'am?
13:00Finally, do you have a message
13:02to our sports fans this morning?
13:07To all of our sports fans
13:10in the whole Philippines
13:12and all over the world,
13:13let's continue to focus on our goals
13:16and we will also be successful
13:20when the time comes.
13:22That's why we need to train.
13:23Let's continue to train.
13:27Alright, thank you so much,
13:29Sir Morris Javier.
13:30And Happy New Year
13:32from us here at PTV Sports.
13:34Happy New Year!
13:35I am also happy for all of you.
13:36Thank you so much.
