Shraddha Kapoor has charmed her fans again with her down-to-earth off-screen personality. The actress showed her followers how she kicked off 2025 on New Year's Day. Rather than going to fancy bashes, Shraddha chose to have a simple but meaningful day. Shraddha started her day by hitting the gym showing how much she cares about staying fit. She also posted a picture of her healthy snack - soaked dried fruits and blueberries. The actress's fondness for nature shone through in the bright flowers she arranged revealing her artistic flair.
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00:00Actress Shraddha Kapoor has charmed her fans again with her down-to-earth off-screen personality.
00:06The actress showed her followers how she kicked off 2025 on New Year's Day.
00:11Shraddha started her day by hitting the gym, showing how much she cares about staying fit.
00:16She also posted a picture of her healthy snacks, soaked dried fruits and blueberries.
00:22The actress' fondness for nature shone through in the bright flowers she arranged, revealing
00:27her artistic flair.
00:28The best part of Shraddha's New Year day was the time she spent with her family.
00:33A touching photo with her two cute dogs summed up her perfect start to 2025.
00:39On the work front, Shraddha Kapoor was recently seen in Blockbuster's 3-2, the sequel to
00:44her 2018 horror-comedy hit with Rajkummar Rao.
00:47There are speculations that the actress will be seen in Dhoom 4 alongside Ranveer Kapoor.