• 2 months ago
👉 Patricia Scheuer, la actriz acusada de causar la muerte de un turista brasileño en un accidente de tráfico, está prestando declaración ante las autoridades. Su abogado planea argumentar que Scheuer estaba sufriendo un síndrome de despersonalización debido a medicamentos para la depresión y ansiedad al momento del incidente. La justicia y la compañía de seguros están evaluando el caso, incluyendo el comportamiento post-accidente de Scheuer y si ha tenido episodios similares en el pasado.

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00:00Once again, on the avenue of Guzman, in Chacarita,
00:02where this actress is detained,
00:04who killed, in a traffic accident, a Brazilian tourist
00:09and the victim's wife, is hospitalized in the Rivadavia hospital.
00:13Elmira, how are you? Good morning.
00:17We are in the 15th district.
00:18Patricia Yehuer is now making a statement
00:22before Dr. Martín Peluso and a prosecutor.
00:27Apparently, the lawyer Alfredo Weber,
00:30what he is going to present in his defense,
00:33is that this woman, in the moment of the accident,
00:36in the moment that she runs over this couple of Brazilians in Recoleta,
00:40was suffering a depersonalization syndrome.
00:45That this may be due to the medication she is taking,
00:47some years ago,
00:49for a picture of depression and anxiety.
00:52Depersonalization syndrome or loss of consciousness.
00:56That is what he is going to present in this moment in his defense.
00:59We are here in the 15th district,
01:01waiting for him to finish his statement
01:04so that he can, perhaps, exchange a word with the lawyer.
01:07If he could clarify that he is going to speak to the prosecutors,
01:11Patricia, directly, will not speak.
01:13And also, Yehuer's family, one of Ludovico's children,
01:17approached the Fernández hospital
01:19to show, of course, predisposition
01:22with the woman who is hospitalized
01:24and also with anything they need for the procedures
01:27of the body of the Brazilian man who ran over,
01:30who lost his life, this 60-year-old man.
01:32So, Yehuer's family is showing predisposition
01:35with the Brazilian marriage and they approached the Fernández hospital.
01:39Good. Well, that is also a good fact.
01:42The woman has cranial polytraumatism.
01:48She also has a fracture in the left rib.
01:52She also has a clavicle fracture,
01:55in addition to other contusions.
01:57This is what was diagnosed, at least, yesterday,
02:00the last thing we know about this lady.
02:03Obviously, the relatives there in Brazil were already notified.
02:06What they told us is that some of them were coming
02:10to the Argentine Republic.
02:13They were staying in a hotel in the Retiro area,
02:16also there, on Santa Fe Avenue.
02:21In this case, and they were also walking.
02:24On the first day of the year, they came to spend the end of the year
02:27here in the city of Buenos Aires.
02:30Confirmed, then, that it is by Zoom, right? The inquiry?
02:36Yes, the inquiry will be by Zoom and she will make a statement
02:39here in the mayor's office number 15.
02:41In principle, it was a debate and they were looking
02:44to see if they could transfer her directly to the court.
02:46In fact, a truck from the city police came in,
02:49which specializes in the transfer of detainees.
02:51But finally, the lawyer presented himself here,
02:54Alfredo Huber, and made a statement within the mayor's office.
02:59Let's see what crime she will be charged with,
03:01whether homicide or injuries,
03:02or if she is aggravated, perhaps, by medication.
03:05This will be defined after making the statement
03:09and depending on the defense presented by this lawyer.
03:13Now, the question is, can she be released
03:15if it is proven that this woman had a syndrome
03:18of depersonalization, that she had a lapse,
03:21a lagoon where she was not aware?
03:24That will be seen in the next few minutes.
03:27As it is. Well, that's another issue.
03:29Let's see, many may say, but why don't they transfer her?
03:32Why isn't it face-to-face, right?
03:34Hello Mercedes, how are you?
03:35How are you, good morning.
03:36Pablo Vinocur, and Nora is also settling in.
03:39I say, this is sometimes a matter of process economy
03:43to avoid the transfer, because a patrolman has to be used,
03:46the whole situation has to be formalized,
03:48then again transferred.
03:49So, the times are shortened,
03:52because, in addition, this was a much shorter week,
03:55where justice has not worked in a present way,
03:58and it is because, in addition, we are on a trial.
04:01Exactly, and less personal, I also understand that
04:04all this that the lawyer wants to justify
04:05is going to have to present a medical clinical history,
04:08because this is not updated from one day to the next.
04:11You have to present a folder,
04:13we imagine that it is going to be investigated
04:15what kind of medication is the one they are going to accuse
04:18is taking, what is it for, how long ago.
04:21It is also difficult to corroborate this story
04:24that this lawyer has, but we understand that
04:27he goes with that defense strategy,
04:29understanding that he has medical support.
04:31Yes, yes, exactly.
04:32But it is a strategy to see,
04:35I have spoken to several lawyers and they told me the same thing.
04:38It is a strategy, something,
04:40that is, to the limit, because presenting with this ailment,
04:45if she has had other episodes and continued to drive,
04:49on the one hand, well, justice will act as a consequence,
04:52but also the insurance company,
04:55because the backing of the insurance company
04:57is when you, everything in order,
05:01the registration, not driving drunk,
05:04among other things, covers everything that is civil damage.
05:08And also for your car, it has come to the case.
05:11But the truth is that it is good to analyze this
05:14also in legal matters or by some lawyer
05:17to see what strategy Dr. Hoover is working on,
05:20which is there in the place, right?
05:21I mean, look.
05:24Yes, he is inside the mayor's office,
05:25a few minutes ago we saw that he left,
05:27he left the mayor's office staff to look for him
05:29and returned to enter.
05:31It is good what you say, Javier,
05:32because you have to verify if these syndromes
05:35that Patricia presented,
05:36or well, this defense that the lawyer is now presenting,
05:39if it has precedence,
05:40if he had had these mental gaps before,
05:43these depersonalization syndromes,
05:45because that would indicate that he was not in the faculties
05:47to handle.
05:48Now, with a picture of anxiety and depression
05:51medicated by that,
05:53if you can handle it,
05:54simply the registration may be renewed
05:56in a shorter period of time.
05:58That is, the renewal would not be every five years,
06:01but every one or two years.
06:03Now you have to determine also
06:05if this woman was presenting these syndromes,
06:07these gaps, with precedence.
06:09Of course, of course, because...
06:21Yes, we don't know,
06:23but one wants to believe that,
06:25also, because if you already had episodes
06:28and you handle it again,
06:29the truth is that it is a...
06:30Knowing that it is dangerous.
06:32That is the disappearance of your life
06:34and that of a third party.
06:36So, that's why, that's why more than anything.
06:38What is the mayor's office like?
06:39Can you show us a little bit?
06:40There we see the front.
06:41The mayor's office is there in Guzmán.
06:44Yes, let's see, it is...
06:46Exactly, it is the police station number 15
06:48and in the background the mayor's office number 15 works.
06:52Here is the gender unit,
06:54that is, there are only women detainees.
06:56That is why we also see a lot of staff
06:58from the women's city,
06:59who also handle the transfer of the detainees.
07:02They only entered in the morning,
07:04a truck of transfer came out again.
07:06We confirm that it was not Patricia Shewer
07:08who was in the truck of transfer
07:10and then that same truck came back in
07:13and did not come out again,
07:14but a lot of movement.
07:16In fact, there is a patrol at the door of Consigna,
07:19there are many police officers from the city outside
07:22and as the lawyer arrived
07:24and the statement is going through,
07:27there is more and more movement from the police in the city.
07:29But yes, in the front the police station works
07:32and behind it is the mayor's office number 15,
07:35which also works, the gender unit,
07:36only women detainees.
07:38All women, of course, that's why they also transferred her there.
07:42Let's remember a little bit,
07:44see data about this woman,
07:47with Nora too, and of course with Elvira.
07:49She is an actress, but a gastronomic entrepreneur,
07:52more dedicated to that, right?
07:53Yes, more dedicated to that.
07:54We saw her in an ad,
07:57if you remember, the one of a very famous dry clothes,
08:00Poderoso el Chiquitín, right?
08:02That was quite different,
08:03because it was a long time ago,
08:04it was in the 90s,
08:07but well, actually she started to undertake
08:11different things that have to do with the gastronomic rubric,
08:14with a lot of success, with a partner.
08:16First he did the great danzón on Calle Libertad,
08:19an atypical place, also for the time,
08:21where there was a bar of wines, wines by glass,
08:24with music, with lights.
08:25From there a great development begins,
08:28among them his crevasse,
08:30really of prestige and renown.
08:32And Ludovico, his son, she has two children,
08:34is a very prominent bartender,
08:37he is a boy who is approximately 30 years old,
08:39but he is also very prominent,
08:41he is the boy who introduced himself,
08:43which I thought was very good,
08:44to approach where the woman was,
08:47the Brazilian tourist, exactly.
08:49She is a partner of Luis Morandi,
08:53who is also a man very linked, among other things,
08:56to the gastronomic activity in the city of Buenos Aires,
09:00he has other ventures in other parts of the world, right?
09:03Yes, in Brazil there is also one, right?
09:05In Brazil, exactly.
09:06No, here in Argentina they have won.
09:08Let's see, they are people with a very special relevance
09:14here in Buenos Aires, in Argentina.
09:16They are not unknown to the environment,
09:19yesterday when their name arose,
09:20we immediately began to relate it
09:23and we first told who this woman was
09:27and then, well, all the relationships.
09:29And the judicial issue, which is obviously to be seen today,
09:34you cannot rule out the possibility that she is jailed.
09:39Impeached, but jailed.
09:40Jailed, yes, this is one of the possibilities,
09:42it will always depend on the strategy of your lawyer,
09:45it has always been made available,
09:46this is important to highlight.
09:49They will also count those first minutes
09:51as fundamental after the accident,
09:54see what those who saw her get out of her vehicle can testify,
09:58because also presenting or apologizing in these mental gaps
10:02has to have a clear effect at the time
10:05and those who were witnesses should have noticed it.
10:08But it is important that she never wanted to get out of the situation,
10:12she always stayed present,
10:14assisted the woman as far as she could
10:17and provided collaboration.
10:18Following this, the process may go on, of course,
10:24but that the investigation may continue, she is jailed.
10:29We will finally see, first, what she declares,
10:32second, what her lawyer contributes,
10:35what happens with this medical file that they have to present,
10:38testify, of course, I think the medical part,
10:41really, what conditions that medication that you take,
10:45because this is important.
10:47One, when he has a medical prescription,
10:49knows the consequences of those medications,
10:51see if he could handle taking that medication or not,
10:55if he had it prohibited, well, from now on,
10:58the truth is that there is still a lot to know,
11:00the truth is that in minutes nothing more,
11:02he has to start his statement,
11:04if it is that his lawyer recommended him to declare, right?
11:07Yes, there I was seeing the description,
11:10precisely of the depersonalization disorder,
11:14derealization, it is called like that, right?
11:16And he says, the depersonalization disorder occurs
11:19when you always, or often,
11:21you feel that you see yourself from outside your body,
11:26or you perceive that the things that surround you are not real,
11:30or both,
11:32the feelings of depersonalization and derealization
11:36can be very disturbing,
11:38you may feel that you live in a dream,
11:42that is, you are not reflecting what happens in reality,
11:46in the place where you are, right?
11:48Because they are changing, it seems to me, the word lapsus,
11:50because if you think of lapsus, it has to do more,
11:52etymologically, with neglect,
11:54then one thing is something that is medical,
11:56but if you talk about neglect,
11:58it would already be a negligence,
12:00therefore, that is why it seems to me that they are trying to change the form.
12:02Now, when you register,
12:04that surely at 70 they already give you for less years,
12:07it seems to me that it is a year,
12:09they ask you, they consult you if you are taking medication,
12:12it may be that you write it,
12:14they give you a certain amount of time,
12:16but you were already with an active record, right?
12:18That is important, active record,
12:20alcoholism gave negative,
12:22and also there was no excess of speed,
12:24as far as we know now.
12:26No, it's a bad maneuver, actually,
12:28that she wants to do,
12:30to try to take the road through Alviar Avenue,
12:32and that's when she ends up losing control of the vehicle,
12:34she goes up to the plazoleta
12:36and sees these tourists,
12:38where finally the man,
12:40unfortunately, practically loses his life in the act,
12:42and the woman suffers several injuries,
12:44and that is why she has to be hospitalized,
12:46in principle, in the hospital Fernández,
12:48but to see what caused
12:50that abrupt maneuver that she did,
12:52and that she loses control of this vehicle,
12:54to end up going up to the plazoleta.
12:56There was no talk of excess speed,
12:58but of having an action
13:00almost without explanation
13:02of why she ends up bending that way.
13:04Exactly, this disorder,
13:06says here, well, a medical clinical page
13:08that I am reading,
13:10can be serious
13:12and interfere in your relationships
13:14and your work.
13:16It can also disturb other daily activities.
13:18The main treatment
13:20for depersonalization disorder
13:22is psychotherapy,
13:24also known as conversation therapy.
13:26Sometimes, of course,
13:28medicines are also used.
13:30This is based on understanding
13:32what this disease
13:34or this disease is about.
13:36It is a feeling
13:38that you are seeing
13:40your thoughts, feelings,
13:42or body,
13:44or part of your body from the outside.
13:46As if it were not you,
13:48but that you are looking at yourself from the outside.
13:52when we were doing
13:54the first testimonies,
13:56what they said is that the woman said,
13:58you asked her,
14:00that she does not know what happened,
14:02that she does not know what happened.
14:04And she said she did not know.
14:06Feeling like a robot,
14:08or that you do not control what you say,
14:10or how you move.
14:12And the feeling that your body,
14:14legs or arms seem twisted,
14:16or as if they did not have the right shape.
