• 2 months ago
मुंबई: महिलाओं द्वारा दहेज और घरेलू हिंसा जैसे कानूनों का दुरुपयोग किए जाने के सवाल पर मनोविज्ञान की सहायक प्रोफेसर डॉ दीप्ति पुराणिक ने कहा कि ऐसे मामलों में काफी लोग असहाय महसूस करते हैं। लोग मेंटल इलनेस को हल्के में लेते हैं जो बाद में काफी खतरनाक साबित होता है। लड़कों को आमतौर पर रोने से भी रोका जाता है जिसके चलते वे अपना दुख किसी के साथ शेयर नही कर पाते हैं वहीं कानून में ऐसे मामलों में पुरुषों के संरक्षण के लिए प्रावधान होने के सवाल पर डॉ दीप्ति पुराणिक ने कहा कि समाज में जो भी प्रावधान हैं उन्हे जेंडर न्यूट्रल होना चाहिए ताकि ऐसी घटनाएं दोबारा न हों।

#atulsubhashsuicide #punitkhurana #mensuicidecases #crimenews #DeeptiPuranik


00:00There are many reasons for this. One is that people feel helpless.
00:06Sometimes they feel that no matter what happens, they can't get out of this situation.
00:12And the end of this situation is death.
00:14This is how they think continuously and that is why they commit suicide many times.
00:22Along with that, many times people don't pay attention to psychological issues like depression or any other mental well-being.
00:32And in the end, because they didn't pay attention to it, the chances of suicide increases.
00:41How is it? Every person feels a little sadness sometimes.
00:45But if it is prolonged, like all the time, morning and evening, or every day, we feel very sad.
00:53So there are different symptoms like that.
00:56Another thing is like family members.
00:59If there is any change in behavior in your family members,
01:05then it is also very important to note this and it is very important to treat those things on time.
01:12As we always see, when we talk about mental illness, everyone thinks that it is a disease.
01:18It is not that it is a disease and it cannot be cured.
01:21Like when we cough in winter, we go to the doctor.
01:25Similarly, if we are feeling sad or depressed, then it is very important to go to the doctor at that time as well.
01:33This is because we have felt a lot of gender difference since childhood.
01:39Take any family, boys have to behave like this, girls have to behave like this.
01:45Similarly, there are different rules, we call it display rules.
01:49Like girls are allowed to cry, boys were never allowed to cry.
01:54So all these things, the cultural factors that have been going on for years,
01:59until there is no change in them, society will not want to accept
02:05that boys also have problems and they also need that thing or they also need psychological help.
02:12How is it?
02:13Now there are changes in our law regarding BNS.
02:19But before that, if you look at the laws, all the laws were on the female side.
02:24Take dowry death for example.
02:26There were female-centered laws, but there were no male-centered laws yet.
02:33Little by little, after these incidents, we are feeling that there is a need to bring change in these laws.
02:40And because of that, gender-neutral laws are being done to a large extent.
02:45But obviously, it takes time for anything to bring a complete change in the system.
02:52First of all, it is very important for us to create awareness.
02:58And as soon as we need to create awareness in females that males also need it,
03:03similarly, it is also very important to teach acceptance to males.
03:09That if they ever get such symptoms, they should go to the doctor immediately instead of feeling helpless.
03:16Or at that time, they should not think that if I go to the doctor, then its wrong meaning will be taken out.
03:23Ultimately, life is most important.
03:26And it is very important to do the necessary treatment for it.
03:31Not only because of nuclear family, but overall, many people feel stress.
03:37After COVID, awareness has increased that people have anxiety and need to manage stress levels.
03:43But when we are talking about training programs,
03:46it is very important for people to do these programs in every state.
03:56And at the same time, it is also important to train families.
04:02So that from childhood, if we treat females and males in the same way,
04:11then obviously, things will be less in the future.
