• 2 months ago
Derry folk explain their New Year's Resolutions.
00:43So, first off, could you introduce yourself?
00:45Full name, please?
00:46I'm Craig, Clark.
00:47And where are you from?
00:52Cregan, sorry, I don't understand you.
00:53No worries, no worries.
00:56And have you got any New Year's resolutions?
00:59To stay alive.
01:00Stay alive?
01:01There you go.
01:02Is that a tall order?
01:03It is, it is.
01:04It's becoming a tall order as the days go on, aye.
01:07And did you have a good Christmas or a good break here?
01:09I had a good Christmas because it was quiet.
01:11A typical family Christmas.
01:13Family Christmas Day.
01:15And then the rest was each to their own, you know.
01:19First off, introduce yourself, please.
01:20Yeah, my name's Ben.
01:21I'm from Melbourne, Australia.
01:22Nice to meet you, Ben.
01:23Do you have any New Year's resolutions?
01:26I want to read more.
01:27You want to read more?
01:28Yeah, yeah.
01:29Any bits of a tequila or?
01:30No, just trying to read some classics and pretty easy stuff.
01:32Not trying to make life too difficult for myself.
01:34Just, I'm reading some Agatha Christie at the moment,
01:36so that's been quite good.
01:37Just something that can crack along at a good pace.
01:39So, yeah.
01:40And did you have a nice Christmas?
01:42Did you get much?
01:43Yeah, we were actually travelling in Scotland,
01:44which was really, really nice.
01:45We were hoping for a white Christmas,
01:46which we don't really get back home in Australia,
01:48but we didn't quite get it, but we got it here.
01:50Which is nice.
01:51If only cold enough.
01:52So, yeah.
01:53So, can you introduce yourself, please?
01:55My name's Glenn.
01:56I'm from Derry, originally.
01:58I'm Erin, and I'm from Liverpool.
02:01And where are you from in Derry?
02:02From the Waterside, originally.
02:03Grew up, yeah.
02:04Both parents from Cregan.
02:05And then we were in the Waterside until I was about 14,
02:08and we moved to Donegal then.
02:09And I'm living in Liverpool with this one now, yeah.
02:12That's where you're from, yeah.
02:13Yeah, yeah.
02:14Back over for New Year's.
02:16So, that's been nice.
02:17Nice to get around again, yeah.
02:18Absolutely, yeah.
02:20Do you have any new year's resolutions?
02:22I think we both sort of move a bit more mindful.
02:27Definitely want less phone usage.
02:29We're both going to tackle that together, definitely.
02:31Diversify the reading list a little bit.
02:33I'm like a fiction reader.
02:35I'm trying to get a bit broader.
02:37Finish my Master's, and eat more fruit.
02:40What's your Master's?
02:41Speech and Language Therapy.
02:43And any books in particular you've written up in the French
02:46that you've been reading?
02:47Butter, I think, is one that's in Waterstones at the moment.
02:50But also just non-fiction.
02:52Because I'm just typically a fiction reader,
02:53and I think there's so many good ones out there that I should read.
02:56And they're just on my to-read list that I just need to crack open.
02:59Yeah, I'm more of a crime, thriller, biography man.
03:02You're the fiction reader mostly, yeah.
03:04And I'm more movies than books generally.
03:05But yeah, I used to read all the time.
03:07Have to get back into the habit now, yeah.
03:10Definitely, yeah.
03:11Did you just have a lovely Christmas?
03:12Did you eat steamed lots?
03:14Yeah, we had a lovely Christmas in Liverpool.
03:16And then we came over here on the 27th for New Year's here.
03:19So we had a nice bit of both.
03:20Got engaged.
03:21Got engaged on New Year's Eve, yeah, yeah.
03:23So that was a big highlight, absolutely, yeah.
03:25It's been great, really, really good, yeah.
03:26It was lovely.
03:27Had a ball.
03:28Always nice to come back to Derry.
03:29Every time I come back, there's some new, great restaurants, new pubs.
03:32Always welcome to come back.
03:33Yeah, it changes all the time.
03:34It's great, yeah.
03:35Had a great time.
03:36Always nice.
03:37Do you visit Derry often now?
03:39So Derry, but you're out in Donegal now, aren't you, with your parents?
03:41Yeah, Derry's always the centre of everything.
03:44But we're out in Donegal nearly 20 years now.
03:46Yeah, we've been here so much now.
03:47But we always come out for nights out in Derry all the time.
03:50There's loads of family still here, so I love coming back.
03:53And now, especially flying, we can fly straight again from Liverpool,
03:55straight into Derry again, which is nice.
03:57So, yeah, yeah.
03:58Always, every couple of months, we're always back, yeah.
04:03Introduce yourself, please.
04:04My name's Brenda Barr.
04:05Brenda Barr.
04:06And the week one?
04:08And do you have any New Year's resolutions?
04:09Yes, I'm going off the drink.
04:11I'm going to do dry January.
04:12Top month?
04:14And did you have a nice Christmas?
04:16Very quiet.
04:17Introduce yourself, please.
04:18This is my name's Sean.
04:19Where are you from, Sean?
04:20Castle Dawson.
04:21Castle Dawson.
04:23I don't know, I'm actually from here.
04:24Good to have one of those again.
04:27And do you have any New Year's resolutions?
04:29Probably just to get fitter, get outside, stay active.
04:34And did you have a nice Christmas?
04:36Did you eat much?
04:37Yeah, it was nice.
04:38It was quiet.
04:39Spent a bit of time with the kids.
04:41Went out for a few walks.
04:43Opened presents.
04:45Cleared boxes.
04:46Lit a fire.
04:47Had a few glasses of wine.
04:50So first off, could you just introduce yourself, please?
04:52All right.
04:54I'm Martin McDevitt.
04:55And where are you from, Martin?
04:56I'm from Kerry.
04:58And then, Martin, do you have any New Year's resolutions?
05:00Oh, aye.
05:01I'm off a drink.
05:02Off a beer, sorry.
05:04Anything begin with a B.
05:06Beer, bread, butter.
05:08Anything bad.
05:10All the B's.
05:12And did you have a nice Christmas?
05:15Met all my family.
05:17My son, he's in Belfast.
05:20My gears.
05:22And my grandchildren, you know.
05:25Great, great, great.
05:27So I enjoyed a great Christmas day.
05:30That was just Christmas for me.
