• 2 months ago
Fabiola Sabedra y Kevin Alfonso Gil repasan todo lo que tienes que saber para la jornada del viernes 3 de enero en la etapa del Round Robin de la LVBP.

Presentado por Sella Tu Parley y Banesco

#LVBP #Beisbol #Venezuela #LaPrevia #SellaTuParley #Banesco #BanesConecta #RoundRobin


00:00La Previa es presentada por Vanesco.
00:04Envía remesas a Venezuela con las opciones de Vanesco.
00:11En sellatuparley.com compartimos tu pasión por el deporte, apuestas deportivas, hipicas, loterías y mucho más.
00:52How's it going, friends? How are you? Very good afternoon. Today is Friday, December 3, 2025.
00:59We are here ready, Fabiola Saavedra and this server Kevin Alfonso Gil, to analyze, comment on everything that has happened in the Venezuelan ball, in this round robin, which is very interesting.
01:11It is already taking shape more and more. Today is Friday, Fabi with a good ball. The baseball plan has to be included there this Friday afternoon.
01:20Before debunking everything I am referring to, I must greet you. How are you?
01:24Very good, Kevin. Greetings to you and also to the entire Baseball Play community, who enjoys this previous hour, not only in the national territory, but also far from our borders.
01:35It has really been very nice to see how we connect day by day, before and after, no matter what country we are in.
01:43But in the end, the same purpose unites us, which is to enjoy the Venezuelan ball.
01:48Having said that, Kevin, this round robin is getting better and better.
01:53Let's remember that each of the teams that make up this all-against-all have already played four commitments.
02:00That means that there are 12 challenges left for each of the currencies and things are starting to get a little more intense.
02:09Yes, each of the teams is there battling, giving competition at the beginning of the round robin.
02:15Some with a better position than others. We see the Cardinals of the ARA solid in the first place with four victories.
02:22But there is also the counterpart, which is the Magallanes Navigators, who currently have a record of 0-4 with a very difficult task at the beginning of the round robin.
02:34In fact, they have to emulate what the Cardinals of the ARA did last season, which also started the all-against-all round robin with a record of 0-4.
02:45And they managed to get into that grand final against the Guaira Sharks with a record of 10 victories and 6 defeats.
02:53Look at the controversy and the points so different that we see right now in this round robin.
02:59Well, it is true that the Magallanes Navigators have not been able to get their first victory in what is this decisive stage.
03:07In fact, as you just mentioned, they have a record of 0-4, while on the other side we have the Cardinals of the ARA team that has 4-0.
03:19The start of the Magallanes Navigators has really been very good, at least in what is in this round robin.
03:25So the question is, do you see the Cardinals of the ARA as a candidate? Well, leave it there in each of the comments.
03:33Another of the Fabi teams that has also been very effective in this round robin start is the Rapaz team.
03:40I am referring to the Aguilas del Zulia, they have also been very solvent in the aspect of pitching.
03:47The body of the Rapaz launchers has been very hermetic in these first changes.
03:54In fact, yesterday they managed to beat the Tigres de Aragua with a 4x2 run board.
03:59This was in the Pérez Colmenares de Maracay.
04:02There is a very important point regarding the Aguilas del Zulia,
04:05and that is that the team led by Lixonaba had a hard start in this all-against-all,
04:11because they were going to dispute four commitments on the road.
04:15The first four commitments were going to be on the route,
04:18and notice that they came out victorious because they achieved three victories and only one defeat in this transit.
04:24A victory last night that honestly places them in the second place of the table
04:30and has been shown as the second best team in this round robin.
04:35Now, the Rapaz team is going to the city of Maracaibo from this Saturday
04:40to start a series of four challenges in their nest, where they have played very well in recent years.
04:47In fact, in this season, in 2024-25, they left one of the best averages
04:54or one of the best records as home club,
04:58with 19 victories and only 9 defeats.
05:02So, as well as the Cardinals of the Ara are shown as a very good candidate to go to that grand final,
05:09because also the Rapazes and above all there we also see them from the comments that say
05:15Aguilas to the load, they go to the final.
05:18Yes, it really shows a very good atmosphere, both in the team and in the fans of the Aguilas del Zulia.
05:24Precisely, we are going to deal with Fabi, the Zuliana offensive.
05:28Perhaps it has been that duty point or that pending task at this start of the all-against-all.
05:34He has not shown all his offensive power at this start.
05:38In fact, they are below 250 on average.
05:42The only ones that have stood out at this start are the always successful Jalí Castillo,
05:47Osley Bisbasabe, who is also there above 300,
05:51and Luis Castro. They are the only three players who are above 300 points.
05:56Otherwise, the players have not managed to get in tune
06:01or have not managed to light that torch that on paper looks like one of the most powerful also in this round robin.
06:08In fact, they are the second worst team with an average of 250,
06:13but the pitching has been impressive in these first changes, Kevin.
06:17So I think this factor is the one that has kept the Aguilas del Zulia up.
06:23Now, once that lottery wakes up, there will be no one to stop the boys.
06:29Notice that I was talking about the pitching,
06:32which shows the best effectiveness in the postseason with 1.80
06:37and they are also showing a considerable improvement in terms of the commands of their pitches.
06:43In the regular season, it was the team that gave away the most passports,
06:46precisely with 251, and at this start of the all-against-all,
06:51they are equaling Lara with 7 tickets,
06:54like the teams that have given away the least bases per ball.
06:58This means that if indeed the team has shown itself better,
07:02it has been polished in certain aspects, at least in what is this round robin,
07:06and only the lottery is missing.
07:08Yes, notice that this data is very important, Fabi,
07:11because the command of the pitches has been working
07:14and they are very important in those races that the team receives
07:19and also in the success they have had at this start of the all-against-all.
07:24There they have the graph with the numbers of the opening players
07:28and the relegation players of the Aguilas del Zulia.
07:31For example, in the case of the opening players,
07:33they show two victories and one defeat, 18 and a third,
07:37only four allowed races,
07:39they have given away three passports, nine fans,
07:42and look at this pair of data,
07:45an effectiveness of 1.96 and a whip of 0.99.
07:50This is in the case of the opening players,
07:52but if we go to the relegation players,
07:54then things get better.
07:56A game won, zero lost, 16 and two thirds,
07:59three clean races, nothing more allowed,
08:02four passports, 15 fans,
08:04and an effectiveness of 1.62 and a whip of 1.17.
08:09The Zulian launchers have been hermetic.
08:12Yes, Kevin, notice that you yourself have commented
08:15that the relegation looks much better in the Aguilas del Zulia
08:19and I would like to stop there,
08:21because yesterday we were talking about
08:25who is the best locker at least in this postseason of the LBBP.
08:29The name of Arnaldo Hernández came out there
08:32and especially that of Silvino Bracho.
08:34Silvino is an experienced man
08:36and who honestly has the credentials not enough
08:40to be one of the best-seen lockers in the local circuit.
08:45Notice that Silvino is only saved
08:48to reach 20 in his career in postseason series
08:52in the LBBP.
08:54And also, Silvino is about to join
08:57another six lockers with more than 20 rescues
09:00in the postseason of Venezuelan baseball.
09:02There you are going to see who the men are
09:06or rather, Silvino could join
09:09this select list of men
09:11who have made an extraordinary career
09:14in Venezuelan baseball.
09:15At least there we see Francisco,
09:17Kik Rodríguez, Francisco Hutto, Oscar Manacho,
09:21Enriquez, Pedro Rodríguez, Juan Carlos Gutiérrez
09:24and also Gian Machi.
09:26In fact, Gian is the man who is closest
09:30to equating Silvino in this important brand.
09:34Yes, Fabi, in fact, the only launcher
09:37that is active so far in that list
09:39is Pedro Rodríguez, the amolador
09:41who is precisely making equipment with Silvino Bracho
09:45at the moment in the Eagles of Zulia.
09:47So, the Zuliano Silvino Bracho
09:50continues to build important numbers
09:52in our circuit.
09:54We also have to move on, Fabi,
09:56changing a bit of the subject,
09:58to talk about the Magallanes sailors.
10:00On yesterday's day, they won again
10:03a defeat in this round robin.
10:05Fourth consecutive defeat.
10:07They have a record of 0 and 4.
10:10The Cardinals of Lara beat them 12 races by 7.
10:14This was in their first commitment
10:16that the Turks disputed
10:18in the José Bernardo Pérez
10:20of the city of Valencia.
10:21Last night there was a reflection
10:23of precisely what is happening
10:25to the Magallanes sailors
10:27and why they do not get those victories.
10:30And it is precisely in the pitching.
10:32The pitching is still a headache
10:34in this all-against-all.
10:36They are last in effectiveness
10:38precisely with 8.21.
10:40And yesterday something was seen
10:42that is not typical in our Venezuelan ball.
10:45Only in the first pitch,
10:47the Cardinals of Lara
10:49made 10 strokes.
10:51So, this means that the electric arms
10:54have allowed,
10:56look, if we go to a recent statistic,
10:59they have allowed 31 clean races
11:01in 34 episodes.
11:03I want to reinforce a little
11:05what you were referring to, Fabi,
11:07because just yesterday the Magallanes sailors
11:09had in La Lomita
11:11who is surely going to be
11:13the pitcher of the year
11:15and possibly the return of the year.
11:17I refer to Junior Guerra.
11:19What do I mean by this?
11:21That they had their credit card
11:23in El Morrito.
11:25If we said that Junior Guerra
11:27was going to receive 7 races yesterday
11:29in the first entry,
11:31maybe no one was going to believe us.
11:33And notice that that was what happened.
11:35He received 7 races
11:37in this presentation.
11:39I also consider that perhaps
11:41fatigue may be accompanying
11:43Junior Guerra at this moment.
11:45He has had an extensive season
11:47in our ball.
11:49And yesterday, I told you
11:51behind the camera,
11:53he was very, very far from the strike zone.
11:55And that may be
11:57the consequence of that,
11:59of the fatigue that the Magallanes
12:01sailors may be having.
12:03Yes, in fact, this has been
12:05the first opening that has been
12:07bad of Junior Guerra.
12:09Because if we look at the numbers
12:11that he has built for this safra,
12:13honestly, they are not worthy.
12:15But hey, I want to think what that is.
12:17Support you a lot in your comment.
12:19It may also be a matter of fatigue.
12:21We'll have to see in his next presentation
12:23to see if he can recover.
12:25The truth is that the Turks
12:27on yesterday's day connected 15
12:29unstoppable, even 6 extra bases.
12:31But they still leave people
12:33in circulation. They even left
12:3510 runners waiting
12:37for that remolque, waiting for that
12:39opportune bat. Everything
12:41unfortunately for the Magallaneros
12:43is going wrong
12:45at the moment. Let's see,
12:47they also have a hard task
12:49to reverse a 0-4 in this
12:51series that is so short.
12:53But honestly, I think it's not impossible.
12:55Yes, no, totally. Fabi, I agree with you.
12:57It is not impossible, but it is quite
12:59difficult. They have to emulate, as we already
13:01commented a few minutes ago,
13:03they have to emulate what the Cardinals
13:05of Lara did in the last season.
13:07They started 0-4 and
13:09got into the grand final with a record
13:11of 10 victories and 6
13:13defeats. We'll see how it goes
13:15from today to the
13:17group of the Magallanese navigators.
13:19With this, we are going to close our
13:21first pause. We come back with more.
14:25Friends, we are with more
14:27We continue with more of the preview through Baseball Play and before commenting on today's day, we have to extend the invitation to each of you to subscribe through www.baseballplay.com
14:41because with a single payment of 12.99, you will not only be enjoying the passion of the round robin, but also the grand final of the LBBP, you already know www.baseballplay.com
14:55Now, Kevin, we continue with interesting topics in this preview with the day, because the Bravos of Margarita will be visiting Navegantes del Magallanes for this late night.
15:08Yes, those led by José Moreno Favit will look for their third victory in this all-against-all. They have a record of two victories and two setbacks. In fact, they have just lost their last two commitments.
15:21They will try to start a positive streak at the beginning of the year 2025, which will keep them very close to the qualifying positions for the grand final.
15:33Let's remember that it is those who arrive first and second who will write their names in that grand final to get our representative in the Caribbean series.
15:44Correct, and that also the insulars in the regular round had a balance of 12 victories and 16 defeats, playing away from home.
15:53Let's see, the Bravos of Margarita won the first two commitments against the Turkish ship, right there in the Guatemala Park, where it has been their stronghold.
16:04So today we will have to see how the actions play out, knowing that Navegantes del Magallanes does not present its best version.
16:13In addition to that, Fabi, today the Bravos of Margarita have in the mound who has been one of the best launchers, especially in the final part of the season.
16:22I am referring to left-back Félix Dubron, who has done very well in his return to the Venezuelan ball.
16:28He was launching in Puerto Rico and returned in that final part and has done much better.
16:34In fact, Dubron's first presentation in the all-against-all was quite good.
16:39So we will have to see how the left-back is doing in this commitment that is going to be played, as we already mentioned, in Valencia, in José Bernardo Pérez, in precisely the city of Valencia.
16:51Hey, and about the fact that the last time both teams faced each other, the benches were emptied there.
16:57So the question is, the big question, will there be warm spirits after that last commitment?
17:04Well, we will have to see, although Renato Núñez, after the incident, recognized that it had been a mistake and that perhaps he had let himself be carried away by the adrenaline of the game.
17:15And that they were really emotions, but that only stayed there in the field of play.
17:21Yes, totally, Fabi, they are things that the game itself, the emotion, are human beings, the players, and sometimes they let themselves be carried away by emotions.
17:29But as you say, they are situations that stay there in the field of play.
17:34Also changing the subject a bit, we have to talk, Fabi, that the Tigres de Aragua are looking for their first victory tonight at home, in Pérez Colmenares, in the city of Maracay.
17:45A venue where, by the way, they have lost the two games they have played in this all-against-all.
17:52Hey, and that the last time the Bengalis faced the Cardinals of the Ara, they barely won that confrontation.
17:59So I think this game will be quite exciting, it will attract a lot of attention.
18:06Because, without a doubt, the Bengalis will seek to get the pin out of the last game where they lost, precisely that commitment that they already had stored in their pockets.
18:17Totally, Fabi, that challenge they were winning in the last episode. In fact, we also commented on it in recent previews.
18:24And well, they left Hernán Pérez alive with a foul fly, which in the next pitches connected a square that turned the board dramatically.
18:34So, a hard defeat for those led by Rosel Vázquez, who have shown themselves very well in terms of batting.
18:42They have hit the Bengalis throughout the season, but Achilles' heel is still the bullpen.
18:49The bullpen of the Tigres de Aragua has been very punished.
18:53In fact, look at what I'm commenting on.
18:56These numbers reinforce this comment I'm making.
18:59Because in four games, Fabi and the Tigres de Aragua show a lead of 268.
19:05Not so good, but the effectiveness is very deficient.
19:095.66 is the effectiveness that the arms of the Tigres de Aragua show.
19:14There they are eradicating the defeats that the Bengalis are reaching at the beginning of the round robin.
19:22They still have a more positive outlook than the Magallanes.
19:28Yes, and it is not to defend the Tigres de Aragua.
19:31But yesterday the bullpen looked better, at least than the opener.
19:35Because yesterday the Japanese Rintaro Hirama was on the line making the opening.
19:41Which honestly was not good for him at all.
19:43But after it was replaced and the reliefs were changed, the relief did not receive races on the night of yesterday.
19:52So you can see that they are making modifications.
19:56They are working to continue striving and above all to achieve victories.
20:02And contain the opposite beaters.
20:05Now, let's change the subject.
20:07Because there it was announced, no?
20:09Part of the finalists of the individual awards of this Venezuelan ball.
20:14At least yesterday it was announced who are the finalists of the Novato Award of the Year.
20:19And there are Luis Ángel Acuña with Cardenales de Lara.
20:22Also José Fernández de Caribes de Anzuategui and Luis Matos for Sharks of the Guaira.
20:28The winner, Fabi, of this award will be announced on January 6.
20:33Also yesterday the finalists of the Luis Salazar Award were announced.
20:39Or the award of the return of the year.
20:41They are there, Junior Guerra of the Navigantes del Magallanes.
20:44Pedro Rodríguez, the amolador of the Sharks of the Guaira.
20:48And another player of the Sharks of the Guaira, Jan Herbi Solarte.
20:52These six players with great campaigns in our circuit.
20:57The award of the return of the year will be announced on January 5.
21:01Well, with this then we are going to wait.
21:04We are counting the hours and especially the days.
21:07Because there is very little left to know who are going to take these distinctions.
21:12With this, gentlemen, then we will review the table of positions.
21:17There you will be seeing it on your screens.
21:20Cardenales de Lara up. Solid in the lead of this classification.
21:25With a record of 4 and 0.
21:27They also have Zulia, Aguilas del Zulia.
21:30With a balance of 3 victories and 1 defeat.
21:33That by the way, rests for today's day.
21:36Yes, they are at a game of difference of the Cardenales de Lara.
21:39Below, the Bravos de Margarita.
21:41With a record of 2 victories and 2 reversals.
21:44At 2 games from the tip.
21:46Below is Tigres de Aragua.
21:48With 1 and 3 at 3 from the tip.
21:50And the Navigantes del Magallanes close this qualifying table.
21:54With a negative balance of 0 and 4.
21:57At 4 commitments from the tip.
22:00Well, with this gentlemen, then we say goodbye.
22:03But first we have to thank you for your faithful tuning.
22:06And it has really been quite fruitful.
22:09Each of the previews that we carry out through the Baseball Play platform.
22:15Remember to subscribe www.baseballplay.com
22:19So that you can get your postseason pass.
22:22With a subscription of 12.99.
22:25And also to interact on the different digital platforms.
22:29It is located as www.baseballplay.com
22:31It will be until next time.
22:33Bye Bye.
22:34The preview was presented by Vanesco.
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