• 2 months ago
Fabiola Sabedra y Victor Boccone repasan todo lo que tienes que saber sobre el tercer juego de la Gran Final de la LVBP. đŸ”„âšŸ

Presentado por Sella Tu Parley y Banesco

#LVBP #Beisbol #Venezuela #LaPrevia #SellaTuParley #Banesco #BanesConecta #RoundRobin
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05:05that conditioned for the arrival again in this team and that the team also of that valuable merit, those good results, registering for the first time in the grand final.
05:17Yes, it has definitely been a successful year for Braulio and Margarita, regardless of what ends up happening in this final.
05:25We are going to make a small summary of what were the first two commitments of this final series there in the Antonio Herrera Gutiérrez de Barquisimeto.
05:34In the first match, Braulio de Margarita took the victory, four races by two.
05:39And we remember that last Monday they unloaded all their artillery, Fabi, with 16 unstoppable and a final score of 12 races by 4.
05:50The set of José Moreno imposed his law there in Barquisimeto, surprising for many.
05:56This result that started in favor of Braulio de Margarita, taking into account the team that assembled the Cardinals of the ARA.
06:04But the truth is that today we are in the third game and the series is 2-0 in favor of the Braulios.
06:10Yes, well, and to speak precisely of that duel on Monday, where the board was left with a fairly overwhelming result, 12 races by 4.
06:19The Cardinals were approaching, I wanted to insist, not precisely because I was in his park with his fans.
06:25For this meeting, an approximate of 11,000 people attended the stadium.
06:32So playing at home really gives you a plus, being Cardinals of the ARA, playing in your city in Barquisimeto.
06:40In short, the team sought to return that blow, that first blow that the Braulios of Margarita gave.
06:46But no, their work on the field was not enough.
06:49Yes, it was definitely an important moment for Braulios de Margarita.
06:54Above all, to take the lead, because we are talking about a team that in the first three episodes of the second meeting,
07:02they scored up to 6 races, there precisely in that play was the triple of Carlos PĂ©rez.
07:08Well, that clash between Rangel Ravelo and Gorkis HernĂĄndez,
07:13and that was the key that kept the line of Braulios de Margarita for the rest of the match.
07:19The Cardinals certainly approached at a given moment with a couple of races, but it was not enough.
07:25The opener of the moment, AdriĂĄn Almeida, could not, he barely withdrew to two batters and was really baffled.
07:34There we saw precisely one of the hits of Erlis RodrĂ­guez, who had been asleep during the round robin,
07:42but in this grand final, or at least in the first two matches, he has responded as José Moreno needs.
07:48Yes, totally, and speaking precisely of José Moreno's team,
07:52I feel that the key, the winning formula for these first two commitments has been the pitching.
07:58Above all, the opening pitching that has given a lot to talk about, and they are positive things.
08:04You really have to emphasize the good work, at least, of FĂ©lix DurĂłn, who was the opener in the first commitment,
08:11and above all of JesĂșs Vargas, a JesĂșs Vargas who had been doing very well against the Cardinals of the Ara,
08:17and managed to dry, managed to control with total tranquility what were the batters of the Cardinals of the Ara,
08:24which, by the way, is a very explosive team, and you have to be very careful about the balls sent.
08:31Yes, definitely, it has been important this emotional delivery of the boys of José Moreno,
08:38and precisely led by the one we are seeing on the screen, Alexi Amarista,
08:43arrives half a season after that, of that, tell me and I will tell you, with respect to Tigres de Aragua,
08:51arrives to the arms of Margarita, and precisely gave him that impulse that the insular team needed to be in the instance that they are today.
09:00A pair of doubles in the first meeting, also was active in the batting, in the second commitment,
09:06and is simply one of the leaders within this clubhouse.
09:11Not only RamĂłn Flores, not only Wilson Ramos, but also Alexi Amarista,
09:16who, if we look at it, is the one who has disputed the most finals among these boys of the arms of Margarita.
09:23Another of the things that the insular team could use was the pitching,
09:27not only of their pitcher opener in the second meeting, as it was JesĂșs Vargas,
09:32but also of the bullpen, Fabio.
09:34It has been inclement what has been the bullpen of the arms of Margarita,
09:40especially to contain that lethal offensive of Cardenales de Lara, and especially Andrés Chaparro.
09:47Barely 142 on average, a single hit in 7 shifts in this grand final.
09:54And what draws more attention is that Andrés Chaparro was chosen to reinforce what had been Cardenales de Lara
10:00against what has been this final.
10:03For no one, it is a secret, at least for Venezuelans, those of us who consume Venezuelan baseball,
10:09that Andrés Chaparro has done things very well and has really succeeded in what has been the Eagles of Zulia.
10:17And it is assumed, or the idea of ​​the sports management to include AndrĂ©s Chaparro
10:23was obviously to transfer those good batting, that good batting, to what has been this set.
10:29However, well, I think I also said it in the previous preview,
10:33it seems to me that this decision was not so right.
10:36Let's hope, right? To see also how the works are carried out,
10:40and especially with Andrés Chaparro in Cardenales de Lara.
10:43Yes, precisely speaking of Cardenales de Lara,
10:45it must be mentioned that in that second meeting they could provoke that moment of tension.
10:52In the first meeting, the team of Cardenales de Lara left up to two times three men in the pillows.
10:58There appeared the defense of Bravos de Margarita with a pair of double plays,
11:02among them a Caribbean play by Alexia Marista with her shortstop José Martínez.
11:07However, in the second meeting they were a little more awake,
11:11precisely the bats of Cardenales, there we saw that batting of Harold Castro,
11:16which has been really impressive his work with the Cardenales de Lara set,
11:22as if it were all life, practically the reinforcement of Leones del Caracas.
11:26Now, quite interesting what Bravos de Margarita was able to do
11:30by containing this offensive, which was one of the best not only in the round robin,
11:35but also in the regular season.
11:38We are talking about a team, Fabi and friends who tune in at this time,
11:42that averaged over 300 points in the round robin being at home.
11:48And that is the merit of Bravos de Margarita,
11:51who was able to come out with a lead foot to stop this offensive of Cardenales de Lara,
11:56which we already said, added Andrés Chaparro, without a doubt,
12:00with credentials from the big leagues.
12:03There we saw precisely the quadrangular of HernĂĄn PĂ©rez,
12:06and that has been another detail.
12:09Up to three extra bases, or only three extra bases,
12:13has given the Cardenales de Lara set in the first two games of this grand final.
12:18When we saw that in the round robin they managed to connect 52 extra bases.
12:23That also has to be taken into account, especially in this series so short.
12:28Yes, what I would also like to reinforce in terms of your comment, Victor,
12:34is that Cardenales de Lara has been showing not only in the round robin,
12:38but since the beginning of the campaign,
12:40that it has been one of the most solid, most powerful, most committed teams
12:45in terms of sports.
12:47And right now we are enjoying, honestly, a good final.
12:52That was also what the fans expected,
12:55because, although it is true, Bravos is just the one who is debuting in this grand final,
13:00but the expectations with the insulars were not high.
13:03But here people are making mistakes, those who did not believe in the Bravos of Margarita,
13:08and they are saying, no, but these Bravos are actually very brave.
13:11Yes sir, and well, we are talking about Henry Blanco,
13:14in the three finals that he has played,
13:17first as manager of Tiburones de la Guaira,
13:19last year with Cardenales de Lara,
13:21and this grand final began with the series 2-0 down,
13:24and none of them could win.
13:27The truth is that, Fabi, do not go away,
13:29that we in the next segment will be analyzing the weaknesses and strengths
13:35of Cardenales and Bravos in this ante-sala or prior to the third game of the grand final
13:41between Lara and Margarita.
13:44Bravos vs. Margarita
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14:41Bravos vs. Margarita
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34:23Bravos vs. Margarita
34:26Bravos vs. Margarita
34:29Bravos vs. Margarita
34:32Bravos vs. Margarita
34:35Bravos vs. Margarita
34:38Bravos vs. Margarita
34:41Bravos vs. Margarita
34:44Bravos vs. Margarita
34:47Bravos vs. Margarita
34:50Bravos vs. Margarita
34:53Bravos vs. Margarita
34:56Bravos vs. Margarita
34:59Bravos vs. Margarita
35:02Bravos vs. Margarita
35:05Bravos vs. Margarita
35:08Bravos vs. Margarita
35:11Bravos vs. Margarita
35:14Bravos vs. Margarita
35:17Bravos vs. Margarita
35:20Bravos vs. Margarita
35:23Bravos vs. Margarita
35:26Bravos vs. Margarita
35:29Bravos vs. Margarita
35:32Bravos vs. Margarita
35:35Bravos vs. Margarita
35:38Bravos vs. Margarita
35:41Bravos vs. Margarita
35:44Bravos vs. Margarita
35:47Bravos vs. Margarita
35:50Bravos vs. Margarita
35:53Bravos vs. Margarita
35:56Bravos vs. Margarita
35:59Bravos vs. Margarita
36:02Bravos vs. Margarita
36:05Bravos vs. Margarita
36:08Bravos vs. Margarita
36:11Bravos vs. Margarita
36:14Bravos vs. Margarita
36:17Bravos vs. Margarita
36:20Bravos vs. Margarita
36:23Bravos vs. Margarita
36:26Bravos vs. Margarita
36:29Bravos vs. Margarita
36:32Bravos vs. Margarita
36:35Bravos vs. Margarita
36:38Bravos vs. Margarita
36:41Bravos vs. Margarita
36:44Bravos vs. Margarita
36:47Bravos vs. Margarita
36:50Bravos vs. Margarita
36:53Bravos vs. Margarita
36:56Bravos vs. Margarita
36:59Bravos vs. Margarita
37:02Bravos vs. Margarita
37:05Bravos vs. Margarita
37:08Bravos vs. Margarita
37:11Bravos vs. Margarita
37:14Bravos vs. Margarita
37:17Bravos vs. Margarita
37:20Bravos vs. Margarita
37:23Bravos vs. Margarita
37:27Bravos vs. Margarita
37:30We will be with you in your passion for baseball, while you perform your 24-7 sports plays and much more.
37:56The family has arrived!
37:59Hello my friend!
38:01Listen to this!
38:03Now I will sing!
38:05I will never stop!
38:07I'm desperate!
38:08I don't have a visa!
38:09But the package is a million dollars!
38:10Love is always money!
38:11And love at first sight!
38:12I will never change that!
38:20We are back for this last block of the preview before the third game of the grand final between the Cardinals and Bravo Fabi.
38:29Let's talk about today's pitchers.
38:32For Margarita's Bravo, Angel Rondon will be up 3-0 in the round robin.
38:39Without a doubt, an important pitcher for this situation and especially for this moment of Margarita's Bravo.
38:47And our production shows us the table of the numbers that Rondon left in the round robin.
38:53In 20 innings and a third of the work, he barely received 5 races, 4 tickets and look at that!
39:0016 punches for a whip of 1.08 and an effectiveness of 2.21.
39:06Who will be opening for the Cardinals?
39:09Well, on the other side will be Mats Castillo.
39:12A maximum Castillo who has been a leader in terms of pitching with the Cardinals.
39:19There we see his numbers in the round robin.
39:225 games, he was there with a balance of 1 victory and 1 defeat.
39:27He has only thrown in 19 episodes, 23 allowed races, 17 of them were clean, 8 tickets, 13 punches.
39:37And leaves an effectiveness of 8.05.
39:40An effectiveness that honestly catches our attention a lot.
39:43He is quite tall to face today a set of Margarita's Bravos.
39:48As we said before, some Bravos who are very brave.
39:51And a whip of 1.95.
39:53A Mats Castillo who must also support, reinforce that pitching that has left him quite weak.
40:02Or at least his other two teammates have shown it in what has been the old commitments.
40:08Yes, without a doubt a piece that has experience in the Venezuelan League of Professional Baseball.
40:13But well, let's see if he can straighten the compass.
40:16Mats Castillo and above all give him that first victory of the Cardinals in this grand final.
40:22Because I tell you something, arriving with 3-0 tomorrow is complicated.
40:27Taking into account that Bravos was the best team at home during the regular round.
40:33There are changes out there in the Cardinals lineup.
40:37Let's see how they present themselves today.
40:39The guys of Henry Blanco at the moment of the playball.
40:44There in the stadium Nueva Esparta de Guatemala.
40:46This is how the lineup of the Cardinals of Lara will be made up.
40:49Ildemaro Vargas, first bat and short field.
40:51Gorky Hernandez in the central garden.
40:53Harold Castro, right field.
40:55Rangel Ravelo, fourth bat and first base.
40:57José Rondón in the left garden.
41:01Danry VĂĄzquez will be the designated.
41:03HernĂĄn PĂ©rez, third base.
41:05Ali SĂĄnchez in the receiver.
41:07And back to the kid, Eduardo GarcĂ­a.
41:09Andrés Chaparro in the bench.
41:11Oh my God.
41:13Well, he has to make decisions.
41:15Urgently Henry Blanco.
41:17Really, because this is his third final that he plays.
41:20And he still does not have that award.
41:22He still does not have that title.
41:24As a champion manager, he continues to look for it.
41:27And in fact, on previous occasions, he has said that the third is the win.
41:32So yes, he has to make necessary adjustments.
41:34It strikes me that Eduardo GarcĂ­a is a young boy with a lot of talent.
41:39But he does not have the experience to face this type of commitment.
41:44But maybe he yields much more than the others who have been in the previous encounters.
41:51Certainly, the line-up of Bravos I think is maintained.
41:54And as the saying goes, the winning line-up does not change.
41:57And so the ones led by José Moreno are going to come out.
42:00With Lorenzo Cedrola in the left garden.
42:02Alexia Marista, who you see on the screen in the second pillow.
42:06Juan Santana in the first base.
42:08Wilson Ramos as a receiver.
42:10RamĂłn Flores in the right garden.
42:12Carlos PĂ©rez designated.
42:13Erlis RodrĂ­guez in the central stand.
42:15Raider Ascanio in the front room.
42:18And José Tilín Martínez in the short field.
42:21We already said it.
42:22Ángel Rondón is going to be the opener.
42:25For the Insular team that today makes history with their first game of a Grand Final
42:32of the Venezuelan League of Professional Baseball there in their own stadium.
42:37Let's see how this third match of the Grand Final goes.
42:43Especially remembering that Bravos returned to their park in this season 24-25.
42:49Yes, and an Ángel Rondón who is obviously going to feel the pressure
42:53knowing that FĂ©lix DubrĂłn gave the size in the first commitment.
42:57Jesus Vargas also did it and he has to keep that bar very high
43:01as far as pitching is concerned.
43:03Because let's remember that this event has been the formula that has been working
43:10for the Bravos of Margarita in terms of this final series.
43:13So going down would be very bad.
43:16So I really hope today to witness a good pitching duel.
43:21In fact, that was what was said, it was seen coming in terms of this Grand Final.
43:26We have to wait and see how the public responds there on the island of Margarita.
43:30For now, do not move away and stay tuned to Baseball Play
43:35and through our social media platforms at Baseball Play
43:39so that you can see everything that Kevin Alfonso Gil will be raising there.
43:44I insist and we have to say goodbye.
43:46What is your forecast for today?
43:48Well for me, today Cardenales does his thing.
43:51I keep betting on the Bravos of Margarita.
43:54It will be until tomorrow.
43:55For us it was a great pleasure.
43:57Bye Bye.
44:19We accompany you in your passion for baseball
44:21while you perform your 24-7 sports plays and much more.
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