• 2 months ago
👉 Matías Núñez, un joven de 23 años, se encuentra desaparecido tras haberse arrojado al río desde su embarcación en la costanera de Olivos. La Prefectura Nacional Argentina está llevando a cabo un operativo de búsqueda que incluye embarcaciones, medios terrestres y un helicóptero. El área de búsqueda se va actualizando conforme avanza el operativo. La familia mantiene la esperanza de que Matías pueda haber sido observado por otra embarcación o esté esperando ayuda en algún lugar desconocido para él.

👉Seguí en #VivoElDomingo
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00:00This is the Olivos beach.
00:03This is how you look for this young man who went out to sail.
00:09He jumped into the river and disappeared.
00:10Matias Núñez, 23 years old.
00:13We are live with Mauro Bundín. Mauro.
00:18Yes, Ale. You know I'm receiving now what is...
00:23Martin, Martin Núñez.
00:24Yes, Martin Núñez is the 23-year-old boy.
00:29I'm receiving the part of the Argentine National Prefecture
00:32that realizes that a person is still being searched.
00:35Last Friday, he threw himself into the water of his boat.
00:38The search operation includes land-based boats and the force helicopter.
00:45In the place, personnel from the rescue, fire and environmental protection of Tigre are working.
00:51The search area is being updated as the operation progresses.
00:55This is what the people from the prefecture just sent me.
00:58We are located in the port of Olivos,
01:03which is where the center of the Argentine Naval Prefecture is.
01:09And here is the father of Martin Núñez, this 23-year-old boy,
01:13who was with his girlfriend, who was with a friend,
01:16at the time he jumped into the river.
01:18I'm referring to what happened on Friday.
01:20I'm going to approach Cristian Núñez.
01:23He is the father who is here waiting with great hope
01:28that his son will come back alive.
01:30And well, first of all, with hope.
01:33And what do they tell you from the prefecture?
01:36Cristian, thank you for this meeting with A24.
01:39Well, thank you very much to your colleagues there on the floor.
01:45The truth is that I'm still waiting for other news,
01:50to see if there is any other news here.
01:52But this morning I already spoke with one of the authorities
01:56who is in charge of the operational area in that sector,
01:59who told me yesterday, on the day of yesterday,
02:02at night they finished what is area 1,
02:05of search and retrieval.
02:07And today in the morning, five in the morning,
02:09five and a half in the morning, they started with area 2,
02:13which is another sector,
02:15which will surely be specified more by the authorities.
02:20Well, and here I am really waiting with great hope and faith
02:25for my son to come back alive.
02:29I don't know, somewhere.
02:31Ale, comrades, Cristian has the feedback.
02:34He is listening to you.
02:35Cristian's hope is that he may have been observed
02:41at some point by another boat,
02:44that he may have stayed in a sand bank,
02:48that he is waiting for help, isolated,
02:51maybe somewhere he doesn't know, of course.
02:54And there are all the means available to find his son.
03:01Yes, yes, that is what I estimate has happened,
03:07because I do not rule out that my son has been rescued
03:12by some other boat that has been sailing that same day,
03:17on Friday, when I was present at the place.
03:20At first glance, there were several sailboats
03:25that were in the area.
03:27Yes, yes, I consider that he may have been,
03:31that he has gone out to float somewhere
03:35and that he is lost, unconscious, for some reason.
03:39And I consider that this is how it was.
03:42So I'm really waiting.
03:45I have faith that I will receive a call
03:48that here is Martin, your son.
03:51And I'm waiting with great anxiety.
03:55For the whole course that is happening this day.
03:57Your son sends you a message at three in the afternoon,
04:02and at what point do you lose contact with him
04:05and begin to suspect that maybe he had already lost?
04:13On Friday, at three in the afternoon,
04:16I send him an audio, son.
04:19At three in the afternoon I send him an audio, by WhatsApp.
04:23And I ask him, son, how are you, what are you doing?
04:28And at three in the afternoon he sends me a message
04:33telling me, dad, I'm sailing.
04:36Later I come back home.
04:40I answer him, saying, well, son, have a nice time.
04:44He sends a video.
04:46And at four in the afternoon, after an hour,
04:50I receive a call from my son's phone,
04:54that really was the girlfriend who called me,
04:58telling me that Martin jumped into the water
05:01and that he lost sight of him.
05:03And you couldn't hear him much either,
05:05because there was a lot of wind,
05:07and with the cell phone in that area you couldn't hear much.
05:10So I also got into a state of crisis there,
05:14because I didn't understand anything that was happening.
05:16I didn't know where I was standing either,
05:18because I didn't know what to do.
05:21So a friend just showed up.
05:23I tell him, Ricardo, I need you to help me with this,
05:27because I don't know what's going on with my son.
05:30Don't worry.
05:31Look, there were so many taxis there in Retiro
05:34that I didn't know what to take, I swear.
05:37So, well, thank you, Ricardo, for helping me.
05:40And he brought me here, to this location
05:44of the Olivos dependency, of the Naval Prefecture.
