• 2 months ago
👉 Facundo Adrián Toro, un joven argentino de 30 años, originario de Bahía Blanca, se encuentra desaparecido tras intentar rescatar a una persona que se había metido al mar en una zona peligrosa durante las celebraciones de Año Nuevo en Punta del Este. Las autoridades y buzos tácticos continúan la búsqueda entre las rocas y corrientes fuertes del océano Atlántico. La familia del desaparecido mantiene la esperanza mientras espera respuestas.

👉 Seguí en #QuienCuandoDonde #QCD
📺 a24.com/vivo


00:00It's a disgraceful situation.
00:02They are looking for an Argentinian who tried to be supportive,
00:06who tried to help in an area.
00:08There you see it, the image of a young man from Bahia Blanca, 30 years old.
00:13They all came to celebrate.
00:15They had concluded many parties,
00:17a classic of the 31 at night, the parties in Punta del Este.
00:21Someone had the bad idea of getting into the water
00:24in an area where it shouldn't be.
00:27And an Argentinian who tries to help,
00:29and the Argentinian who tries to get away.
00:32They got the people from the prefecture to help.
00:35First they got a girl out,
00:37then another one who had also tried to help
00:41in a very complex area, very rocky, with very strong waters.
00:47And this Argentinian who also wanted to help,
00:51and since then nothing has come out, nothing is known about him.
00:55Gustavo Descalzi works live in the place.
00:59Good afternoon, Bobby.
01:01We continue to wait,
01:03we continue to wait for the authorities
01:07and all the operations they have set up with the tactical divers.
01:10We sent images early in the morning
01:13about the work that was done very early in the morning.
01:16As he tells me, meter by meter, rock by rock,
01:20we have a morphological composition
01:23of what those cliffs are,
01:25of what the whole rocky coast of Uruguay is.
01:28We are looking for rock by rock.
01:31We have against, the expert tells me, the currents.
01:35At the time of the disappearance,
01:38that the sea sucked it,
01:40what happened is that the currents were very strong.
01:43The currents are changing,
01:45it is possible that they take something
01:47and take it many meters deeper,
01:49that later they bring it to the east, to the west.
01:52That is to say that today the semicircle of work
01:56is one and a half kilometers from the coast
01:59where boats and specialized teams
02:02are crossing, looking for some kind of sighting,
02:05some signal, something, something to be able to find.
02:09And as the hours go by, dear Bobby,
02:12I have to be honest,
02:14I have said it several times with you
02:16and with all those who are watching us,
02:18as the hours go by,
02:20our hopes are fading
02:22because at this point
02:24we have not had any sign, something.
02:26And so far what the experts have
02:28is the obligation to look for it,
02:30the obligation to look for it.
02:32That's what the authorities are for
02:34and that's what all the deployment
02:36of this operation is for,
02:38which you have there in images.
02:40Gustavo, it is very logical what you say,
02:42one tries to be careful,
02:44you are, you have been all day yesterday,
02:46today too.
02:48We have talked a lot about clinging to hope,
02:50even even sheltering in some image
02:53where they are looking for
02:55such a characteristic virgin.
02:57But hey, I want to ask you two things.
02:59One is if,
03:01I understand that he was working there
03:03from here, from Bahía Blanca,
03:05if relatives have already approached
03:07to demand some kind of information,
03:09if they could do it,
03:11if not yet.
03:13And the other thing that worries me too,
03:15some press conference
03:17that there were rumors there
03:19that it was going to be called,
03:22with details that the search continues
03:24or if there is the opposite.
03:30Well, I'm going by parts.
03:32He had come to work,
03:34a worker, dear Bobby,
03:36who comes to earn his living
03:38as thousands of foreigners come,
03:40many of them Argentines,
03:42many people from the interior
03:44come to do what we call
03:46season, young people in general,
03:48in gastronomy, work in a cashier's shop,
03:50work as a kitchen assistant,
03:52in short, different activities,
03:54work as promoters,
03:56that is, different activities
03:58that many foreigners come here to my country
04:00and all are well received.
04:02With which we are talking about a worker,
04:04a young worker who had finished
04:06that day full,
04:08and that 31
04:10there were more than 70 parties,
04:12more than 40 restaurants,
04:14with which they had gone to see the first sun,
04:16to wait for the first sun of 2025.
04:19The relatives are here in Punta del Este,
04:21I'm not going to bother them,
04:23I'm not going to burden them,
04:25they don't care about that,
04:27they don't care about what we do,
04:29all they have is the hope
04:31to find some signal
04:33and the authorities have the obligation
04:35to give answers
04:37and the Argentine authorities have the obligation
04:39to make that available to all Argentine citizens
04:41who have some problem,
04:43who would have had some problem
04:45or in this case that a complex situation is happening,
04:47it is a crisis situation
04:49because the disappearance of an Argentine citizen
04:51is not a minor issue,
04:53especially when we are talking
04:55that it is someone who had come here
04:57sporadically for a few days,
04:59maybe a month, a month and a half,
05:01to make some pesos, a changa.
05:03So tell them that the relatives
05:05are already here,
05:07they are being attended,
05:09tell them that the operation must continue
05:11and will continue.
05:13Now the situation of the wind has changed,
05:16we have a more adverse climate,
05:18we have a more choppy sea,
05:20we have a more choppy sea,
05:22this is changing minute by minute
05:24and the authorities
05:26have at this moment
05:28on the radar
05:30the possibilities of work,
05:32tactical divers have retreated
05:34hoping that the conditions improve a little,
05:36the patrol work continues
05:38and the sighting with three boats
05:40all over the coast,
05:42as I was saying,
05:45in three semicircles,
05:47smaller and larger,
05:49close to the kilometer, kilometer and a half
05:51of the place where
05:53this young 30-year-old Argentine was last seen.
05:55So for now,
05:57wait, and as I told you early
05:59that the Virgin illuminates us.
06:01Yes, yes, yes, today you showed us early
06:03also in some images that we are using
06:05cloth, that is reflected,
06:07what we usually know with tracks
06:09that are on the ground,
06:11those that are placed one house away from another
06:13Perfect, thank you Direk,
06:15thanks to the production that at this moment
06:17we are seeing it, they did it that way
06:19which is much more complex to do it in the water
06:21there where it is worked on the area
06:23where they were thrown into the water
06:25some were taken out by the prefecture
06:27to highlight the work
06:29of the prefecture, Gustavo let me
06:31tell you also because part
06:33of the staff that was there
06:35was in quality of performing
06:37security tasks, not
06:39rescue, why?
06:41Because the presence of that prefecture staff
06:43had to do with
06:45the exhaustion of the parties
06:47so usual is the 31 at night
06:49then they were
06:51with characteristic clothes for what has to do
06:53with security tasks, not to
06:55jump into the water and save people
06:57then there they also ran
06:59a risk although it is trained staff
07:01then the other, the
07:03solidarity staff, the people who
07:05wanted to give a hand and among them
07:07this boy that we are looking for
07:09Gustavo managed to leave because
07:11he is Argentine too and had
07:13some previous knowledge as
07:15lifeguard, but it is a very complicated place
07:17and here I go with the question
07:19is that place that is prohibited
07:21for the bathroom, is it properly
07:23indicated that it is not
07:25a place to bathe?
07:29Look, the Emir is a beach
07:31of about 200 meters, it has to one side
07:33a rocky area that is
07:35prohibited, to the right and to the left
07:37but as the sea was very sharp
07:39if I throw myself in the middle, a few seconds
07:41I can be dragged if I do not have the
07:43knowledge, if I
07:45move away a little more than I can do
07:47I am dragged for any of the two points
07:49that's why I told you that
07:51the search between the rocks and that
07:53hairstyle that experts do and
07:55tactical divers, that in addition to telling you dear
07:57Bobby, they can't be six hours in a row
07:59they have a relief job
08:01they come in for a while, the relief
08:03is waiting, takes
08:05that energy, they rotate again
08:07the point is marked where
08:09the post, let's say where the post is taken
08:11and it is worked, it is combed
08:13the floor with the feet
08:15and they are also submerging
08:17also looking to tell you that
08:19the conditions this morning are not the
08:21now that we have a wind, we have
08:23a sharp sea and we have currents
08:25this is the Atlantic Ocean, dear Bobby
08:27and this is the open sea
08:29a current I can take it
08:31kilometers away in a single day
08:33which makes the task much more complex
08:35Can I ask Gustavo
08:37if he is also looking for it with drones?
08:39How not?
08:41Well, good question
08:43because right away I asked
08:45the prefect, how is it that there are no
08:47air vehicles, there are no drones, there is no
08:51and well, he told me that it was his
08:53responsibility that he had not
08:55believed necessary
08:57then it is seen that due to pressure that we did
08:59in the media, I said it several times
09:01at 5 o'clock in the afternoon yesterday
09:03the helicopters left, today the helicopters did not leave
09:05we did not see it all morning
09:07it was a divine day, the sea was calm
09:09we left early with you
09:11Bobby and we could see it live
09:13at this moment they are evaluating
09:15to see if they are going to send
09:17some aircraft and surely in a while
09:19they are going to retreat
09:21again the search teams
09:23to land because the conditions
09:25of the sea do not make it possible
09:27there is already a change in the currents
09:29that makes it more difficult
09:31and I tell you that in that place
09:33where this young man and this young man
09:35sailors left their clothes
09:37the boots, the gun, the vest
09:39and they threw themselves, it is not an easy area
09:41I tell you, it is not an easy area
09:43even those
09:45trained lifeguards
09:47they have to know how to enter
09:49they have to know how to get on
09:51because the sea sucks in that area
09:53and drags it immediately
09:553 or 4 meters down
09:57and under the bed are all stones
09:59makes one burst in the background
10:01I want to tell you that in that rocky area
10:03that you see images there
10:05it is known that in this area
10:07of ​​Punta del Este, many ships
10:09have been shipwrecked historically
10:11from the time of La Colonia, the Spanish ships
10:13Portuguese, English
10:15that were shipwrecked
10:17because the rocky ground
10:19makes it turn into a trap
10:21imagine if this young man
10:23was dragged and has been
10:25hit on that bed
10:27here in the ocean
10:29full of stones
10:31so I have to tell you that the team is working
10:33they have to work all the time
10:35necessary with all the resources
10:37until they can give us
10:39a signal and the family
10:41give them an answer
10:43of course, of course, Gustavo
10:45excellent work from there
10:47I hope, especially at this height
10:49one always expects the miracle
10:51we always expect the miracle
10:53that's why I showed you
10:55that we are commemorating
10:57the Virgin of the Candelaria
10:59who is the first Virgin to arrive in the Rio de la Plata
11:01in the year 1516
11:03from that time until now
11:05we have a protector
11:07and hopefully she can give us a signal
11:09and if not, at least if the miracle does not happen
11:11you can give a response
11:13to the family
