00:00qualifying dates in a year.
00:02So we are taking forms in advance.
00:04So somebody who is becoming eligible on 1st of January
00:07has already been enrolled.
00:08Similarly, three months henceforth,
00:10anybody who becomes eligible, we have taken forms already
00:13in advance.
00:14At the same time, that's why I keep
00:16stressing upon the importance that the messaging
00:22through the media channels is that we
00:25will try our best through the BLOs,
00:27through our other partners, to reach out
00:31to all the relief camps.
00:32And I'm very sure that the EROs have also done that.
00:35However, if there is any such instance where
00:37any voter is left behind, there's
00:40continuous exercise of enrollment as well.
00:43Summary revision is a special exercise.
00:45Otherwise also, around the year, there
00:48is a continuous updation of the electoral rolls.
00:53And people can apply online.
00:55People can give their physical copies also through the BLOs,
00:59or they can approach the EROs office.
01:01So through that also.
01:02So I'll request you all that kindly take this message.
01:05It should go to everybody, so that even if somebody
01:08has been left behind inadvertently,
01:12in continuous updation, we may be able to include them
01:15as well, whether it's here or here or in the valley.
01:18Just one last question.
01:21Any abnormal increase in voters in any particular area
01:24that you can?
01:25We have shared the details with you.
01:26You just have a look.
01:28Our exercise was a very normal exercise.
01:31So I would not say that the figures would be abnormal.
01:34However, after looking at the figures,
01:36if you find something, then you come back to us.
01:38We will explain.
01:40And so what about the limitations?
01:44As of now, that is not an issue we are discussing.
01:48Manipur is still one of the few states that are committed.
01:51So when the competent authority advises us,
01:55we will take up the exercise.
01:56But then, as of now, we are not doing anything in that regard.
02:02As in when the issue comes to us,
02:04we'll cross that bridge when we come to it.
02:06Any cases like IDPs, tensors, they
02:09have voter freeze from other countries?
02:12So that is a question that you'll have to ask the EROs.
02:16Because individually from here, it
02:18will be difficult for us to say.
02:19Because we compile the information that
02:22comes to us from the districts, and then we give it to you.
02:25So we will not have specific details of any voters.
02:29And people have every right to, if they fill in the form,
02:33there's a Form 8 for shifting.
02:35So let's say when I was working in Bihar,
02:39I would be a voter there.
02:40But now I am here in Manipur.
02:42So I will shift.
02:44So wherever you are the ordinary resident.
02:47In case of IDPs, the Election Commission of India
02:50has decided that they will be taken
02:54as ordinary resident of the place
02:55where they originally belong to.
02:58However, if somebody has shifted and wants
03:02to be enrolled as a voter, and if she or he fulfills
03:05the criteria, there is no reason why we should not
03:09include them here or there.
03:14Thank you very much.
03:15Somebody's phone.
03:18One more.
03:19One more phone.