• 2 months ago


00:30in the market.
00:31Only a third of the money that people donate for vegetables and fruits goes to the farmers.
00:37What are the reasons for this situation?
00:39What can the central government do about this issue?
00:42Let us discuss this issue in detail today.
00:44The speaker of the church is Mr. Tegala Sagar, Chairman of the Telangana Farmers' Association,
00:49Dr. Danda Rajareddy, Vice President of Telangana University.
00:52Mr. Sagar, Mr. Rajareddy, Namaste.
00:54Mr. Sagar, let us start with you.
00:57Mr. Sagar, when you go to the market and buy something,
00:59the money that you donate to the people,
01:01is sometimes a cause for tears for the farmers.
01:04So, what is the reason for this situation in the field of agriculture?
01:08If the central and state governments can actually do something about this situation,
01:17there is a chance that we can get out of this situation.
01:21But, the central government decides to give 23 crops to the farmers.
01:26But, there is no way that this situation can be solved.
01:30Also, the central government does not have the capacity to buy all the crops.
01:35In the past, the Swaminathan Committee stated that
01:38if the farmers can decide to give 50 crops to the farmers,
01:44and if they can guarantee that the crops will be bought,
01:47there is a chance that the farmers will be left with some crops.
01:52So, this is the first step to create a law.
01:56Secondly, if there is a guarantee that the crops will be bought,
02:01there is a chance that the farmers will be left with some crops.
02:06There is also a chance that this will stop the tradition of the farmer's suicide.
02:10Secondly, when we look at the difference between the past and the present,
02:16there used to be 10 to 15 crops.
02:19Now, if we look at it as you said,
02:22there is a difference of 60 to 65 crops.
02:26If a farmer gets 30 crops,
02:30when it comes to the harvest,
02:33he has to add the remaining 70 crops and
02:36he has to bear the burden of 100 crops for the harvest.
02:40So, to fill this gap,
02:43if we can create a law,
02:46there is a chance that the farmers will be left with some crops.
02:49Secondly, the crops that are grown in our country,
02:53there is a chance that the farmers will be forced to sell those crops from abroad.
02:59In the past, this was not the case before the partition of the WTO.
03:04After the partition of the WTO,
03:06there is a chance that the farmers will be forced to sell the crops that are not needed from abroad.
03:12Secondly, we have a shortage of oil and grains.
03:18Due to this shortage,
03:21there is a chance that the oil and grains will be exported to other countries.
03:28Or, there is a chance that the oil and grains will be exported to other parts of the country.
03:33If we can create a mechanism to encourage this,
03:38there is a chance that this will be stopped.
03:41In the case of fruits and vegetables,
03:44there is no need for them.
03:47In the case of the state of Telangana,
03:50there is a situation where we have to export them to other states.
03:56So, if the central and state governments can create a mechanism,
04:03there is a chance that this gap will be reduced.
04:07On the other hand, there is a chance that this gap will be reduced.
04:11Mr. Rajanetty, compared to the rest of the crops,
04:14the problem with vegetables and crops is severe.
04:17What is the government's decision regarding these crops that are essential to the people?
04:25If we look at the total production of vegetables and crops,
04:30there are about 53 percent of them in our state.
04:34That is, we have about 47 percent of the vegetables that we need.
04:40The remaining 53 percent is exported to other states.
04:45So, to create a mechanism for this,
04:48it is necessary to create a mechanism so that the vegetables are exported to other states annually.
04:58So, according to that,
