• 2 months ago


00:00Government officials, non-profit organizations, students, teachers, everyone has a part in this water protection.
00:15If a small tap is opened and a drop of water is spilled, there should be some kind of awareness.
00:22Mr. Ramachandran, what are the consequences of the heavy rains in Bhoogarbha and what other measures should be taken?
00:31People who have money don't have any such problems.
00:34Since cities have more money than villages, the government is arranging for it.
00:39They are arranging for 200-300 kms of water from wherever there is water.
00:45Due to this, people who have money don't have any problem.
00:48Poor people are always suffering because of this.
00:51Why are our cities growing?
00:53Because many people from nearby villages come here to work.
00:58Cities are growing here.
01:00It is the government's primary responsibility to make proper arrangements for them.
01:05When Bhoogarbha rains occur, poor people and citizens are the ones who suffer the most.
01:15There are many other activities happening in the cities.
01:19There are many other activities happening in the cities.
01:22There are many other activities happening in the cities.
01:25There are many opportunities here.
01:29To make all these happen, we need water.
01:33Without Bhoogarbha rains, it is very expensive to get water from the pipes.
01:39It is very expensive to stay there.
01:43The environment there starts to deteriorate.
01:47Urban decay starts to occur.
01:52The environment and ecological balance there are also affected.
01:57Even though we are experiencing all these,
02:00when it comes to the government, I feel that the people are the ones who are suffering the most.
02:05We all forget our responsibilities and the water that falls on our houses.
02:10We don't take responsibility for the garbage that is lying around our houses.
02:14That is why we are facing a lot of problems.
02:16The government should do what it has to do.
02:18But what are we doing as a citizen?
02:20Jobs are being lost.
02:23Unemployment is increasing.
02:25Cities are heating up.
02:27It is becoming difficult to live there.
02:29These are the problems that we are facing.
02:32We have the solutions.
02:34Why can't we do it?
02:36This is something that needs to be thought about.
02:38We need to take a science-based urban watershed project.
02:43They say that we need to make it as sustainable as possible.
02:46Mr. Sonakareddy, many people are saying that they don't want to use water.
02:50They say that they see water flowing on the roads in the morning.
02:53Is that also a reason for the water problem?
02:57What is happening is that people are only talking about rights.
03:02Responsibility is first.
03:04I am responsible for the water.
03:07We are forgetting our responsibilities.
03:10We are hurting the government and others.
03:12So, our responsibility should be taken first.
03:15Along with this, it is important for the government to provide localised solutions.
03:23Water is a global problem.
03:25But the solution should be local.
03:27Many people don't know about the water that we bring from 200 kilometres away.
03:32Have you seen this?
03:34We are abusing the water.
03:37Instead of saying that we are bringing the water from outside,
03:42we are saying that it is wrong to use it for washing cars and other purposes.
03:48We need to increase the penalties for such people.
03:52Mr. Ramachandra Reddy,
03:53lastly, many people are abusing the natural resources.
03:58Is there no way to solve this problem?
04:01Is it a solution to issue fines in Bangalore?
04:05When it comes to fines in Bangalore,
04:10it is a good practice.
04:13In Bangalore, Pune and other cities,
04:16many people are saving the water there.
04:21Many people have stopped the rain in their houses and colonies.
04:26Many colonies are water positive.
04:29They are treating people with grey water.
04:31There is a program called Billion Wells.
04:34When there is an opportunity to do this in all the cities,
04:38it has been done extensively in Bangalore.
04:41It is just starting in Hyderabad.
04:43There is a need to do this too.
04:45If all the powers, government institutions, CSR agencies work together,
04:51the government can support them in a big way.
04:56Thank you, Mr. Karunakar Reddy and Mr. Ramachandra Reddy.
04:59Namaskaram to all.