• 2 months ago
00:00But the Patriots butchered that all of that said I don't think that's why Mayo's out of a job
00:04I think he had already coached his way out based on the result against the chargers. I feel that way in retrospect
00:09I didn't feel that way in real time, but I think it's clear looking back on it
00:12That's when he lost the job how they played against the chargers fans booing
00:16Fans saying fire mayo the way the players carried themselves last week fans to another place
00:21Not not knowing what to do with remandre stevenson to start last week's game start sunday. Kia didn't start yesterday
00:26They didn't start to buy yesterday either
00:28Uh the the key on white comment like all of it. I think he was fired
00:31I don't think it was because of the result but make no mistake. They screwed that up. That was a disaster yesterday
00:36Yeah, and that is going to
00:38I mean, I I hope not but that's gonna haunt them. I think for a long period of time
00:42At least they got the mayo thing, right?
00:44In the end they got it wrong when they hired him. They screwed up the draft pick and it's it's insane
00:49Like what you go back in the history of it when when teams have traded the number one pick what you get for that
00:56Anything lower really so you could have had
00:59What two ones two twos and a player like you could have had some insane haul now
01:04You still have to hit on those picks and I know a lot of us have questions on whether elliot wolf can hit on those
01:09Picks, but still i'll take the number of shots at it and then maybe even a player or two that's already established instead
01:15You have the fourth pick in a draft that has two quarterbacks
01:20That I don't know may or may not be great anyway
01:23And then after that it's not as strong as a draft as in previous years
01:27Just so dumb. It was right there for you
01:30And then you win that game and not a single fan there was happy about it
01:33I mean, it's terrible if they had the number one pick and fired mayo today would be what a day I mean
01:37You would feel great
01:39Organizationally, it is a little bit
01:41It's a glitter guns kind of day keith. It would have been a glitter guns day
01:45If they had the number one pick, but unfortunately sad they couldn't even get that done
