• 2 months ago
Una mujer le exige todo al padre de su hija, incluso su felicidad.


00:00You're going to get dizzy, Kateli.
00:06Hey, careful, don't fall.
00:09Look how happy they look.
00:12Is she always there when you're with your daughter?
00:14Clara, stop, please. She's my Polola, you know that.
00:17There are many Pololas.
00:19Hi, my love.
00:23Mommy, we have to go.
00:25I told you I would take her home.
00:27That was before I found out you were with Lizita.
00:32Clara, please.
00:33I'm not talking to you, seriously.
00:35I don't like my daughter messing with your Pololas.
00:38That wasn't the deal.
00:39Please, Clara.
00:40They get along really well, what's wrong with you?
00:42Stop defending her.
00:43Stop fighting.
00:49We're leaving, Elena.
00:50Let's go.
00:51We're leaving.
00:54Bye, my love.
01:03I broke up with Clara four years ago.
01:06I only wanted what was best for our daughter.
01:08That's why I was trying to build a good relationship with her.
01:11But since I found out I was with Marcia,
01:13everything started to get complicated.
01:18I brought you here because
01:21I didn't like what happened the other day.
01:23I feel like it's not good for Elena.
01:25You shouldn't have mixed things up.
01:26Is it so hard for you to leave?
01:28Or do you want to be friends now?
01:31I'm not going to separate Marcia from Elena.
01:33They're both part of my life.
01:34I don't care.
01:36Look, I also had to talk to you
01:38because you haven't paid me what we agreed on.
01:41But, Clara,
01:44I've had financial problems.
01:46I was unemployed.
01:47I give you almost everything I have.
01:49I don't lack anything.
01:50But it's not what we agreed on.
01:52You have a debt.
01:54Yes, I know.
01:55But we already talked about this.
01:57We agreed that when I was better
01:59I would pay everything.
02:00And that's how it's going to be.
02:01And you think I'm stupid
02:02and that I don't know that now you spend all your money on that woman?
02:05Nothing to do with it.
02:06Nothing to do with it.
02:09Really, I don't have more.
02:11You know I live with what's fair.
02:14Let's see.
02:15Can we talk
02:17as civilized people?
02:24What's this?
02:26I'm going to sue you for huge pension.
02:29Let's see if you don't have anything else to give me now.
02:33Oh, and I guess you won't be as poor
02:35as not being able to pay for coffee.
02:54Can we eat scrambled eggs?
02:56Of course we can.
02:57And we can also add a little tomato
02:58to make it tastier.
03:00Oh, how nice!
03:02Hi, Mommy.
03:03Hi, my love.
03:04Come on, let's go talk to Dad.
03:07We went to buy bread.
03:08I want to talk to Juan, not you.
03:20And you?
03:23My love, can I be alone with Dad for a while?
03:25Yes, go to the room and watch TV for a while.
03:30I guess I can come in.
03:32Come in.
03:45Your house is very ugly.
03:47It shows that there is no woman with taste here.
03:49By the way, I just met your friend outside
03:51bringing my daughter by the hand.
03:53Didn't we agree on something?
03:55Let's see, Clara.
03:56You have me suing you.
03:57Even though I live like this,
03:58I've sold almost all my furniture
03:59and now you want me not to?
04:00I don't want that woman near my daughter.
04:02You don't want me to be with her.
04:03Admit it.
04:04Clara, we're divorced.
04:07Look, Juan.
04:08It's very simple.
04:09Either you stay away from that woman
04:11or this is going to get worse.
04:15Look, Clara.
04:18Look, I'm not going to leave Marcia.
04:20You can't forbid me to be happy and free.
04:27Be free.
04:47Hey, honey.
04:48What's going on?
04:49Why is that girl so heavy?
04:51She's not going to stop with this.
04:53The worst thing is that she may not even be in jail anymore.
04:57Because I haven't paid all the pensions we agreed on.
05:01Yeah, but...
05:02Is there anything we can do to help her?
05:04I don't know.
05:05I don't know.
05:06I don't know.
05:07I don't know.
05:08I don't know.
05:09I don't know.
05:10I don't know.
05:11I don't know.
05:12I don't know.
05:13I don't know.
05:14I don't know.
05:15Is there anything we can do or not?
05:18Well, that the judge believes me, Mom.
05:20And that he really understands that I don't pay because I don't have a single penny.
05:25Oh, honey.
05:26I don't want anything to happen to you.
05:31Don't worry.
05:32We have to trust, Mom.
05:46Oh, it's so early in the morning.
05:49Are you going to pick up Elena?
05:51Because I already have the panorama ready for the whole day.
06:01Yes, but I have to go alone.
06:04The lawyer told me that it's better if you're not there.
06:08The thing is ugly and if Clara gets angry, it's going to be worse.
06:28Look, I don't care if things are like this.
06:32This happens every day.
06:34I'm so sorry.
06:37I adore Elena.
06:40And I'm so sorry I can't see her.
06:47I have to go.
06:58I'm sorry.
07:00I'm sorry.
07:02I'm sorry.
07:04It's better that way.
07:08I'll call you later.
07:16Why did everything have to be so difficult?
07:19Now I lived with fear.
07:21I was forced to love less.
07:24I had Clara controlling me.
07:26I already felt trapped.
07:30Elena is happy.
07:32I'm glad you finally decided to come alone.
07:35I don't have a choice.
07:39Why don't we make a deal?
07:42I've always told you that it's much healthier to make a deal between us than go to court.
07:46Now that you agreed to leave your little girl aside.
07:50Don't you think it would be a good time to start being a family again?
07:54We're divorced.
07:56It's not a joke, right?
07:58It depends on you.
08:09No, Clara.
08:11Let's love each other.
08:13She's my family now.
08:21Then you'll have to face the consequences.
08:26Clara went ahead with the lawsuit.
08:28And the court would fail that same afternoon about my situation.
08:31I was worried and scared.
08:33But above all, sad to see me forced to be away from my daughter and Marcia.
08:37I can't believe he did this.
08:39I swear I can't believe it.
08:41What's on his mind?
08:43How can he not think of his daughter?
08:45She's heartbroken.
08:47And the lawyer told me he's the worst enemy in these cases.
08:50He also told me it's 40 nights.
08:54At least a nocturnal revolution.
09:02No, honey.
09:04I can get the money.
09:06I don't know.
09:08To pay for this.
09:10You don't have to go to jail.
09:12No, Marcia.
09:14That doesn't solve anything.
09:16I just have to find another job.
09:18And have some luck.
09:20That's all.
09:29And when do you have to go?
09:34Next Monday.
09:43Let's do it.
09:45Yes, let's do it.
09:47Look, if I have to go see you in jail,
09:49I want to do it like your wife.
10:00I'd be the happiest man in the world.
10:04Elena would love it.
10:07But she can't.
10:09Not now, at least.
10:20The power that guides me
10:32Hi, Elena.
10:34How are you, Elena?
10:38You know, I need to talk to you.
10:40We don't have anything to talk about.
10:42Honey, can you go play for a while?
10:45Yes, of course.
10:46Can you finish this, please?
10:48I'm asking you not to put Juan in jail.
10:52Has justice been served?
10:54Juan has to take responsibility for his daughter.
10:57I mean, he's too distracted
10:59with this little slut he has with you.
11:01I'm not the slut.
11:03I'm Juan's girlfriend.
11:05We're getting married.
11:07I mean, what was missing for the madness to be complete.
11:09Look, you know what?
11:11I want to ask you if...
11:13If Elena can attend our wedding.
11:14On Monday, before the night guard comes in.
11:18How can you think I'm going to allow something like this?
11:21I mean, my daughter is not going anywhere.
11:23For no reason.
11:25Can you stop ever thinking about your life?
11:27And think about your daughter for a moment?
11:29Look, I'm going to marry Juan.
11:32And Elena is going to grow up having us together.
11:34Do you like it or not?
11:58Are you sure you want to get married without a wedding night?
12:01Oh, my love, that's the least I care about.
12:04Besides, I find it very romantic to have to wait for you 40 nights.
12:11It's a bad joke, but...
12:14I can't believe this is happening.
12:16Oh, my love, we're getting married.
12:18And that's the least I care about.
12:20Besides, we're going to be together until we die.
12:25The only thing I feel is that Elena doesn't see our delights.
12:36We have a whole day full of surprises.
12:39First, we're going to the movies.
12:42Then, we're going to have a nice cup of tea.
12:44And then, at night, we're going to order a pizza, okay?
12:48Mom, there's a mom who died in my course.
12:51I don't want you to die ever.
12:53My love, why are you telling me this? It's so sad.
12:56It's because my classmate is alone with her dad.
12:59And she feels like she's missing something.
13:01I never want to be alone.
13:04My love, you're never going to be alone. Never.
13:08But you and my dad are separated.
13:10And you're mad at him.
13:12And at Marcia.
13:15You like her, don't you?
13:18Well, with me and my dad.
13:20Why not love her?
13:26My love.
13:32Do you see what we're going to do?
13:34We're going to go home.
13:36We're going to dress up a little bit.
13:38And we're going to go out because I have a surprise for you, okay?
13:47It's time to step on the stick again.
13:49Oh, you're so heavy.
13:54Elenita, my love. What a surprise.
14:00Hi, Juan.
14:05We were going out to...
14:08Yes, to get married.
14:10Yes, I know.
14:12That's why I brought Elena.
14:14It's an important day for you.
14:16And it's not fair for your daughter to lose it.
14:19Thank you, Clara.
14:21Really, thank you very much.
14:23Be very happy.
14:31Oh, I made you so much hair.
14:33Although my daughter was able to accompany us to our wedding,
14:37it was still the 40 most difficult nights of my life.
14:41But thank God,
14:42I later found a good job and was able to pay off my debts with Clara.
14:46It was a great obstacle,
14:48but the love of my daughter and my wife gave me the strength to overcome it.
